Background Career: Engineer

Engineers are the hands-on types, they like to take apart and find why or how something works even if they don't have to. They are a driving desire to know how everything works they see or own.         Qualification: INT 12+     DM -1 for every previous career outside the ones need to get into this Career.
Rank Rank Enlisted Skill or Benefit Officer Skill or Benefit
0 Gearhead
2 NEW SKILL: Technical Skill EDU Restricted NEW SKILL: Technical Skill EDU Restricted
3 Tech Specialist
5 Restricted: Jack of all Skills
6 +1 SOC or SOC 9 if lower Starship Designer +1 SOC or SOC 9 if lower

Mishap 1d6

1-3 Sheet table 4-6 Mishap Table 2           Career Skills
Roll2d6 Mishap Table 2
2 Your project ends in disaster. Roll twice on Injuries and Medical Coverage and take higher.
3 Your company fails to deliver on a contract and must pay compassion. Lose your job.
4 A govt investigation shuts down your company. Cooperate and gain +2 to benefit gain rival. Refuse and gain an Ally.
5 A project you designed fails. Lay the blame on someone else and stay in your career, gain an enemy. Take the blame and leave your Career but keep your benefits roll.
6 Injured – throw on the Injury Table.
7 Your business is investigated by the planetary authorities. Cooperate and the business is shut down, but you gain a +2 DM on the Qualification throws for your next career as a reward. Refuse and gain an Ally.
8 One of your co-workers develops a hatred for you and sabotages your life. Gain a Rival.
9 Your career is ruined by a rival faction within your company. Gain an Enemy.
10 Your company goes Bankrupt and you lose your job. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you fail, lose one Social Standing.
11 Your company is bought out by a larger company that does not pay as well. Gain DM-1 to all Benefit rolls from this career.
12 Your superior is incompetent and when you show him up, he fires you. Gain an Enemy and take -2 DM on your next Qualification throw for your next career.
2d6 Roll Event
10 - 11 Disaster! Throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 A project you worked on ends in disaster! Roll on Injuries and Medical Coverage
13 You blow something up you should not you are demoted.
14 You are asked to volunteer for a hazardous mission. If you accept, throw Dexterity DC 12 If you fail, throw on the Injury Table. If you succeed, gain skill in the following: Pilot (any), Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or Acrobatics and +2 on your next Advancement throw.
15 An army guy picks a fight with you, and you easily win. Roll Charisma DC 12. If you succeed, you are gracious in victory and earn his respect. Gain a Contact. If you fail, he sees you as an arrogant jarhead. Gain a Rival.
16-20 You are caught in an explosion and can try to save a fellow sophont. If you try to save them, throw Dexterity DC 12. If you succeed, gain an Ally. If you fail, gain a Rival. No matter what you decide, you receive radiation exposure Roll on Strong exposure table Mutation Rules
21 The project is delayed and you need to get a day job Gain Craft (Any) or Profession (Any).
22 You need to defend your project from cutting, gain Diplomacy, or Bluff, or Intimidate.
23 Your project building is attacked, you have to hide. Gain Stealth or Survival
24 You are presented with the chance to keep some confiscated goods. If you attempt to keep them, throw Bluff DC 12 to gain +1 on a benefit throw, if you fail your throw, lose one level of Rank.
25 Your exemplary work turns the head of the leader of the project. Gain a contact
26-30 You are tested for Psionic potential. If your Psionic strength is 7+, you may transfer to the Psion career without having to make a Qualification roll.
31-36 Life Event. Throw on the Life Events Table.
37-41 Gain NEW SKILL: Technical Skill EDU Restricted
42 You mess up on a project and it gets cancelled and lose a rank.
43 A project you design causes a lot of people to die, get demoted, or if not commissioned lose a rank
44 You are assigned a secret mission. Throw on the Agent Event Table. May transfer to Agent next year without a qualification roll.
45 Befriend Senior Engineer, gain contact, and +2 on advancement roll.
46-48 Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain Restricted Skill: Jack of All Trades .
49-51 You are assigned to the warship design team. Gain Restricted Skill: Trader Wis , Repair, Craft(ship type), Pilot.
52 Your project wins a competition for a govt contract. Gain +1 to 1 benefit roll. Gain +2 to advancement roll.
53 Your crew is severely damaged and you are ordered to abandon the post. If you choose to stay at your post, throw Dexterity DC 12. If you fail, lose your benefit throw for this Year. If you succeed, gain an extra benefit throw. Either way, throw on the Injury Table
54 You design a new weapon and get to keep the prototype. Gain weapon benefits.
55 Shot Down. Your transport gets shot down. Roll Dexterity DC 12. If you fail, you are captured and exchanged for other prisoners. Gain DM +1 to your next Advancement Roll. If you succeed, you evade capture until help arrives. Take Stealth and +2 on Advancement Roll.
56-60 You become aware of an ethics violation in your department. Report and gain an enemy +2 on the next advancement roll, let it slide gain an ally and +1 Benefit roll.
61 You gain a mentor. Gain an Ally and +4 DM on your next Advancement roll thanks to his aid.
62 You have the chance to save a senior officer. If you take the chance, throw Dexterity DC 12 If you fail, throw on the Injury Table. If you succeed, gain an Ally, and an automatic promotion.
63 Vehicle. Your unit commandeers a vehicle that you end up keeping. Gain the Personal Vehicle benefit. See Rewards and benefits
64 TAS Membership. A wealthy patron takes an interest in you, offering you free membership into the Traveller Aid Society, for a favor. If you accept you gain free Travelers Aid Society TAS but you owe a patron a favor.
65 Your Project completes and gains you fame and riches. Gain an extra benefit roll and +1 SOC.
66 Your work has been exceptional; you are Commissioned as an Officer or are automatically promoted (Players Choice).

Mustering Out changes:

1: Age Reversal  See Rewards and benefits
Background Career: Alternate class abilities      

Fix Anything:

When you take this ability it allows you to use your repair skill rank but half the normal to make checks for things that need to be fixed in different settings. So if you go into a setting and their ships need a skill called: Repair Starship. Normally you could not fix their ships but with this, you can use your repair skill to fix their ships even though normally you cant.  

One with the machine:

You can count your Spirit as 3 points higher for the purpose of how much you can install into yourself. OR You can instead ignore the first 2 spirit losses from impacted installed metal in you for purposes of loss of spell casting. This does not stack with any other class or feat that does the same thing.  

Integrate Tech

Prerequisites: 5th in allowable class (eg mechanic, gearhead, Examiner NEW CLASS) The examiner can freely “mix and match” parts from different Progress Levels, charging a PL 7 device with a PL 6 charging station, for example. Her ability to do this only works with her own equipment as she spends hours tinkering with it and is constantly changing this or that with her own equipment.  

Stretch the Charge

When using items that have charges you wired them so they use 10% less( round down) or you make your battery charges last longer and hold more charge by 10%. Cannot do both. You can affect up to 1/2 your character level(round down) in items(please mark the items affected). Once mark has to spend 24 hours swapping any items.  

Technical Skill(EDU)

See NEW SKILL: Technical Skill EDU Restricted Can be taken more than once but just adds new specialist not new skill that needs points to enter.  

Reverse Engineer

See Restricted: Reverse Engineer  

True Engineering Mind

If an engineer gets to O6 they can take this option. For any class that is a science or engineering-based class ( mechanic, gearhead, Examiner NEW CLASS etc) you can count all levels of classes or PrC taken as one class for calculating one tech abilities for said class. You assign a base class then all other classes taken after the base that are classed as engineering classes or PrC will treat like the PrC +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class for the base class. eg. if you choose the Examiner as a base is at the 4th level then take levels in another engineering class or PrC, you could choose Artifact Expert ability from Examiner, and for that ability you be would able to use both levels together to get the bonus it gives normal adds 1/2 your examiner level now it would add both classes together and give as you are an examiner of that level instead.)