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A bizarre race of sun-worshiping shapeshifters made of liquid gold. The Nebuians are both a foreign yet fascinating race on Sigom , easily the most unique and identifiable from other fauna you can find. They are able to transform into any object or shape that they have seen before with relative ease, though limited to metallic textures and golden color. While they can take and form any shape, they often take on humanoid forms and appearances, even wearing specially crafted clothes so much that it wouldn't burn it when worn over their bodies.

Physical Description

No one really knows the "natural state" of a Nebuian, it may perhaps be a generic/blank slate of a bipedal humanoid, or even a goopy pile of liquid gold. Nonetheless they come in several different shapes features, size often being restricted to how much gold they have absorbed into themselves. One noticeable physical feat they have is luminescence: All Nebuians shed a bright light from their bodies assuming they have had ample sunlight, and can act as walking torches. They are also hot to the touch.


Much of what is known about Nebuian society is from The Free People of Nebu as throughout all of known history they have been an enslaved species to various governments and affluent individuals, with a majority being Folken kingdoms. Nebuians have little belief in material wealth or possessions, often living chaste and temperate lifestyles. While not too generous, they are easy to forgive and move on with life if someone caused them hardships. That being said, they have become staunch seekers of independence, who believe all beings deserve to live a stress free, and peaceful life. Most festivities and social gatherings while numerous, are often limited to friends or close family. Given their dependence on the sun of Sigom for nutrition, most Nebuian architecture lacked roofing, though homes and resting areas are the exception.

Mechanical Information


Ability Score Increase +2 Con, +1 Cha
Size Medium
Speed 30'

Age: Nebuians can have a varying rate of maturity, for their earlier years are limited by how quickly they can grow in size by consuming gold. It is not known if any Neubians have died of old age, and may be possible they do not physically age after a certain point.
Alignment: Having dealt largely with oppression and occupation, they are a very chaotic race that looks down upon authority. Though their suffrage has lended them a heart of gold upon others. They lean towards Chaotic Good
Size: They stand between 5' up to 6' tall. They have all kinds of unique body builds given their ability to morph.
Language: You speak two languages of your choice.

Racial Traits

  Aurric Ancestry: You have distant aurric-type ancestry, granting you remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits:
• Your type is Metallon, with the Aurric sub-type
• You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe
• You are immune to disease, poisoned, and paralyze conditions
• You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep
• You are immune to poison damage
• You are considered an outsider.
Aurric Resistance: You are resistant to Auran, Insectum, Plantae, Psychic, Pyro, Draconic, Wildern, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, and Metallon damage.
Aurric Vulnerability: You are vulnerable to Aquan, Frost, Terran, Lightning, and Strife damage.
Improved Shapechanger: As an action, you can change your appearance and your voice. You determine the specifics of the changes, including hair length, body type, facial features, and sex. You can also adjust your height and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your game statistics change. You can't duplicate the appearance of a creature you've never seen. Your clothing and equipment aren't changed by this trait. In addition, you are able to shape into simplistic shapes and objects, such as vases, coins or a golden statue. shapes or objects that come with moving parts are often not available, but can be up to DM discretion. During your transformation, you revert to your liquid state, and are unable to use your senses until your transformation is complete.
Given your golden complexity, you are unable to mimic or mirror coloration, and certain types of textures. Your skin or surface is always hot to the touch, and emits a glow unless you are starving or in daylight.
Nebuian Instincts: You are proficient in the Deception skill. In addition, you are proficient with disguise kits.
Walking Torch: You emit a bright light in a 15' radius and dim light for an additional 15'. If you are starving, or fully covered your skin, you do not emit any light.
Bathe in the light: You need 8 hours a day of direct sunlight a to absorb heat, as it is your way of staying alive. Every 12 hours you go afterwards without a full 8 hours of sunlight will grant you a point of exhaustion. Surrounding yourself in heat can halt the effects of gaining exhaustion. temporarily.
Midas Touch:
You are able to commune with the natural metallic elements around you. When in direct sunlight, you can touch an area of any non-alloy metal that fits within a 5-foot cube, and change the metal into gold. Depending on the size, this can take up to 8 hours. You regain the ability to cast it this spell when you finish a long rest.
Aurric Vitality:
You cannot heal by resting or through regenerative/healing abberaturgy. You can use an action to heal yourself 1 HP per pound of gold, consuming it into your form. In addition, the mending spell can be used to instantly stabilize you, as well as heal you 1 HP per pound of gold.

Two Nebuians by Aresvalto
Type: Metallon (Aurric)
Origin Planet: Sigom
Governments: The Free People of Nebu
Demonym: Nebuians
  Random Starting Age
Teenager: Unknown, likely ~20 years
Young Adult: Unknown, Likely ~30 years
Adult: Unknown, Likely ~40 years
Random Starting Height

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