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Throjak Kings


LupusJaws habitat takes up a large swath of land, from the Arid deserts, to Prairie-Grasslands and Savannah's. There were many competitive migratory cultures that clashed for the limited resources in it's reign. Often these cultures would all migrate together, as they would all take advantage of bountiful food sources for different seasons. Back then, powerful witches and shaman had decentralized control of their people, often allowing them to absorb smaller, weaker cultures into their more successful ones. Family elders or leaders would get to join the "Culture Ring" which acted as the only unification between these cultures, where law and order was determined for all. Small cultures did have a niche, where supplies to move larger clans in more dangerous areas was not worth the risk, they were able to collect food sources with limited competition. It is these smaller cultures who found themselves unable to compete with their much larger and powerful migratory cultures which dominated the landscape, where the population started setting up more permanent shelter for their people. Seeking aid of their powerful witches and shaman, early methods of Agrarian society were spotted, though they were never on a scale large enough to sustain a population in a region alone.   With the knowledge of copper entering many cultures of LupusJaws, it did not have a very profound affect in their society aside from better tools, However smaller cultures have seen a great increase in their abundance of harvest, with copper allowing much better farm tools to be created and used. This had brought about a change in the way many smaller cultures operated, as they would maintain small-scale farms for their families in different regions, allowing a more consistent source of food. While these farms would often be used together with many families, there was little if any organizational oversight, or planning between them. In addition, with hunting and scavenging still taking up a large majority of food source, not to mention other cultures who may take advantage of their farms, saw an increased but limited use.   With a large area of migratory land being lost to a war with the Ohmreg, many had sought to take on a more sedentary lifestyle than what they became accustomed to for easier access to food. With a late adoption to Bronze-making coming from the conquest of their lands, agrarian cultures started to thrive and rapidly grow in size. City planning, and early signs of social classes begun to form around these early farm-cities. This brought about city planning as well as many having a form of militia to defend themselves from further advancements of the Ohmreg army. One of the city rulers, Nobec "The Conquerer" was able to unite with other nearby city rulers and reclaim land long centuries ago to the Ohmreg invaders. With a large amount of land now under his direct control, he was able to setup deals, and treaties with other people and unite the LupusJaws under one solitary kingdom. The next twenty years of his life involved expanding infrastructure and implementing proto-systems of governance for his people. After his death, it was customary for your property to be evenly divided amongst your kin, thus the Throjak Kings were formed.  


The LupusJaw believe everything has a "solus" or spirit which inhabits it. These were created from an entity called the Archeon Fire, a divine flame that existed before everything. When the divine flame started to dwindle, it left behind the ashes of creation, fertilizing the seeds of life and death itself. A solus must incorporate some kind of physical form, either a being itself such as an animal, an insect, or a tree. It could also incorporate other bodies such as lakes, mountains, and even stars. When the physical body of a solus fades away or dies, they are simply reborn into a new body. Depending on your "ember" which by some is similar to power or belief of others have to you, has a strong determinant in your rebirth. Different religious leaders in LupusJaw society have different outcomes and systems with how it works, and is not an agreed upon subject. Generally there are several deities who are seen as dominant solus beings over many and worshipped by mostly everyone, such as the Rahna The star of their planet. There is also Mavobon the moon, and Glipni the planet itself.
LupusJaw Mythology can vary from region to region. The best indicator of which solus is given festivals and rituals depends on your profession and location. You may be worshiping a river for a bountiful catch and clean water, or a mountain for safe passage.


Lupusjaws - Majority Population
Graphion & Aligotarian - Border Population, some have integrated with Throjak society  


  The order and structure Nobec "The Conquerer" left behind still permeates and grows despite his kingdom being divided amongst his sons. They insist they stand unified together for the betterment of all Hati in their domain. Much effort has gone into turning their border "Thrall-Towns" into fully-fledged tribes. In addition, they seek to consolidate all religious knowledge within the tribes under one belief for all.
Ability: +1 Wisdom
Skill: Religion

Pick one from below

Dune Bandit
The best way for your people to survive is to take what is rightfully yours. You never sucummbed to the rule of the Ohmreg, why succumb to the rule of the squabbling Throjak Kings?
Skill: Intimidation
Tool: Cook's utensils
Equipment: An emblem/fabric to discern membership. An expensive piece of jewelry worth 200GP looted from a victim. Cook's utensils. A set of common tribal clothes or fine folken clothes.
Feature: Expert Extortionist
You often know where the hidden valuables are, either in a home, or in a secret compartment in a merchants pack and have acquired a special knack for finding it otherwise. When looting you effortlessly increase the value of goods found by 1d20 % In addition, your reputation is well-known in several Ohmreg and Throjak cities and tribes; depending on existing relationships you can either get away with petty crimes for no one will want to report you to the authorities, or they will see to arrest you upon your arrival.  
Dune Patrollers
You were apart of a group who would take expeditions into the dunes to expel banditry and deadly beasts to protect travelers and citizens. Several years of service made you hardy in combat.
Skill: Investigation
Tool: One type of gaming set
Equipment: Any type of gaming set. Insignia as a sign of your previous rank and affiliation. A trophy from a great beast you killed with your squad. A set of common tribal clothes.
Feature: Dune Warrior
An expert in rationing out supplies for long expeditions, your body is conditioned to periods of going without a full hardy meal. You only need to consume half the amount of food normally needed to sustain you for a week before you start suffering from starvation or dehydration. You can also usually gain access to friendly military encampments and fortresses where your rank is recognized. +5 Permanent HP.  
Arid Hermit
You have largely lived in solitude away from any laws of local tribes or Hati. You seek comfort in living off of the land and being one with nature and the force it provides you.
Skill: Medicine
Tool: Herbalism Kit
Equipment: A hunting trap, Herbalism Kit, several tablets engraved with notes from your studies, A set of sewn ragged clothes.
Feature: Whispers from the Sand
Something has disturbed your mind, for you have discovered a contact deep within the surface of the ground which has given you the knowledge of pyro abberaturgy. You may learn one pyro cantrip of your choice. In addition, you know the secret method to contact this being from within any natural cave or cavern. They will only commune with you, and they prefer that you commune in solitude. It may be possible to perform tasks or ask for favors.  
Arid Hermit (Variant)
You have largely lived in solitude away from any laws of local tribes or Hati. You seek comfort in living off of the land and being one with nature and the force it provides you.
Skill: Medicine
Tool: Herbalism Kit
Equipment: A hunting trap, Herbalism Kit, several tablets engraved with notes from your studies, A set of sewn ragged clothes.
Feature: Hermit Seclusion
You have spent a great deal of your life in total seclusion from the outside world, whether this be your devotion to a greater being, your attempt to escape the displeasing atmosphere of social circles, or to continue your studies/research without any external interruptions. You gain the benefit of having one lifestyle above your current paid expense. When isolated, you gain a +2 to all skill and ability checks. You cannot benefit from the help action.  
Renowned Hati Member
You are a well-accepted member in a large Hati tribe. You may be either a destined political member or a simple commoner who has given many good first impressions. Either way many know who you are and are cherished by your prescience.
Skill: History
Language: Any one of your choice
Equipment: Small bonecraft Totem or tattoos to signify membership, common tribal clothes, 10 extra starting gold, 1 non-combative Hati Member in your retinue
Feature: Hati Heritage
You have an excellent knowledge of not only your Hati territory, but also the terrain and natural resources of the kingdom. You are familiar enough with any wilderness area that you can find twice as much food and water as you normally would when you forage there. You can call upon the hospitality of your people, and those allied with your tribe and some governmental figures. You can easily find free lodging, food, and able to borrow equipment temporarily. Those not friendly to your tribe will not act as kind however, as you are seen as a potential target.  
Stonemason In-Training
You have completed your apprenticeship in the growing field of masonry. A feat often supported by the old and new kingdom, many find a cheap path through life by learning this growing trade.
Skill: Nature
Tools: Mason's Tools
Equipment: Masons's Tools, A stone tablet signed by your teacher that acts as an official letter of recommendation, common tribal clothes
Feature: Successful Apprenticeship
Your craft allows you to easily find a high-paying salary/job nearly anywhere as LupusJaw Masons are well renowned for their skill. You are able to determine materials used to build structures, who made it, and often what purpose it solves even in ruins. You have advantage on identifying secret passageways and doors when within stone structures. Your investigation skill within stone buildings is increased by 3, including passive investigation.  
Ogaron Slayer
Being close to Ogaron territory, you and others in your Hati regularly ran into hostile Ogaron seeking to plunder your tribe. You have maimed and killed several in your time with your tribesman.
Skill: Animal Handling
Tools: Leatherworker's tools
Equipment: Leatherworker's tools, 3 Cooper Javelins, Ogaron scale hide worth 25GP. An item from a friend who died to an Ogaron in duty, common tribal clothes
Feature: Ogaron Trophy Hunter
You are aware of a small network of trophy hunters to seek to collect and sell rare animal trophies such as teeth, hides, skulls, etc. You start the game knowing one trophy collector you may safely contact in regards to selling trophies. You are immune large creature abilities that cause fear or confusion. You ignore extra reach on large creatures.  
Adherents of Mavobon
You grew up around a community devoted to Mavobon, the diety of moons and prestige. Most members were nocturnal by devotion, and had strict social rules on maintaining good reputation yet seeking social prominence.
Skills: Persuasion
Tools: Cartographer's tools
Equipment: Cartographer's Tools
Feature: Lucient Blessing
You and your companions can expect to receive free healing and care at a temple, shrine, or other established presence of your faith. Though in terms of support, only you will be supported up to a modest lifestyle. You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls of all sources whenever Mavobon, the moon, is visible

Solus Speaker
You have a special ability to commune with many different past and present beings from different walks of life. Nearly everything has a history and a story to tell. You travel the domain of Throjak with other Solus Speakers spreading word of their knowledge and existence.
Skill: Arcana, Performance
Language: Solus (Secret)
Equipment: Large geode of polished Rhyolite (Or any gemstone material, Rhyolite being the most common), Traveller's clothes
Feature: Solus Speaker
You have traveled with a traveling network of solus speakers, those who can talk to the solus within all objects. You have found a personal solus that has touched you deeply embeded within a geode. Once per day you can pick any object, or body such as a mountain or lake and commune with it's solus for one minute. You gain this ability back after a long rest. Your DC for Geomancy spells is increased by 1


Government Type: Tribal Clans
Government Style: Triarchy
Government Structure: Band Societies "Hats/Hati"
Petty King Pip
Petty King Tato
Petty King Noc
Political Reach: Limited region in Sigom
Size: Politically-controlled territory in Sigom
Headquarters: Panaric
Purpose: Forming a sedentary kingdom for LupusJaws
Common Language: Lupus

Religion: LupusJaw Spiritualism
Preceeded By: Kingdom of Nobec


Mutual Alliance

Many LupusJaws had lived in Tranorn society. The Tranorn have aided them in reconquering their land against the Ohmreg. The Tranorn find LupusJaws's loyalty to family an honorable engagement and proof of their good nature.


Alogtarric are allowed to travel and control land designated within Throjak territory. Some tribes associate more openly with some LupusJaw villages.


Ribaultian Clans do not permit entry into their territory under any conditions.


Limited contact, diplomacy inhibited by failed Sardassian diplomatic missions

Peace for 19 Years

Trojak reclaimed land lost by the Ohmreg many centuries ago.


Graphion Domain is recognized as a hostile force which constantly attacks it's citizens. Throjak have attempted to thwart and mitigate their hostile actions.

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