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The Free People of Nebu


Nebuians history is largely shrouded in mystery, it is unclear how they evolved on Sagitta, or if they ever originated from the planet to begin with. Some have theorized they may have emerged from the ground much like The Unearthed but possibly through a mountain lost to time. Possible clues and hints in Tranorn oral tradition points that in the past, they appeared to have some form of grouping or perhaps internal organization that was much different than their own, similar parallels to the Silenus instead that they appeared in-tune with metallic objects. Their reliance on the sun has made much arid climates very attractive to them, for the heat and long duration of a sun enables them to rest and provides them with the nutrition and heat to survive.   Their golden appearance appealed other races on Sigom. Golden Idols of their liking may be signs that they were worshiped at one time as well, but it appears most of them likely lived in fear or went into hiding during this time period due to cultural leaders looking to usurp their autonomy. They did not need to hunt, and did not contest for any local resources as they did not use them, so why would any culture of the past seek to rid them of their autonomy? The easiest answer would be their midas touch, the ability to turn other metals into usable gold for wealth and crafting. They also were easy laborers: no need for food or water, just some sunlight and they could get to working. Their biggest conquerors may have been the Ohmreg where you can see them depicted in ancient artwork. the Pharaoh also has a court of several Nebuians who would act as servants or special members on the council given their shape-changing abilities. The Ohmreg spy network is one of the most aged and experienced, believed to be comprised largely of Nebuians.   It wasn't until Bronze-making had taken over Ohmreg production, that the Nebuians had started to see successful efforts in resisting one of their biggest conquerors. Given the current plight of the empire, many were able to negotiate and break free their shackles and escape together and form their own small community of free individuals. Through deception, they had access to a copper mine and labor. Able to convert cheap metal into gold and trade it for Tin, a network had been put in place which would help funnel those out serfdom with military gear. Though this method was much more obvious, it allowed them to acquire manpower quickly to form a hasty militia. With the Ohmreg military currently stretched thin the Nebuians had largely been put in charge of their Nomarchs to handle.   News normally spread slowly, but with time the Nebuains from other kingdoms were able to re-locate and find ways to escape their captures and be with their people once more. Nebians have several tent-like communities around which largely operate underground to help those move to cities like Hope, that operate based on their own governmental system early Nebuians developed after being free, taking ideas from several other kingdoms. Unfortunately many Nebuians have little choice but to join their local militia to maintain their freedom as other kingdoms put in more effort to limit their success and squash any possible invasion they could put up. Currently they are positioned well in the sphere of influence on the planet, but their semi-splintered network is largely kept together by their will for freedom and unique natural abilities.


Nebuians base their religion on the surviving beliefs of their ancestors through traditions and stories passed down through generations. The Temple of Sagitta is a movement that started during their servitude of people who worshiped the star. This religion has been involved in the creation of the state as well as a bond to unite them for they all rely on it's heat and warmth, though many members claim it's light is more divine than a source for light or warmth. The Monarch gets to elect a "Sagitta Chapalin", a religious leader of the state who controls the affairs of all temples and shines within their control. While other religions are tolerated in the state, there is a state tax for being a non-state religion worshiper, this in addition, applies to sects and those who believe in an older form of worship to Sagitta.


Nebuians - Majority population


Nebuians are well-known for their shaping abilities and powers to morph metals into pure gold. Civilizations in the past used to use them as a symbol of status and power, some of which still do this. Often they will alter their shape to appear more attractive and/or hostile to whomever they are engaging with.
Ability: Charisma
Skill: Deception

Pick one from Below

Freed Chains
You were born and worked your way to freedom, an ability most are unable to do. Your labor often involved working in extremely uncomfortable labor conditions that would have killed most other races.
Skill: Athletics
Equipment: Common Clothes, Memorabilia of an enslaved friend, extra 5 starting gold
Feature - Legal Status
You have acquired legal citizenship in one kingdom of your choice. Most citizens there will treat you fairly instead of as a foreigner as you carry their customs. You and your party will receive %25 more rewards when completing tasks and quests offered by characters.
Skilled Martial
You have signed up to fight for the sovereignty of all Nebuians across the globe. You have shown exceptional skills in combat during your tutelage and have advanced quicker than most other students.
Skill: Kinethetics
Tool: Cobbler's tools
Equipment: Cobbler's tools, 1 martial weapon of your choice, copper breastplate, A white cape worn to show your commitment to nebuian sovereignty.
Feature - Martial Tutor
Your skills with your blade of choice have turned you into a skilled teacher. You can easily teach anyone how to properly defend themselves with all kinds of weapons, as well as teaching others how to fight in formations in limited capacities. You receive proficiency with a single martial weapon. If you already possess all martial weapon proficiencies, you may instead choose one weapon or unarmed strikes and gain a +1 to attack rolls with them.
Metallon Practitioner
You have studied the basics for learning and understanding how to practice a specific branch of abberaturgy - metallon. Nebuian's have the best knowledge on the subject and is where you have sought out your teachings. Skill: Arcana
Equipment: clay tablets containing notes from your study, a satchel, 5 bland copper rods
Feature - Metallon Training
You know of a semi-powerful Abberician who specializes in metallon abberaturgy. He may be able to assist you in matters related to abberaturgy or metallon in general, though he will often ask for a favor or money in return of his tutelage. You know the Lesser Magnetize cantrip.  
You were appointed to a governmental position within Nebuian society, where you got to meet many prominent local and foreign officials
Skills: Insight
Tool: Calligrapher's supplies
Language: two of your choice
Equipment: Calligrapher's supplies, an abacus, fine clothing, extra 25 starting gold
Feature - Shrewd Tone
You give off an elegant persona when you speak, and people will often believe what you say. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to. Once per day, you can re-roll an insight check, and must use the new roll.
Dryland Raider
You've taken up arms against all who seek to oppose your freedom, and refuse to bow down to any one government. While the Nebuian government has taken no actions to stop you, they have not aided you either, though your group sees little use invoking the ire of their elected monarchs.
Skill: Intimidation
Tool: Herbalist kit
Equipment: Herbalist kit, common clothes, 1 sling and 10 rocks, a cloth mask that signifies group membership, 20 extra starting gold
Feature - Dryland Experts
An expert in rationing out supplies for long expeditions, your body is conditioned to periods of going without a full hardy meal. You only need to consume half the amount of food normally needed to sustain you for a week before you start suffering from starvation or dehydration. You can also usually gain access to friendly encampments and fortresses where your rank is recognized. +5 Permanent HP.  
Temple Member
You have joined the Temple of Sagitta as a devout member and have done much volunteer worth for the movement. Many of your peers respect you for your commitment and seek to emulate your actions.
Skill: Religion
Tool: Woodcarver's tools
Equipment: Woodcarver's tools, Religious vestments (fine clothes), a shaped rock forming the temples holy symbol on it
Feature - Holy Virtue
You can always seek protection, shelter, and sustenance from any temple of the same faith in the world often for free. You can live the lifestyle expense one tier above what you actually pay (From Poor to modest, for example) at any time and receive it's benefits. Whenever you would damage an evil creature, you would deal an additional 1 pyro damage.  
Saggita Heretic
You are either an ex-member of the Temple of Sagitta, or never converted to their practices in the first place. You much prefer the more traditional tenants that focus more on seeking ambition and trusting outsiders, and the old style of worship by intense sun-bathing.
Skill: Nature
Tool: Medicine Kit
Equipment: Medicine kit, common clothes, a shaped rock forming the old Saggita holy symbol on it
Feature - Heretic Cult
You know of a secret cult who believe in the old ways of worshiping Sagitta. They are willing to provide protection, shelter, and sustenance often for free, though they have less of a worldly footprint. You have advantage on insight checks made to identify other cult members. Whenever you are in direct sunlight from Sagitta, you have a DR of 1 from all non-magical attacks.


Government Type: Autonomous Region
Government Style: Elective Monarchy
Government Structure: Philosopher Governors
Ruler: High King Alatiacloviaa Numstrovista
Political Reach: Limited region in Sigom 
Size: Varied territory across Sigom 
Headquarters: Hope City
Purpose: Salvation from oppressors
Common Language: No official language, Folken is most common
Religion: Temple of Sagitta
Demonym: Nebuia


Trade Agreement

Trade between the Royalists and the Alliance is permitted


The Kingdom of Tranorn find the Nebuians ability to gain sovereignty through battle as proof of their status as equals, but reject aiding them in any sort of fashion. Some Nebuian settlements take refuge in old Tranorn land.

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