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Codename: Sleeping Alley, Report the Fourth

General Summary

We met the Alley Sleepers in the domesticated factory of danger, plotting and scheming their way to a prison break. It turns out that Svo'Kool is laid up in the Leechport hoosegow (the Lyceum) & it is up to Hama vu Farlight, Reita, Grex, & Aletha to break him out before he either incriminates himself or the Brass Lamb either willingly or under duress.   While the currently un-incarcerated Sleepers discusses best practices on prison abolition, Svo'Kool regaled his newfound friend, a similarly jailed goblin named Izzrikorizarikiz as to the events that led him to his current predicament. After pretty much breaking even at The Slash, Svo'Kool headed over to the Oysterwharf for some food & some action. He hit up all three Sneezemore establishments (The Hew and Shell, The Thick Whistle, Silk and Foam), learning a little bit about their sibling feud, but really not caring overmuch. But, fed on oysters & strong porter, he decided to maybe check out Lady's Grace. They didn't appreciate his trunk antics & promptly called the Rectifiers, who jailed him while they figured out what crimes he committed & what to do with him. Izz empathized with his story, as a similar misunderstanding and inequitable confinement has been visited upon her. A strange justice is afoot in Leechport.   Meanwhile, the rest of our Sleepers are cookin' up a jail break. First, they've got to get intel. Rieta is going to see if she can get her hands on some blueprints or plans of some sort. Aletha is going to be laser focused on watch/guard patterns, and Grex is going to masterfully disguise himself, gain the trust of the local Adjudicators, & see what he can learn. Hama? Oh, he's going to commune with the stars.   Rieta begins her investigation at the Tabernacle, conversing with one Elder Ebxikas. After confessing to being just, like, a MAJOR fan of port cities, she introduces herself as "Princess." Ebxikas bought this lie hook, line, & sinker & promises to see what he can do about a tour. Unfortunately, there is no tour to be had, but Rieta does secure some very helpful layout sketches of the Lyceum.   Aletha, being Aletha, completes her task flawlessly, artfully observing the comings and goings of various Rectifiers squads to determine just how many guards there might be inside this jail.   & Grex. Well, Grex didn't really set himself up for success as he critically failed his disguise kit application. So, he really just looked like Grex with some, like, rouge, as opposed to the grizzled dockworker look he was striving for. His time at the Gullyrun Inn was, however, fruitful, as he learned various tips and secrets from an Leechport Adjudicator, Varadhe.   What has Hama been up to while this is all happening? A pertinent question! Hama, having finished asking the stars for guidance, has determined that the best way to break Svo out of jail is to be in jail with him. So he's going to get himself arrested & coordinate this whole thing from the inside.   We all have things we are good at & things we aren't so good at in this life. Hama is not good at getting arrested, but he, eventually, somehow, succeeds.   It turns out, though, that Svo doesn't really need help getting rid of the bars (as Izz, being a master brewer & alchemist, has all kinds of tricks useful for that), but could probably use help with all the goddamn Rectifiers. So, at midnight, the following plan was put into action:  
  • Izz dissolved the prison bars with hidden teeth full of acid.
  • Hama turned into a spider, casting Pass Without Trace
  • Grex, disguised as a guard, escorts Aletha as a newly arrested "prisoner"
  • Rieta uses Reg's Pocket Watch to turn herself invisible
This might have all worked beautifully if someone had elected to tell Svo that the guard currently barrelling toward him after he broke out of his jail cell was actually Grex & not an Ascendency creep. But, instead, Svo smacked Grex for a solid 8 point of damange--which is a lot for our burgeoning wizard.    After that, all hell kinda broke loose. There was a lot of charm deployed & some suggestion & some hitting & some burning (RIP in flames Captain Ulnu), but our crew managed to get away & get the fuck out of Leechport. Prison break success!   Now what? Well, there's that whole Meadery that was promised to them by "Smallcastle", so our gang decided to maybe check that out. They were met by a member of The Decree, 6th Decree Fergarth Quint, who advised them that they were being granted this business as loyal citizens of the Ascendency, as it was seized for treason. It turns out that Fergarth is actually "Beans", a powerful Brass Lamb operative deep, deep, deep undercover. He explains how this whole thing works--they'll be able to profit & fund their work however they can, being responsible for a 10 percent vig to the Lamb. He also mentions that this used to be Tenderhorn Honey & Mead--his family's business--& that they should find another name. He took a keg of that mead upon leaving, as a bribe of sorts for the Manifest that accompanied him here. Lots of prices being paid in numerous ways.   Oh, & Izz joined up with our heroes, because she's always down for some maleficence & it turns out, they're gonna need a brewer. She is not fully aware of all of our Sleeper's involvement with the Lamb. We'll see how long that lasts.   Before Beans left, he mentioned of some possible work in Riverskint, which very much intrigued our heroes. We'll see what that work looks like during our next session.
Report Date
27 Sep 2020
Primary Location


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