Feloran Noble Houses

The Feloran Noble Houses were the ruling nobility in the former Feloran Empire. Still existing to this day, the nine houses are spread out across much of the Feloran Successor States, in varying states of strength and stature. Some have adapted to the modern era, becoming merchants, scholars, or titans of industry; others have remained traditional aristocrats, governing quasi-feudal realms either themselves or in service to other families. While most trace their heritages to the earliest rulers of the Empire of Felora, the Formen and Soleni descend from the former rulers of conquered peoples.


Every Feloran Noble family has a Head of House, generally the eldest descendant of the House's founder, but this is not always the case. Internal organizations may vary, however every family has an ancestral Yīra association, which may also be shared between more than one House, or different aspects associated more with certain noblities. No single House has any formal authority over the others, especially after the collapse of the Empire, although many still have some loyalty to House Kaelbryn as the current holders of the Feloran Throne and Steward's Scepter.

House Èjein

A hammer above an anvil in dark blue on a light blue background.
Founder: Sùsh'a Naezorwyn Èjein
Head of House: Kardolài Èjein III
Ancestral Yīra association(s): Protection, Empathy, Kardolaì the Water Spirit

House Èjein is one of the lesser-known noble houses of Felora, with only one sitting Empress. However, they are the longest-serving Stewards, holding the Scepter from 1,000 LIE until it's seizure at the hands of the Soveriegn Kaelbryn Dynasty. As a Modernist House, they are one of the five noble houses (along with Formen, Meilëln, Naezorwyn, and Yèutrañ) to not be under the nominal authority, sway, or influence of the Kaelbryns.

House Èrintrèlis

  • Founder: Èrintrèlis Miranèlis
  • Head of House: Alqatifa So'un Èrintrèlis
  • Ancestral Yīra association(s): The Night Sky, Klamai the Tinkerer, and Knowledge

Descendants of House Miranèlis cut off after the cataclysm, the Cliffs of Erintrel became the feudal domain of the Èrintrèlis Miranèlis, who opened her fortress to survivors of the Getnian Cataclysm. There is a familial association with astronomy, due to Èrintrèlis' personal interest in the stars and her knowledge of celestial events. Emperor Thaelin Èrintrèlis II was killed by Prince Yuileïa in the the Je'thor Reformations, ending the Dynasty. Today, the House supports House Kaelbryn's desire to reform the Empire, although they do not wish to return to the expansionism of the Late Imperial.

House Formen

heraldry_of_House Formen.png
House Formen Herald by trekman10
  • Founder: Thaelin Bër
  • Head of House: Bër'lo Formen
  • Ancestral Yīra association(s): Èrdur (the Moon), the Feloran Nightblossom, the Craftwork of Wood

The distant descendants of the Sèl, Thàro, and Ui'ghan people, House Formen is one of two noble houses with non-Feloran heritage. The Feloran Empire allowed the communities of Sèl, Thàro, and Ui'ghan broad autonomy to govern their own affairs, after the 1st Feloran Campaign of Expansion conquered their homeland. While given autonomy, Imperial infrastructure projects and migration of people from Inner Felora marginalised their cultures. Over the next 2137 years, the descendants of the surviving influential Sèl, Thàro, and Ui'ghan Chiefs intermarried and merged into a single family, paralelling the development of Feloran Formen or "forest people" culture.

As part of the Abolishment of Slavery & the Je'thor Reformations, the House was created to give the marginalised Feloran minority say in noble affairs. Feloran childhood later, one of the members of House Formen discovered invented lanteen rigging, further raising the House's prestige in the Empire as they became the pre-eminent force for exploration and overseas trade with other ancient societies like the Yulan-tai. In the Late Imperial, as the 2nd Kaelbryn Dynasty moved to control more of the Feloran Noblility's collective holdings and wealth, House Formen fell back on their heritage, constructing newer, modern ships. They are the leading voice of Feloran Republicanism.

House Kaelbryn

A hammer above an anvil in dark blue on a light blue background.
  • Founder: Kaelbryn Miranèlis I
  • Head of House: Ravadi Kaelbryn
  • Ancestral Yīra association(s): Passion, Strength (power), and Narakësh (a spirit of secrets)
House Kaelbryn was long viewed with suspicion by the other houses, due to their outspoken expansionist philosophy for much of the Empire's history. After its founder, Kaelbryn Miranèlis, was removed from the throne by Thaelin Èrintrèlis I, the family long sought to retake the Sovereign Stewardship through whatever means necessary. Kaelbryn leaders would continue to title themselves using regnal numbers as a symbolic statement against the perceived injustice. The Kaelbryns are known spies, long rumoured to be outsized influences in "shadow bureaucracy" of Felora. The last dynasty of the Empire of Felora, and current Sorenian dynasty, House Kaelbryn leads the Revanchist Houses, and has made no efforts to hide its desire to reforge the Empire.

House Miranèlis

House Miranèlis
Organization | Jun 26, 2024

Founding dynasty of the Feloran Empire and one of the surviving Feloran noble lineages

  • Founder: Lucien Miranèlis I & IV
  • Head of House: Fèrn Miranèlis
  • Ancestral Yīra association(s): Lèlladur (the Mother Beaver)m Ekenesh (embodiment of the force of nature that makes food grow), and Wisdom
The founding dynasty of the ancient Feloran Empire. Today, the house is still well known and respected in Felora and beyond for it's history of leadership and methods of governance, which provided the foundations for what would become the last of the mythic empires (those from before the Year of the Bright Star), lasting all the way to the beginning of the Present Era. Emperor Leswena Mirenelis IV would have two children, Kaelbryn and Myral. Kaelbryn would be her preference for the throne, but he would be forced to abdicate after 100 years on the throne. He would go on to form his own house, the Kaelbryn house. The Miranèlis House is part of the Revanchist camp in the Feloran Nobility.

House Meilëln

  • Founder: Yuileïa Miranèlis Meilëln I
  • Head of House: François Meilëln
  • Ancestral Yīra association(s): Etö (Justice, Fairness), Wisdom

Exiled Prince Yuileïa Miranèlis Meilëln founded the dynasty after killing the last Èrintrèlis Soveriegn Steward. The first Soveriegn Dynasty after the Je'thor Reformations, House Meilëln was the first to not also be the holders of the Steward's Scepter, which Yuileïa Meilëln I passed to the Miranèlis House. House Meilëln is known for producing fiercely cosmpolitan Imperial Courts, which were proudly multilingual with Yuileïa Meilëln I, Yuileïa Meilëln II, and Ìmbrìl Meilëln each able to speak Feloran, Ekori, and various Orcish dialects from the time. The Meilëln Sovereign Dynasty was known for establishing fairness and increasing accessibility in Imperial institutions. Yuileïa I reformed the Imperial Bureacuracy with the introduction of State-funded schools and a standardised civil service examination. Today, they are the only Noble House with a non-elf at the head, with François Meilëln, the half-elf son of Meridan merchant Isaure Geaudrônne and Yuileïa Sur'Kësh Meilëln.

House Naezorwyn

  • Founder: Lucien Naezorwyn
  • Head of House: Sëbar Lo'kemi Naezorwyn
  • Ancestral Yīra association(s): Sèla (Lawgiver, Protection, Wisdom)
Lucien To'kemi Naezorwyn would found the House after breaking from House Èrintrèlis over their oppositions to the Je'thor Reforms, being a staunch supporter of the egalitarian movement, having only been born 2548 EIE, and hardly 95 at the time of the revolution. The impressionable man had spend much of his 50s through 70s exploring the Orcish tribes outside of Imperial control, and became enamoured with the goals of Thröm. Their support for the newly-formed House Meilëln lead to them becoming the first Je'thor-era Stewards. After the two successive Meilëln Sovereigns, the Naezrwyns put forth Gardoum Lucien Naezorwyn, citing his direct ancestry to Lucien Abara Miranèlis, sister of Leswena Miranèlis I of the Royal Era. He would establish routine contacts with the Ekorans to the east. His son, Gardoum II, converted the Empire to Elhyaea under his reign. The House would become known for it's devout practice, and Gardoum III's religious retreats to the Dàlùnsten inadvertantely lead to the discovery the city of Nushatrae and the rediscovery of the Eladrin. Currently, the House is deeply ensonced in the Conclave of Ekora, and is considered part of the Modernist faction.

House Soleni

Founder: Chenā Solen
  • Head of House: Julèu Soleni Bènilmö
  • Ancestral Yīra association(s): Kàlèrnlaì (the Sun), Yo'chenā (the Heat of the Desert)
  • Another one of the non-Feloran noble houses, House Soleni are the descendants of the Solen people's last Queen, who surrendered her holdings to the south of the Cliffs of Erintrel to the advancing armies of the Empire rather than fight and likely perish. Valuing secrets as part of Yo'chenā's cunning abilities to survive the desert, House Soleni are likely the founders of the Sovereign's Secret Police. Maelyrra Kaelbryn "II", the final Kaelbryn before the restoration, was the top lieutenant to Chenā Solen, and her daughter, Maelyrra III, granted Chenā's family a noble title shortly after her restoration. The name "Soleni" is based on an ancient Solen custom, and members of the House adopt Soleni as their middle name. Today, the House is aligned with House Kaelbryn and the Revanchists, and many other Feloran Nobles suspect House Soleni whenever one of their own suddenly changes a political alignment or disappears.

    House Yèutrañ

    • Founder: Sur'kësh Yèutrañ
    • Head of House: Elephon Yèutrañ
    • Ancestral Yīra association(s): Longevity, Akinash (a spirit of exploration, knowledge, and the forge)
    Descendants of a family who married repeatedly into House Miranèlis and eventually bequeathed their holdings to the "Stewards of the Àntrepari". In the era leading up to the Je'thor Reformation, the Yèutrañs supported Emperor Yuileïa Èrintrèlis in his attempts to maintain the status quo. As a result, they were Today, the House controls a small section of the Grand Feloran Canal as an independent settlement of 5,000, and is aligned mostly with Feloran Modernism.


    A common practice of new dynasties was to take the same name at least thrice in order to "solidify" the dynasty. After the Je'thor Reformations, Nobles began to view the throne as not merely inherited, but earned through demonstrating body, mind, and heart worthy of the office. Sometimes, none of the children of the reigning Emperor would choose these extra burdens for their Törn'kèu Ritual, creating openings for other noble houses to put forth someone they deemed worthy.

    Public Agenda

    Feloran Noble houses can mostly be seperated into two opposing camps. Lead by House Kaelbryn are the Imperial Revanchists, who seek to re-establish the Empire, although many of them vary as to how far they wish to go, with the Kaelbryns in particular seeking the lost Galisean provinces in addition to re-asserting Feloran soveriegnty across the continent. Opposing the revanchists are the modernists and republicans, those families that have adapted in the Present Era in various ways. The Modernists broadly seek to maintain their noble privilege as an aristocracy, while the republicans seek to do away with the last vestiges of the Feloran Monarchy. While more houses belong to the Modernists and Republicans, political impasses between the camps have allowed the Revanchist Houses to consolidate their power.
    Political, Family
    Alternative Names
    Great Houses of Felora
    Parent Organization
    Subsidiary Organizations
    Notable Members

    Articles under Feloran Noble Houses

    Cover image: by Midjourney
    Character flag image: Herald of the Feloran Emp