Aubignyans Ethnicity in Gê-Zemja | World Anvil
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Aubignyans are an ethnic group of people residing in the Kingdom of Aubigny. It is an ethnicity diverged from the Charmelans. Aubignyans almost without exception speak High Aldion as their mother tongue.       In spoilers below you will find details for character creation.
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Ethnic Abilities - Aubignyans

When designing a character, a player chooses positive and negative ethnic abilities of equal value. Custom suggestions are possible upon approval by the GM. Mixed ethnicity abilities can be custom designed as well.
Since all characters are human, you are always Adaptable: Humans begin play with any Novice Edge of their choosing. They must meer its Requirements as usual.
Typical Aubignyan characteristics are:
Spirited (2): Aubignyans are a proud and persistent folk. They start with a d6 Spirit instead of a d4. This increases maximum Spirit to d12+1.
Hooved (1): From the rich to the poor, many will at some stage in their life learn to ride a horse. The Riding trait starts at d4.
Educated (1): Most Aubignyans receive a base education through the school system. One specialization of the Academics trait starts at d4.
Sunbather (1): Aubignyans spend many a day working or relaxing in the sun. You receive a +4 bonus to resist the negative effects of heat. Damage from heat sources is also reduced by 4.
Racial Enemy (-1): From the early days of colonization, Aubignyans saw conflict with local natives. Many have lost family or property at the hands of savage natives. Others have suffered their raids themselves. The Khotami are your Racial Enemy. You subtract 2 from Persuasion when dealing with them and may become hostile with little provocation.
No Pokerface (-1): The Aubignyan government has banned gambling as a form of entertainment and thus most don't play at all. You suffer a -2 penalty to all Gambling rolls.
Driven (-1):Many Aubignyans are Driven individuals whose pride of their nation is unmatched. You get the Driven (minor) Hindrance. When someone speaks badly of the Kingdom of Aubigny, you cannot resist speaking up to defend your nation's pride.
Brain Freeze (-1): Aubignyans that grow up in the North of the Kingdom don't do well in the cold. You suffer a -4 bonus to resist the negative effects of cold. Damage from cold sources add an extra 4 damage.

Positive AbilitiesNegative Abilities
(2) Attribute Increase: Spirit increased by one die type(1) Racial Enemy: Khotami
(1) Skill: Riding starts at d4(1) Skill Penalty: Gambling -2
(1) Skill: Academics starts at d4 (choose specialization)(1) Hindrance: Driven (see above)
(1) Environmental Resistance (Heat)(1) Environmental Weakness (Cold)
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