Yuileïa Miranèlis Meilëln

Emperor Yuileïa Miranèlis Meilëln

One of the legendary Feloran Emperors of myth, Emperor Yuileïa I was the leader of the Feloran Empire after the abolition of slavery until his death. As founder of the Meilëln Dynasty and House, Yuileïa was a great reformer and was well liked by his people, and was an accomplished poet and philosopher. Their closest confidant and friend was the Orc warrior-poet Thröm, with whom they fought a revolution against the Èrintrèlis Dynasty. The epic myth Thröm & Yuileïa is attributed to their collective authorship.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

According to myth, Yuleïa was exiled from House Miranèlis before their Törn'kèu Ritual after the reigning Emperor claimed to have experienced a vision of Yuleïa overthrowing and killing him. Their exile brought them to the ancient Orc Tribes of Felora, as well as to the fields and canals of the Imperial elven peasant. Allied with Thröm, the two raised an army and overthrew Thaelin Èrintrèlis II, executing him in the aftermath.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His most notable achievement was the Abolishment of Slavery & the Je'thor Reformations in the Early Feloran Empire.

Personality Characteristics


Since his youth, Yuileïa wanted to lead the Empire – not for any altruistic reasons at first, rather that he felt he could do it better – and was entitled to it by birth, hailing from the founding house of the Empire. The Mirenèlis ruled various pockets of the Empire through their ancestral holdings and various appointments, and he hoped to inherit these lordships. Unfortunately, his exile came before he could dedicate himself to it.   Yuileïa learned through his exile the injustices of the current system and resolved to change it. He became motivated to end the suffering of the orc slaves of the Empire, and to return Feloran society to it's earlier, pastoralist tendencies. These injustices were detailed in his personal diary, some of which became State Record.


Contacts & Relations

2515 2000 515 years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Known Languages
Ekori, High Feloran, D'jù, numerous additional Orcish languages

Cover image: PC Shot by Midjourney, from Prompt by Javak