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Alogtarric Tribes


Aligotarians emerged from deep within the Kashantha Swamps where their superior builds allowed them to become apex predators in the region. Given little competition, different culture groups seeking more land had spread out, locating rivers, marshes, and other swampland they called home. The harsh and difficult terrain provided them with a natural defense, as retreating deeper into the swamp or river beds acted as a method to elude other species who competed with their food source. This lifestyle allowed them to remain as powerful ambush predators who would feed on aquatic life when needed. Given their sedentary nature, they had often kept up the land they inhabited, leaving room for edible herbs and plants to grow, and tending to tree's bushes to maximize their food sources. Some of these early agrarian practices allowed for adoption of farming extremely easy, especially given the nature of their often close neighbors, the Ribaulti.
Many cultures stayed independent of one another, though often word traveled between them commonly. Most of their foreign contact was limited to Ribaultian cultures who had inhabited the same regions they lived in. Given the wide range of territory, it depended on regional differences if they had any kind of agreement or were outwardly hostile. Often you would find aligotarians guarding the exterior while ribaultians dominated the interior, with varying levels of overlap given mutual opinions. One thing both species did share was philosophical and religious beliefs. It is unknown if their beliefs merged together over time, or if they were always the same from the beginning.
With the sudden expulsion and displacement of Ribaulti and Alligotarian people due to the early conquests of the Ohmreg, more and more cultures saw themselves extinct or fleeing to even more remote parts of the planet. Given the cultural significance of the Kashantha Swamps to both people, an old alliance was formed to fend off the Ohmreg army, who were unable to expand beyond a certain barrier put up by the mutual alliance. However a big change had occurred with the introduction of Bronze-making had taken over the battlefield, with many Algotarric tribes in a state of internal conflict, the Ohmreg were able to fully defeat any resistance put up by the alliance, forcing either fealty to the foreign powers that be, or death. This had resulted in the near-extinction of the Alogtarric tribes as they sought to never give up their homeland. What few survivors remained had once again left their ancestral homelands to settle elsewhere.
Much like the Ribaultian Clans they often seek isolationism, and do not partake in most outside affairs, unless it may impact their homelands. They have become hardy and brutal people who have largely become solidarity hunters, though some do see a benefit in staying in contact and organizing with others in the area. These small tribes across the planet are all that remain of their people.


Magg Stones are a cultural and religious icon of all Alogtarric tribes. These are large boulders found in the center of tribal lands, often engraved in an ancient language known only to Alogtarric Abberaturges. The stones have much symbolic meaning behind them: They are often very large and imposing rocks which stand out from the terrain around them, yet they keep and form it together. While trees and plants may wither away, the boulders will always remain unfettered by most vegetation. They also act as a source of protection, as it acts as a safe point to meet or congregate. Rituals and festivals also occur here, where Ribaulti and Aligotarians still mingle from time to time. It was believed by some that the Magg Stones also acted as an abberaturgic source of communication in the past, and that the link was the primary Magg Stones in Kashantha Swamps, which have been destroyed.
Other sources of worship is Bogfen also called "Goddess of the Ancient Swamp" who is a deity of hunting, swamplands, and fishery. She often takes up the form of a massive speaking freshwater fish, but also as a Swamp Nymph. Several tribes also pay tribute to Grox an Alogtarric-specific diety of ambushing, survival, and battle.


Aligotarian - Majority Population, limited
Ribaulti - Some have become integrated to Alogtarric society, given the overlapping history they share.


The few remaining Alogtarric Tribesman are a fierce and hardy group of individualists who are adept on hiding and ambushing their prey.
Attribute: Constitution
Skill: Stealth

Pick one from below

Scorned Tribe
You are apart of a tribe that has been shunned by most other tribes and communities. Members do not leave tribal territory out fear of violence, causing the community to become an isolated pocket socially and economically.
Skill: Kinesthetics
Tool: Weaver's Tools
Language: You speak a strange dialect of Aligotarian that is hard for most to understand, yet still intelligible. Equipment: Weaver's Tools, A small hand-held totem of a aligatorian on a necklace (Symbol of your clan), 3 Wooden Javelins, Ttribal clothing
Feature: Cruel Mockery Many places know of your tribe, and will often make sure it's known. As such, you will You gain a +1 to your stealth score whenever you are in an isolated setting, but a -1 to diplomacy whenever communicating to non-tribal members.

Memberless Chief
You were apart of a tribe that was mutually disbanded by you and it's members for whatever reason. You have lived a solidarity life for quite some time where your tribe used to call home, unable to find any tribe willing to accept you as one of their own.
Skill: Survival
Tools: knapping's tools
Equipment: Fishing Net, tribal clothing, knapping's tools, flint axe, flint knife, a stone with a strange carving on it from your tribe
Feature: Bonds of a lost era
Some members of your tribe live on and found tribes to adopt them as full members. Most look highly at you, and are still sympathetic towards you. They will always be willing to lend you hand, whether it be a place to sleep, food, or even assistance with tasks you need performed. You have learned of an ancient tribal ritual when growing up, but some of the details are fuzzy and would require help from your tribe members to perform. Given your limited contact with them you cannot quite recall of their location.

Merciless Warrior
You love nothing more than the rush of adrenaline you get rushing into combat head-on. You have gained a knack at using this to your advantage.
Skill: Intimidation
Tools: Leatherworker's Tools
Equipment: A horn of a felled beast, a crystal dagger passed down from your family, a tribal banner notating your prowess, gemstones worth 50gp
Feature: Trill of the Fight Your skills on the field are well-known by most warlords, who may request your audience and grant you gifts in return for limited service. In addition, At the start of combat, you can gain a flat bonus to all damage by 1, and can use it again upon a long rest.

Shaman in-training
You have received training from a skilled abberaturgist on how to perform and practice abberaturgy. While you may not have unraveled their secrets, you have departed from your studies with a trait most never had the luxury of learning.
Skill: Arcana
Tools: Alchemist Kit
Equipment: Alchemist Kit, tribal abberaturgy clothing, a single magic-infused acorn, tree bark containing notes from your studies
Language: You can partially read Ancient Tol'Geta, more-so if the text involves abberaturgy. but are unable to speak it fluently.
Feature: Shaman Practices
You were trained by a druidic abberician, who you still have contact with.. They may be able to assist you in matters related to nature, or abberaturgy in general, though he will often ask you for a favor or money in return for his tutelage. You gain a cantrip from the druid spell list and cast it at character level.

A profession often given to those who are tasked with patrolling the vast range of territory owned by tribes. Those who train make excellent guards, couriers, and explorers.
Skill: Athletics
Tools: Cartographer's tools
Equipment: Leather Satchel, Copper Spear, tribal clothes, an engraved ivory horn, cartographer's tools
Feature: Seasoned Marshsprinter
Having traveled though many marsh and swampland, you have learned how to travel though them with ease. Your movement speed on land is increased by 5ft, in addition you are unaffected by marshlands as difficult terrain. At the start of combat, you can use your bonus action to gain an additional move action.

Swamp Marauders
You joined a marauder gang under a powerful warlord, who prioritized on gaining wealth by taking it from those who were weaker than you. In addition, they focused on amassing land from by burning out the original inhabitants of resources until they migrated elsewhere.
Skill: Deception
Tools: Cook's Utensils
Equipment: Tattoo/Marking to signify comradery with your fellow marauders, Cook's Utensils, stylized tribal clothes, leather armor
Feature: Grit of misfortunes
Through thick-and-thin, you have learned that pushing yourself forward no matter is thrown at you has allowed you to live another day. "Through agony, we prosper" - a strongly-believed saying your warlord would always say. Whenever an opponent within 15ft of you rolls a 1 on a d20, you would heal for 3 HP per dice.

Swamp Woodworker Guild
Thick swamplands are often an ignored feature - Here lies durable trees able to survive the effects of both constant submersion and limited topsoil. You have taken up the profession of using these hardy woods to craft and construct all sorts of baubles and structures for all inhabitants.
Skill: Nature, Profession (lumberjack)
Tools: Carpenter's Tools
Equipment: Carpenter's Tools, Copper double-sided axe, Several smooth-cut wooden rods of various tree types, 30ft hemp rope, Guild Uniform and Hat
Feature: Aspiring Member
After working with many different sources of wood, you can easily identify the type items and structures are made with. In addition, you can locate weaknesses in them with ease, such as ideal places to strike a door or to set a wall ablaze. Repairing wooden items and structures takes you half the time and consumes half the amount of resources. While not the largest guild, the Swamp Woodworker Guild can provide logistics and work for you in most marshes/swamps, in addition to providing cheap lodging and resources.


Government Type: Territorial Tribes
Government Style: Gerontocratic Tribal Confederation
Government Structure: Warlords
Ruler: Supreme Warlord Zurok disputed
Political Reach: Limited region in Sigom
Size: Varied territory across Sigom
Headquarters: None
Purpose: Protection of Aligotarians
Common Language: Aligotarian
Religion: Magg Stone
Preceded By: Holy Magg Sovereignty

Friendly (Legacy)

Many tribes that occupied what used to be Tranorn territory still recognize them as the official rulers of the provinces, rejecting Ohmreg rule.
Tranorn claim to know of secret Magg Stones guarded by their kin.


Sileen Alliance cities around Alogtarric swamplands have protected their interest against Sileen Royals, who have in turn helped in some skirmishes in a small capacity.


Alogtarric are allowed to travel and control land designated within Throjak territory. Some tribes associate more openly with some LupusJaw villages.

non-aggression Pact

Coming from similar origins, old alliances and rivalry have been overshadowed by recent atrocities. The Alogtarric generally see the Ribaultians as "Misguided Warriors." Conversely, the Ribaultian Clans see them as "Spiritually Lost."


Some Alogtarric Tribes, largely Croctarian Tribes, have peaceful trade agreements with them.

Distrustful / Neutral

The Alogtarric Tribes do not enjoy Sardassi company, who do not respect their wishes of being left alone, and has resulted in physical altercations. Sardassi Diplomats have had minor luck in swaying the opinion of local Warlords


The Ohmreg through conquest and subjugation, have taken over nearly all Alogtarric land, including what they consider their ancestral homeland. Some tribes long ago were forced to swear fealty to their Pharoh, and are considered secondary citizens to the empire.   The Ohmreg do not officially recognize any unified tribe, and non-citizens are usually expelled, though hard to prove.

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