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A race of deft hunters and sedimentary foraging tribespeople who cover a wide range of different biomes on Sigom. Many of their kind live within a traditional family-oriented social structure and rarely branch out further than their own sphere of influence. Often a content species if all is well, though generally little care or concern is given to those who do not fall within that sphere. The matters of the world at large and issues with neighbors do not make their way to discussion unless they have a chance to impact their way of life.  

Physical Description

Most LupusJaw races have several different fur patterns and colors that cover their entire body. They often resemble the appearance of Hyena/Jackals. With the ability to stand upright, they can stand as tall as a short human. They often stand upright in most situations, as being on all fours somewhat limits the use of their dexterous hands. Often walking on all fours is reserved to only when you are resting or relaxing at home after a long day. They have pointed ears that usually stand upright or fall down below their faces, which they can easily turn to hear in different directions. Their snout is also extremely accurate in picking up the location of smells and scents. Another very well known feature of them is their jaw, where they get their name from. It is one of the most powerful bites in Sigom, able to shatter bones the second it bites a limb. Their ability to instantly break bones and open their jaws back up, a feature even the Aligotarian lack, have given them a powerful advantage in hunting creatures that seek to take their hunting spoils or to scare away predators who would not want to risk a life-threatening injury.  


Nearly all LupusJaw societies are large and extended family members living together for food and protection. There is a strong emphasis on these societies or organize themselves based on the needs of their immediate family members and the need of the community to a more minor degree. Most of these societies range from 20 to 70 individuals of all ages. The unique structure of these societies are called "Hats" or "Hati" for plural. Each Hati itself is a whole Family, often given a unique name by it's members, but there are smaller family units within this structure. Family heads are often either selected from the previous family head or a consensus would have to come from the family itself. generally, they are given much autonomy within their family unit assuming it does not negatively affect the Hati as a whole. Given the "Confederation" style of Hats they are often free to leave and join other Hati should the family head desire.  

Mechanical Information


Ability Score Increase +1 Wis, +2 Dex
Size Medium
Speed 30'

Age: They reach adulthood at 7 years, and live up to 60 years
Alignment: They are often brash and rude company. While they care much for their own chosen family, the concern of others is often not on their mind unless beneficial to their sphere. They do however recognize seats of authority as legitimate and aspiring. They are neither good nor evil, but may sway towards a more lawful side given their loyalty to chosen family.
Size: They often stand around 5' tall, with very toned leg and cores.
Languages: You can speak, read,and write Younger Folken, You can also speak Lupus.

Racial Traits

The Lupus Jaw: Your jaws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. In addition, you can use this ability to break bones and consume them as food.
Pack Tactics: The Lupusjaw has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Keen Hearing and Smell: The jackal has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Artwork done by Redrumridinghood
Type: Humanoid
Origin Planet: Sigom
Governments: Throjak Kings
Demonym: Lupusjaws
Random Starting Age
Teenager (5-7 years)
Young Adult (8 - 11 years)
Adult (12 - 33 years)
Random Starting Height
Small 4'9" - 5'2"
Average 5'3" - 5'8"
Tall 5'9" - 6'2"

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