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A powerful ambush predator with enough power to take down larger predators. The Aligatorian's seem to have it all when it comes to physical prowess, as they have found a knack for making the rivers and ponds that all animals need to survive, their home.  

Physical Description

Aligatorians typically can stand up between 8' to 7' tall, with females being a few inches shorter. Their skin is often covered in green scales, with their underparts often being a brighter, more smoother texture. They are often very bulky and stout, with small claws on their hands and feet. Depending on the tribe or area they are from, they will have a unique skin discoloration that looks like spots all over their body in a pattern unique to each one. Eye colors also vary between different tribes and cultures, but they are always reptilian and generally bright colors.  


Many tribes institute a strong sense of self-reliance amongst their members, where any adult is freely willing to self-govern their "domain" as they please from others. They have more recently taken up a very territorial and defensive outlook on outsiders and anyone they do not recognize. Despite their hermit lifestyle, there does exist a very unique social dynamic between all aligotarians who share regions of a swamp or river as a form of mutual assistance, often this is where tribal governance can be found, or even meetings of local warlords discussing possible targets for expansion. Both the scales and tribal patter you are born with can be a powerful first impression to any Aligotarian, generally older and more politically powerful figures. It is believed that different colors were associated with ritualistic magic casted by their ancestors, who were blessed by Grox and Swamp Nymphs. In addition, battle scars, trophies, and "war poems" are another way to get on any Aligatorian's good side.

Mechanical Information


Ability Score Increase +2 Str, +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 20' Land 40' Swim

Age: They reach adulthood at 28 Years, and live up to 180 Years.
Alignment: Aligotarian's are lone hunters, and it is often seen as a way to prove your worth in their society to no longer rely on others. Social structures mean little to them, even family and offspring do not mean much after they become self-reliant. They tread down a more chaotic path, but some have found niche roles in forming a society. They do not tend to sway either good or bad, but many pride themselves in seeking vengeance for the lost of their homeland.
Size: Males can stand over 8' tall, while Females stand roughly 7' tall. Your size is medium.
Language: They can speak Aligotarian.

Racial Traits

Darkvision: You can see up to 60' in the dark, and double that in dim light. They can only see different shades of gray in both these lights.
Gator Jaw: Your jaw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, and the target is grappled (escape DC 10 + your Strength modifier). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and you can't bite another target.
The Death Roll: If you land a successful Gator Jaw attack, and submerge your target underwater while keeping them grappled, you can use your action to deal piercing damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier each turn.
Freshwater Habitat: You ignore difficult terrain caused by rivers, marshes, wetlands, and swaps.
Saltwater Weakness: Saltwater is considered difficult terrain for you, in addition, it will cause 1d4 toxic damage per hour you remain covered in it.
Ambush Hunter: You have advantage on Stealth checks to hide when you can fully submerge yourself in water.
Rudder Tail: You have a natural swim speed of 40 ft. In addition, you can jump out of water using normal jump mechanics.
Hold Breath: You can hold your breath for 15 minutes.

Two Aligotarian Tribesman by Hellsuwus
Type: Monstrous (Aligotarian)
Origin Planet: Sigom
Governments: Alogtarric Tribes
Demonym: Aligotarians
Random Starting Age
Teenager (20-28 years)
Young Adult (29 - 41 years)
Adult (42 - 60 years)
Random Starting Height
Small 6'10" - 7'4"
Average 7'5" - 7'11"
Tall 8' - 8'6"

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