Background Career: Scholar, Scientist or Doctor

Individuals trained in technological or research sciences who conduct scientific investigations into materials, situations, and phenomena, or who practice medicine.   Allowed classes: Any that grants Knowledge (all), or at least 5 knowledge skills Any that grants healing, treats an injury, or other similar skill as a class skill Any class that identifies as for scientists or doctors   Qualification: INT 12+   DM -1 for every previous career   Routine Tasks: Collect samples, recruit subjects, research, experiment, analyze results, resolve scientific problems, report findings, file recommendations and proposals for government grants  


Scientist: You are a researcher in some corporation or research institution or a mad scientist in a laboratory. Physician: You are a doctor, healer, or medical researcher       Ranks 1 Heal 2 3 knowledge life science 4 5 6 knowledge physically science              
Scientist EDU 10+ INT 10+ INT 12+
Physician EDU 10+ INT 14+ INT 13+


  Publication: If you made the check right on target, the scholar has had his work published in one of the major peer-reviewed scholarly journals of the day. The character receives a bonus of Cr500 for his work as a small stipend. This may be received multiple times. Tenured Professor:   Tenured Professor: If you beat DC by 4, the scholar receives a permanent teaching/research position at a major university in recognition. The scholar receives an additional Cr500/year upon retirement from the career. This may only be received once in a career; subsequent awards should be recorded as Publications. Optionally, the incremental Cr500 to retirement may be awarded multiple times.   When a professor obtains Tenure, they cannot fail their future enlistment rolls in this career specialty. Tenured professors who roll less than the number of terms they have served on their Advancement roll may continue in their career but with a –1 DM on all future Advancement rolls. This DM is cumulative if a professor continues to fail enlistment rolls.   Mishaps and failed Survival rolls can still cause a tenured professor to leave this career. Tenured Professors may not transfer to another specialty or career without giving up their tenured position.   Chair: If beat DC by 6, the scholar's work has had so profound an impact on the nature of the field he is in that he will be recognized for as long as that university department remains in existence. The character receives a +1 to social standing, an additional Cr1000/year upon retirement, and a +1 to the material benefits table upon mustering out. This may only be received once in a career; subsequent awards should be recorded as Publications. Optionally, the incremental Cr1000 to retirement and the +1 SOC may be awarded multiple times.                                                          
2d6 rollMishap
2 Severely Injured – Roll twice on the Injuries and Medical Coverage and take the lower result.
3 disaster leaves several injured, and others blame you, forcing you to leave your career. Roll on theInjuries and Medical Coverage twice, taking the higher result, and gain a Rival.
4 The planetary government interferes with your research for political or religious reasons. If you continue with your work openly, increase any Science skill by one level and gain an Enemy. If you continue with your work secretly, increase any Science by one level and reduce your SOC by 2. This mishap does not cause you to leave this career.
5 An expedition or voyage goes wrong, leaving you stranded in the wilderness. Gain Survival 1 or Acrobatics. By the time you find your way home, your job is gone.
6 Unknown parties sabotage your work. You may salvage what you can and give up (leave the career but retain this term’s Benefit roll) or start again from scratch (lose all Benefit rolls from this career but you do not have to leave).
7 Death - Your actions kill a patient you have to leave this Career.
8 Ethics - Your actions are questioned by the Ethics boards, Roll EDU DC 12, if pass they don't take license but go next Term you spend in Prisoner then can return. If Fail you lose your benefits roll for this term and have to leave the Career(but keep your license)
9 An experiment goes badly. Throw Dexterity DC 12. If you fail, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
10 You were approached by a gang who wants to supply drugs to them, agree to gain +1 on cash roll, refused roll on Injuries and Medical Coverage .
11 You get framed and go to jail, taken Prisoner next term they can return to this career.
12 If you kill someone important on the table, you lose your MD license and are barred from practicing medicine.
2d6 RollEvent
10 - 11 Disaster! Throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 There is an explosion in your office. Throw Dexterity 15+ to avoid a throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
13 You are called upon to perform research that goes against your conscience. Accept, and you gain an extra Benefit roll, a level in each of any two Science skill specialties, and 3 Enemies. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
14 You are caught somewhere you weren’t supposed to be. Throw Dexterity DC 12 or Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis DC 12. If you succeed gain either improved unarmed Combat feat or Martial weapon Prof. EIther way throw twice on the Injuries and Medical Coverage and take the higher result if pass and lower result if failed.
15 You are asked to perform actions that are against your conscience. Accept and you gain an extra benefit throw, a level in another profession or craft skills, and 1d3 Enemies.
16-20 Your ship is severely damaged and you are ordered to abandon ship. If you choose to stay at your post, throw Dexterity DC 12. If you fail, you lose your benefit throw for this term. If you succeed, gain an extra benefit throw. Either way, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
21 You must spend time away from your lab. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed, gain one of Survival, Stealth, Knowledge (Tactics), or Pilot. If you fail, -1 DM on one benefit throw.
22 You have the chance to save a senior officer. If you take the chance, throw Dexterity DC 12. If you fail, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage . If you succeed, gain an Ally and an automatic promotion.
23 Invasion! A group of insurgents attacks your Lab. Roll Engineering DC 12. If you succeed, you warn others in time and are automatically promoted. If you fail, several people die. Gain Engineering and gain an Enemy Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
24 You have the opportunity to cheat in some fashion, advancing your career and research by stealing another’s work, using an alien device, taking a shortcut and so forth. If you refuse, you gain nothing. If you accept, roll Bluff DC 12. If you succeed, you gain DM+2 to any one Benefit roll and may increase any skill by one level, but also gain an Enemy. If you fail, gain an Enemy and lose one Benefit roll from this career.
25 You visit facilities scattered over the planet. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed, gain one Drive (any) or Pilot or survival skill.
26-30 You win a prestigious prize for your work, garnering both the praise and envy of your peers. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll.
31-36 Life Event. Throw on the Life Events Table.
37-41 You have the opportunity to advance your career by cheating. If you refuse, you gain nothing. If you accept, throw Bluff DC 12 or If you succeed, you gain +2 DM on one benefit throw and may increase any one skill you have by one level, but you gain an Enemy. If you fail, you gain an Enemy and lose one benefit throw from this career.
42 Mildly Injured. Roll twice on Injuries and Medical Coverage and take the higher result
43 You are involved with a gambling ring. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed gain one of Restricted Skills: Gambling INT , Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or Bluff. If you fail, take a -1 DM on one benefit throw.
44 Your work requires you to learn a variety of skills. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed gain Restricted Skill: Jack of All Trades
45 You are given the opportunity to work outside of your normal area of expertise. Check on any other profession using your own ranks DC 17. If pass can add that professional skill, if fail you drop 1 rank.
46-48 You spend time doing intensive research. Gain one level of any one skill you already have.
49-51 You are assigned to work on a secret project. Gain one of Any Science (any), Engineering, Computers Use(Any)
52 You are involved in complex negotiations for a psion release. Throw Education DC 12. If you succeed, gain +1 on one cash roll.
53 Saved an Influential Person. You saved the life of someone with considerable influence. Gain the Travelers Aid Society TAS and an Ally.Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
54 Somehow you learned something. Throw Education DC 12. If you succeed gain Any Computer Use (any).
55 Scientific Outpost. You protect a group of scientists at a border research station, and they show you a few things. Gain Science Skills (Any) and the Scientific Equipment benefit.
56-60 You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Throw Education DC 12 to gain any one skill of your choice(including restricted skills
61 You gain a mentor. Gain an Ally and +4 DM on your next Advancement roll thanks to his aid.
62 You have the chance to save a senior officer. If you take the chance, throw Dexterity DC 12 If you fail, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage . If you succeed, gain an Ally, and an automatic promotion.
63 Due to your diligent work collecting metal, you are awarded a bonus. Gain DM +1 on one benefit throw.
64 Slaves Captured. During a raid, you discover a group of slaves and made sure they survived. Gain DM+2 to an Advancement roll. If you work to make sure they are freed, gain an Ally and gain a social skill. If you make sure the slaves are returned to their owners, the owner rewards you. Gain extra Benefit roll.
65 You receive a prestigious award. Gain +1 DM on one benefit throw and +2 DM on your next Advancement throw.
66 You are assigned to work on a secret project: Gain Engineering, Computers Use (Any) and get promoted.

Mustering Out Rolls

Roll Cash Material
2 none None
3 1000 Contact
4 5000 Ally
5 10000 SOC +1
6 20000 Int +1
7 30000 Scientific Equipment
8 40000 +1 EDU
9 50000 Ship Share
10 60000 Lap Ship
11 80000 2 ship share
12 100000 Lap Ship
13 Roll Twice Roll Twice
Background Career: Alternate class abilities    

Pseudo-Eidetic Memory

+2 synergy bonus to all knowledge and Int-based skill checks to do with remembering information that has been previously studied, learned, or accessed. Once per day can reroll a failed knowledge check.  


When speaking to another person that is well educated you speak in a way that others of lesser education cannot understand what you are saying. You choose what level of EDU you are speaking up to your own EDU. If the other person has at least the EDU they can speak to you and no one else can understand what you are saying. if someone else tries to understand who does not have the base EDU, the DC to try to understand is double the EDU when want to make the check. if have the base EDU they can make a straight EDU check vs the base DC chosen. You can add 2 to EDU base if have 5 ranks of Bluff for those trying to understand(but target doesn't need to) or 5 ranks in Sense motive you can reduce DC by 2 when trying to decode it.  


When a task, like a lab project, requires one or more others to combine their effects, you lead them making their DC to work together lower by 5. The following applies: Simple task DC 5 Moderate task DC 10 Difficult task DC 15 Complete task DC 20   +5 to DC for boring repetitive work +10 if Grueling Labor   You can also get a +2 to keep your job when checking the maintain employment roll. If are a level 10 character you can use this as the leadership feat only to hire an assistant that will be 1/2 your level.    

Know your Foe(Ex)

You receive an insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls if make a knowledge check against the creature type for the remainder of the combat. The amount of the bonus depends on your Knowledge check result, as given on the following table.  
Check Result Bonus Granted
20 or below +1
21—30 +2
31-35 +3
36-40 +4
41+ +5
  You can make only one Knowledge check per creature type per combat. If you fight creatures of multiple types during the same combat, you can make one Knowledge check per type, thereby possibly gaining different bonuses against different opponents. Must be 5th level to take this.