Central Bank

After the fall of Kronos and Hyperion, the Erians saw an opportunity to take advantage of the chaos and seize control of the economic systems of Ayr. After convincing the Ayrans to utilize their currency, they began setting up banks in the major settlements. This chain of banks in Hermies Hub, New Hyperion, and Phoenix are collectively known under the banner Central Bank, and are hyperlinked together, allowing for unified deposits and withdrawls across the network. Various programs exist for customers, allowing them to trade depleted Aether Coins for charged ones (at a certain rate of course), store their Aether Coins and maintain a balance, as well as various interest programs as well as charging services (for a fee) that allows you to deposit uncharged Aether Coins into your balance and have them charged during Aether Storms.   The 3 banks are run entirely by Erians, who are fairly strict and lawful for the most part. But there are always corrupt individuals who can be bribed or extorted, especially when money and power are involved...