Hermies Hub

Named in the spirit of the God of travelers, Hermes, this trade hub perches on the Northeast corner of Ayr. It is the only city still functioning on the entire continent, with Kronos destroyed and irradiated (only a small militech robocorps facility called Phoenix remains), and Hyperion a shadow of it's former self (only Hyperion Palace, the observatory, and a small settlement still cling to life there). The Hub thrives in no small part due to the massive support of the Erians, and the technological prowess of the Novans.   So far as anyone knows, Hermies Hub is the last location on the planet with a working Quantum Fusion Reactor, shield dome, and self sustaining hydroponics facility. Security here is fairly tight, but anyone without a criminal tag is allowed to enter or leave the city. The Hub has a working hyper rail for fast intra-city transit, as well as access to massive water docks for trade and transport ships, and 2 air gantries for the few remaining aircraft that still function.   Hermies Hub has it's own Meritocratic governing body, where those that contribute and have the most talent are afforded power and economic wealth, so the city is generally run by the most successful traders and business-peoples. Needless to say, most members of the governing body are Erians.