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House Rules

This is where you will find all the rule changes made and added content for these campaigns.

Table Rules

These are rules all players must follow for a smooth, distraction free, immersive experience.


These are the D&D books we can use

DM Guide
Player's Handbook
Monster Manuel
Elemental Evil Player's Companion
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft
Volo's Guide to Monsters
Xanathar's Guide to Everything

To encourage roleplay, participation, immersion and teamwork; When a player performs great roleplay of their character that is not interruptive, performs well in combat with their plan and actions ready before their turn, is creative in a solution or plays to the story (yes, and...) or follows the theme, setting, genre (such as in a dark fantasy/horror, playing to a character's fear), The party will be rewarded with the inspiration d6 that can be used in any roll to add to it.

To discourage interruptions or distractions to keep the game from taking extra time or taking players out of the game, if anyone is seen on their phone, other than using it for D&D Beyond, digital character sheets or note taking, talks out of turn or about something not related to the game; then your character will hold less lore and story information and the enemies will find them an easy target who is not paying attention, targeting them ruthlessly. You get three chances to get back into the game before they attempt to kill off your character exclusively. If you don't want to play, then you don't need a character alive.

First Warning - The gods are disappointed in you; the DM will no longer fudge their rolls in your favour.
Second Warning - You will no longer be able to recall information about the current story or make History checks. Enemies will target your character in combat, looking to force death saves.
Final Warning - Your character will be killed, not just targeted and downed, in combat.
If these issues continue after this point, you will be removed from the game. These warnings reset every session.

Special cases can be made for emergencies.

Secret Messages
Sometimes the DM will message you information about the game while we play. This information is usually something only your character should know and not the other players. Even so, it's up to you as a character if you wish to reveal this information. You can also message the DM any secret actions you wish to take and if approved, may require stealth or slight of hand checks to see if any other player sees you perform the action. Now if you just have a question, just ask when it is your turn to speak.
Messages will preferably be sent via Facebook Messenger or Discord.

It is common courtesy for the players to bring food, drinks and snacks for everyone. Sometimes players pay the DM as the DM is usually the one that bought all the books, miniatures, maps, accessories, ect, for the game to run. It's fine if any player doesn't do either, as long as you have fun playing.

Feel free to eat and drink as we play, just make sure your hands are clean and you are paying attention to the game.

In-Game Rules

These are rules that apply to the players' characters.

Ability Scores
To find out your ability scores, you have an additional option with mix of dice rolling and point buy systems to allow for major weaknesses and strengths in a character to encourage teamwork while still allowing you to have some creative control over your stats. First, roll 3d6 6 times and record the sum of each roll. Second, you then add to those numbers from a pool of 5 points. Increasing any number to 16, 17 or 18 costs 2 of those points. No number can go above 18 in this way.

If you wish to be certain you have decent stats, at least one strength and one weakness, you can use a modified standard array of 17, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8.

Death by Old Age: If your character ages to their race's average lifespan as explained under their "age" trait, they must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 10. On a success, they continue living. On a fail, their max HP will continue to drop by 1 per day until their max becomes 0 and they die. Every year, on their birthday where they'll be older than their average lifespan, they must repeat the Constitution saving throw adding on the number of years pass the average to the DC. (For example, a Half-orc on their 80th birthday would have to succeed on a Constitution saving throw of 15 or they will continue to lose max HP until death.)

Grom'Kull Orc and Zugol Orc are new playable Races.

Dwarves start with the Heavy Weight Drinker feat. (See Consumables -> Alcohol)

Dhampir are Creature Type: Undead.

Reborn's Creature Type are dependent on their origin. In general they are Undead unless their origin suggest they are a Construct, such as the origins 5 and 8.

If you choose to start as a Lineage, please also select a race as well for your Ability Score Improvements, Languages, size, and you may select 1 racial feature (such as Drow Magic or Draconic Ancestry), but you must also select a Dark Gift.

Warlock: A warlock's spell slots are equal to their proficiency bonus at their Warlock level.

A few elements of combat have been altered and will be separated for clarification.
Flanking: When a creature is fully surrounded on 4 sides or more, then attacking creatures get +3 to their attack rolls.
Martial Checks: As a bonus action you can perform a Martial Check. You declare that you are checking physical (Insight check) or mental (Arcana check) combat prowess of an individual creature. The higher you roll, the more information you learn. You can not learn information you'd learn from class features;
Know Your Enemy (Fighter -> Battle Master) or Insightful Manipulator (Rogue -> Mastermind), which would exclude:
• Ability Scores
• Class Levels
• Armor Class
• Current HP
• History
• Personality Traits
Critical Hit: If a creature rolls a Critical Hit, they roll damage + modifiers + the maximum possible result of the attack die/dice.
Advantage: Advantage and disadvantage is calculated as + and - and only cancels each other out if they are equal. Having +2 or more or -2 or less does not impact your rolls any different from having +1 or -1.
For example; if you are receiving advantage from Faerie Fire and the target is prone and you are poisoned, that would make your advantage +1+1-1=1 so you would still have advantage on attacking that creature.
If you are a barbarian using Reckless Attack against a prone creature while 10 feet away using a weapon with reach while you are restrained and poisoned, that would make your advantage +1-1-1-1=-2 so you would have disadvantage, but not roll 3 dice, only 2 and use the lowest result as normal.

Potions: Potions can be used quickly, usually with instant effects. In combat, they can be used as an action or bonus action. When used as an action they offer their full benefit. When used as a bonus they may offer their full benefit by dice roll.
Alcohol: Consuming alcoholic beverages has various effects depending on how much you drink. When you drink an alcoholic beverage, state how much of it you are consuming, the Alcohol Content of the drink will decrease and your Alcohol Amount will increase by that amount. Your Alcohol Amount will determine the effect it has on you.
The various beverages available are: Beer, Wine, Fine Wine, Ale, Mead, Cider, Rum, Vodka, Dwarven Water and Absinthe.
The various containers alcohol can be sold and served in are: 4oz glasses or shot glasses, cups, tankards, bottles, pitchers, barrels. Alcohol Content and Effects
Alcohol Content Drink Type (Container)
1 Beer (tankard), Wine (4oz glass), Ale, Mead, Cider (cup), Rum or Vodka (4oz glass)
2 Ale, Mead, Cider (tankard) or Wine (cup)
3 Fine Wine (4oz glass), Ale, Mead, Cider (bottle), Rum, Vodka or Dwarven Water (cup)
4 Wine (tankard)
5 Rum or Vodka (tankard)
6 Dwarven Water (tankard), Wine (bottle) or Fine Wine (cup)
8 Beer (pitcher), Rum or Vodka (bottle)
9 Dwarven Water (bottle)
10 Absinthe (4oz glass)
12 Fine Wine (tankard)
16 Ale, Mead or Cider (pitcher)
18 Fine Wine (bottle)
20 Absinthe (cup)
32 Wine (pitcher)
40 Rum, Vodka (pitcher), Absinthe (tankard)
48 Dwarven Water (pitcher)
96 Fine Wine (pitcher)
320 Beer (barrel), Absinthe (pitcher)
640 Ale, Mead or Cider (barrel)
1,280 Wine (barrel)
1,600 Rum or Vodka (barrel)
1,920 Dwarven Water (barrel)
3,840 Fine Wine (barrel)
12,800 Absinthe (barrel)
Alcohol Amount Effect
3-4 Buzzed Advantage on Charisma Checks.
5-7 Tipsy Disadvantage on Wisdom and Dexterity Checks.
8-11 Drunk Poisoned. You must succeed in a Dexterity Saving Throw DC 10 to move or become prone.
12-14 Wasted Poisoned and Stunned, but can move at half speed. You must succeed in a Dexterity Saving Throw DC 20 to move without automatically failing or become prone. You can not get up. Once your Alcohol Amount drops below 5, you gain 1 level of exhaustion.
15 Blackout You are unconscious until your Alcohol Amount is 0. Once it is, you wake up and gain 2 levels of exhaustion. Any more than 15 and you have to start making death saves. At 20 you die.

You lose 1 Alcohol Amount per hour.
There are also 2 feats that change your Alcohol Amount gain rate: Heavy Weight Drinker and Light Weight Drinker. You can only have 1 at a time.
Heavy Weight Drinker: Alcohol Amount you gain is reduced by half, rounded down, minimum of 1.
Light Weight Drinker: Alcohol Amount you gain is doubled.

There are also 3 feats that change the effects of alcohol: Angry Drunk, Flirty Drunk, Drunken Fighter. You can only have 1 at a time.
Angry Drunk: Tipsy - Add your proficiency bonus to your Intimidation checks on top of any proficiency or expertise you already have.
Drunk - Add your proficiency bonus to your Intimidation checks on top of any proficiency or expertise you already have and +1 to damage rolls.
Flirty Drunk: You do not receive any negative effects on your Charisma from alcohol.
Tipsy - Advantage on Charisma Checks.
Drunk - Advantage on Charisma Checks and add your proficiency bonus to your Persuasion checks on top of any proficiency or expertise you already have.
Drunken Fighter: Tipsy - Advantage on attack rolls.
Drunk - You instead have advantage on attack rolls. You do not need to make a Dexterity Saving Throw to move. Critical hit on 19 and 20 with unarmed strikes. +1 to AC.
Wasted - Advantage on attack rolls. You are not stunned. +1 to AC.

Keeping Watch: When the party decides to take a rest in an unsafe location party members can decide to keep watch. Keeping watch is done in shifts, each shift lasting 2 hours. A short rest has 1 shift, a long rest has 4 shifts. Anyone and any amount of party members can be assigned to any and even multiple shifts. During each shift, the watchers must make a Perception check. On a success, they notice a threat or find there is no threat. On a fail, they are ambushed if there was a threat.
Number of Shifts Effect
1 No effect on your long rest
2 Receive a short rest's benefits instead of a long rest's
3 Receive a short rest's benefits instead of a long rest's and gain 1 level of exhaustion if you have less than 3 levels.
4 Receive no rest benefit and gain 1 level of exhaustion if you have less than 5 levels.
Grasslands, Hills, Path - Perception DC: 10
Forest, Jungle, Swamp - Perception DC: 15
Mountains, Sea, Arctic - Perception DC: 18
If you are a Druid or Ranger and have the biome in your circle or as your favoured terrain, then you have advantage on the checks.
Setting up alarms, or having a second creature on the same shift will also grant advantage.
Weather, such as heavy rain or a blizzard, as well as magical darkness will cause disadvantage.


Here you will find information on homebrewed spells and Wild Magic.

Reincarnation has a new table of available races.
Feywild Lock - Druid Level 3
Raise Dead now has the possibility of bringing someone back to life as an undead. When it is cast, the caster must roll 1d20 with their Spellcasting modifier + the target's CON modifier and beat a DC of 20. On a fail, the target returns as a Reborn with the 1st origin, making you Undead.
Wild Magic has a new 170 result table.


Here you will find changes made to 5th edition D&D to fit the Dragonlance setting.




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