High Demon

High Demons are a rarified class of demonic entities that not only wield unparalleled power but also serve as the foundational pillars for entire schools of magic. Born from the uncommon union between Gods and Devils, their births are nothing short of cosmic events, each one heralding the genesis of a new school of magical thought and practice.   Physically, High Demons possess traits that distinguish them from lesser demons, often manifesting unique features that symbolize their particular domain of magic. For instance, Lucius Malfacent's curled horns and smoky hooves signify his mastery over Black Magic, whereas Oberon Solun's characteristics likely exude an aura of ethereal luminescence fitting for the Demon King of White Magic.   While the annals of time have seen many High Demons, their existence is far from guaranteed. They are not immortal; they can die, often due to cosmic struggles, betrayal, or other mysterious circumstances. However, their impact is indelible—their schools of magic persist even after their demise, continuing to influence generations of magic users. It's as if they imprint their essence onto the fabric of reality itself, embedding their unique magical footprints that subsequent practitioners follow.   Each High Demon represents a kind of archetypal force in magic, and their existence often polarizes magical communities. To follow the teachings of a High Demon is to subscribe to a particular worldview, a specific understanding of power and its applications. For example, disciples of Lucius Malfacent would be fundamentally opposed to the ideals promoted by Oberon Solun, even if their magical acts serve similar ends, such as manipulation or control. The schisms between these schools are as much ideological as they are practical.   One intriguing point of speculation is the number of potential High Demons that could exist. Every time a High Demon is born, a new school of magic is conceptualized. Thus, while only eight High Demons are currently known to be alive, of the fifteen that spawned schools of magic, the possibilities for future births, rebirths, and subsequent schools of magic are infinite, limited only by the rare celestial alignments that facilitate the union of gods and devils.   The influence of High Demons goes beyond the mere mortals who practice their arts; their reach extends into the cosmic balance, tipping scales in ways unfathomable to lesser beings. Therefore, the birth or death of a High Demon is not a mere footnote in history but a seismic event that reverberates across both the mortal and cosmic realms.
High Demon
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