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The province of Merovin is known for fine wines. The capitol is ruled by Duke Cyrano de Quenelles and is Equitaine's primary trade port. Though the bulk of the province is highly pastoral, Quenelles is the most cosmopolitan City in the Duchy.   Due to it's proximity to Renelon, Merovin felt the hammerblow of the Aquilonian invasions first and hardest. This province also saw most of the action that took place during the errantry war. The capitol of Quenelles has been occupied by the Imperial Legions multiple times, at which point the provincial capitol was moved first to Lyonesse and then to Bec de la Chapelle when Lyonesse was destroyed. Quenelles is the only true city of the province, which is otherwise dotted with tiny villages and a few larger towns. The most important settlements are:  
  • Quenelles (Duke Cyrano de Quenelles)
  • Bec de la Chapelle (Baron Aloys de Parravon)
  • La Moisette (Sir Gaston & Lady Isabelle Anjou)
  • Grenaix (Lord & Lady Valencay)
  • Betolline (Sir Bohemond de Betolline)
  • Vignoble (Sir Martin Guerre)
  • Nicette (Sir Thierry d'Oisette)
  • Verfond (Bishop Jean-Michele)
  • Les Moulins Vert (Lady Picodon de Verdome)
  • Vaudrian (Baron Artois de Verfond)
  Other points of interest int he province include the following:  
  • The Aelfwood
  • Grisaume Wood
  • Oisette Vale
  • Valley of Verdome
  • Mosslun Hills
  • River Rhelle
  • River Gryphon
  • Ruins of Lyonesse (Destroyed Errantry Fortress)
  • Ruins of Le Stade (Ancient Elf Ruin)
  • Island of Montparnasse (Aquilonian Military Installation)
  NOTE: Sir Charles Legeasse from Quenelles with a company of soldiers is currently in the area of Vaudrian. His vassal Captain Vincennes is in charge of the rowdy, untrained rabble calling itself a patrol.   Equitaine doesn't have much in the way of it's own naval power, but what ships it does have are based in the port of Quenelles.


The Province is overseen by Duke Curano in Quenelles. His primary interaction with the rest of the province is through his tax collectors.


Feasting is an important part of Merovingian culture. No great undertaking happens without a feast to annouce it or plan it.


Merovin was the primary battleground during the Errantry War and saw the must bloodshed during that uprising.

Demography and Population

The vast majority of the population of Merovin are humans, although there are a large number of Halflings in the province, moreso than any other area of Equitaine.


Most of the province worships Pelor , but many of the locals also pay homage to the Lady of the Lake .

Foreign Relations

The Province is closest to the Aquilonian Empire and it's rulers are the most invested in the Empire's control of Equitaine.


The codes of Chivalry govern the noble class, but the peasants have few rights.

Agriculture & Industry

Primary Agriculture is grain, livestock, and vinyards.


Most of the population is uneducated and few outside the nobility can read.


Though the new imperial roads in Merovin are quite good, it is typical of Equitaine that local infrastructure is generally poor.


Church of Pelor

"The only real truth is the land."


  • Province of Merovin
    The province of Merovin is known for fine wines. The capitol is ruled by Duke Cyrano de Quenelles and is Equitaine's primary trade port. Though the bulk of the province is highly pastoral, Quenelles is the most cosmopolitan City in the Duchy.
Geopolitical, Province
Ruling Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages

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