Current Career: DocWagon

DocWagon is an international AA Corporation, It was a pioneer in the medical services industry by offering unique medical insurance including armed ambulance services and tracking/monitoring bracelets, colloquially known as "DocWagon(TM)-type services". It since has been joined by various competitors, including CrashCart Medical Services, but DocWagon has remained the leader of the fast point-of-service emergency medical service market.   Based on your account they will drop into where you have been taken down to retrieve your body to apply immediate treatment or get you to their mobile flying base with state-of-the-art healing. The company founder was the one that found the transport system and unlocked the use of it. While he does not owe it, and all emergency services have access to it, he seems to have the fullest map of where all the portals are and that is why he can offer 5 min service to be at your location from when Doc Bracket is triggered. No military units are ever to use these services, if one of the races tried the rest would lock them out of the system.   See Doc Wagon Service   If was an officer in a Military career starting as O1. In order to gain any more ranks in Officer you need to have Power Armour Prof.   Wage bonus: 750cr  

Ranks and Benefits

Rank Rank Enlisted Skill or Benefit Officer Skill or Benefit
0 Notice
1 Private Bodyguard (Combat) Shield Combat Expertise*
2 Scrub Main Shield Bantha Rush
3 Doc In Harm’s Way (Combat) Revifier
4 Senior Doc Specialist Running Attack
5 MD Covering Defense (Combat) Medical Reaper
6 Doc Wagoner Deflect arrows Combat MD Catch a Second Wind
CAREER PROGRESS Survival Advancement Commission
SRT Wis DC 9 Wis DC 8 + Rank EDU DC 12
Threat Support Personnel Con DC 10 Int DC 7 + Rank INT DC 11
2 Serious Injury – throw twice on the Injury Table and take the lower throw.
3 Corrupted – You were corrupted by the illegal forces you were trying to get you to save. Gain an Enemy
4 Betrayed by a Friend – One of your Allies or Contacts betrays you and becomes an Enemy or Rival. If you have no Ally or Contact, you are betrayed by a total stranger, but still gain them as a Rival or Enemy.
5 Shell Shocked – You have seen too much fighting and bloodshed. You must enter the Drifter career next term.
6 Scandal – You are caught up in a scandal that could disgrace the service. Lose 1 point of Social Standing and gain a Rival.
7 Injured – throw on the Injury Table.
8 Incompetent – You fail. Gain a Rival.
9 Scuttled – A vindictive officer ruins your career. Gain a Rival.
10 Incompetence – During a battle, you cause another ship to be severely damaged. Your career is ruined. You suffer a -1 on two different benefit throws. You also gain an Enemy.
11 Negligence – You are accused of negligence. Throw Education DC 18. If you fail, you lose 1 rank. If you succeed, you do not lose any rank, but you still gain an Enemy.
12 Combat Sickness – You suffer from Combat Phobia. You must throw Con DC 15 every time you enter a fight to avoid fleeing when getting hurt the first time. Drugs and/or alcohol may provide positive DMs.
Can roll a max of 3 times in a year, Each time you roll, you have to check after on Maintain Employment table in Get a Job Profession skill . Any increases in the DC are kept till the end of the year. Any failure from checks on Events adds +5 to the DC of Maintain Employment. You use any Career Skills you have gained for the check. If you have none make a stat check with any of the stat requirements needed for the Career. In the month you roll your Event, you do not check Maintain Employment. You can choose whatever 3 months you want to roll for.                                                              
Roll the dice 2d6 Event
10 - 11 Disaster! Throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 Your crew is involved in a major conflict with bandits. Throw Dexterity DC 15. If you succeed, gain either Perception or Acrobatics. If you fail, throw on the Injury Table.
13 You are assigned as extraction to an important convoy under fire. Before the mission, you are contacted by an enemy power. If you betray the convoy gain 1d3 extra benefit throws but you have to let your client die. You may also automatically transfer to the Agent or Rogue careers next term.
14 You are asked to volunteer for a hazardous mission. If you accept, throw Dexterity DC 15 If you fail, throw on the Injury Table. If you succeed, gain skill in the following: Pilot (any), Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or Acrobatics and +2 on your next Advancement throw.
15 You are assigned Shore Duty. Gain Restricted Skills: Gambling INT
16-20 You are assigned to a Ceremonial detail. Gain Diplomacy or +1 Social Standing.
21 You learn something embarrassing about a superior. If you choose to use it against him, gain +1 DM on a benefit throw. If you do not use it, gain an Ally. Either way, Maintain Employment DC goes up by 2.
22 You have to buy in for a chance at the big win. Bet as many Benefit rolls as you like, then roll Restricted Skills: Gambling INT or Bluff 15+, winning half as many Benefit rolls as you bet if you succeed. Fail, and lose what you bet.
23 You are pressed to become a police informant. If you accept, roll Bluff 15+ to avoid gaining a criminal Enemy. Reject the offer, and gain an Enemy in the police.
24 You are presented with the chance to keep some confiscated goods. If you attempt to keep them, throw Bluff 15+ to gain +1 on a benefit throw, if you fail your throw, lose one level of Rank.
25 You save a courier for an important message from the govt. Either gain diplomacy, +1 Soc, or take a +4 DM to your next Advancement roll.
26-30 You are tested for Psionic potential. If your Psionic strength is 7+, you may transfer to the Psion career without having to make a Qualification roll.
31-36 Life Event. Throw on the Life Events Table.
37-41 You make an unexpected connection outside your normal circles. Gain a Contact. Maintain Employment DC goes down by 5
42 You are involved in a major fight in the city. Throw Con DC 15 to avoid a roll on the Injury table. Gain an extra throw on your Mustering Out Table.
43 Your scout ship is one of the first on the scene to rescue the survivors of a disaster. Roll either Heal 15+ or Engineer 15+. If you succeed, gain a Contact and a +2 DM to your next Advancement check. If you fail, gain an Enemy.
44 You are assigned a secret mission. Throw on the Agent Event Table. May transfer to Agent next year without a qualification roll. Maintain Employment DC goes down by 5.
45 You are forced to make a decision that causes the death of 1d3 crewmembers in order to save the crew. Throw Intelligence 15+. Pass You gain +4 on your next Advancement throw. Either way, you gain an Enemy for every crew member who died. Either way Maintain Employment goes up by 5.
46-48 Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Throw Intelligence DC 15 to gain Jack of All Trades.
49-51 During one of your tours, a high-ranking member of the government, or a celebrity, notices you. Gain a Contact and either +1 Social Standing or EDU +1. Maintain Employment goes down by 5.
52 You are involved in complex negotiations for a psion release. Throw Education DC 15. If you succeed, gain +1 on one cash roll.
53 Your crew is severely damaged and you are ordered to abandon the post. If you choose to stay at your post, throw Dexterity dc 15. If you fail, lose your benefit throw for this Year. If you succeed, gain an extra benefit throw. Either way, throw on the Injury Table and have your Maintain Employment goes down by 2
54 The cops asking questions about a failed job you were on with the team. Roll Deception or Stealth 15+ to avoid losing a Benefit throw as you are forced to take time off for stress.
55 You are captured and interrogated by the enemy. You manage to escape or be rescued (or did they let you go...). Gain either Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or Escape Artist.
56-60 Your hard work is acknowledged. Gain a +1 on your next Advancement roll.
61 Crash! On the way to the client, your team crashes in the wild. Roll Survival 15+ pass, add Survival, Stealth, Acrobatics. If fail roll on Injuries and Medical Coverage table
62 Noble Ride! Nobel trainee is assigned to you. Roll Diplomacy 15+ pass he pass your name around his circles +1 SOC and gave +1 roll to benefits roll, Fail superiors hear of his displease -4 on next advancement roll.
63 You work has not gone unnoticed, you are aware the TAS Membership.
64 Recover! A stranded marine is grateful for the rescue. You receive the sword in appreciation. Gain the Blade benefit and gain the marine as a Contact.
65 Lost Ship! While saving a client you find a lost ship on your patrol. If you keep info to your team, gain +1 to Benefit roll, if report it get +4 for advancement.
66 Your work has been exceptional; you are Commissioned as an Officer or are automatically promoted (Players Choice).
Background Career: Alternate class abilities  

Never Surrender

Your job is important to you, and your team relies on you. The first time you would go below 0 in an encounter, you can make a Fort Save as an immediate action with DC equal to the amount of damage being dealt to you in that attack. if you succeed you are 1 HP.  


You are well-practiced in modern surgical practices. Prerequisites: Heal 3 ranks, 5th level Benefit: You can use the treat deadly wounds task of the Heal skill 1 additional time per creature per day, and you only expend one use of a healer’s kit when treating deadly wounds, instead of two. Whenever you exceed the DC to treat deadly wounds by 5 or more, you add your Wisdom modifier (if positive) plus the number of ranks in Heal that you possess to the amount of hit points restored.   Normal: Without this, you can only use the treat deadly wounds task of the Heal skill 1 time per creature per day, and you expend two uses of a healer’s kit when performing the task. Whenever you exceed the DC to treat deadly wounds by 5 or more, you normally only add your Wisdom modifier (if positive) to the amount of hit points restored.  


Your masterful skill of the medical field allows you to accomplish medical wonders. Prerequisites: Heal 9 ranks, EXPERT SURGEON Benefit: You can attempt to save a creature that has recently died. If you are able to administer aid within your Wisdom modifier of the creature’s death, you can make a DC 30 (+2 every round they have been dead) Heal check to attempt to revivify the creature. If the check is successful, the creature regains 2 hit points per level of the creature plus an additional number of hit points equal to the number of ranks in Heal that you possess. If the treated creature’s new hit point total is at a negative amount less than its Constitution score, it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total. If the creature’s new hit point total is at a negative amount equal to or greater than its Constitution score, the creature remains dead. Creatures brought back to life through this feat gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day. This temporary negative level cannot become permanent. A creature who has been killed by a death effect, negative levels, or a Constitution-penalty, -damage, or -drain, can’t be raised by this feat. This feat cannot bring back a creature that has died of old age or natural causes. To perform this task, you must spend a full-round action and expend three uses from a healer’s kit. You take a –2 penalty on your Heal skill check for each use from the healer’s kit that you lack.

Rank Abilities 

  You are trained in various ways to deal with people as you gain ranks. These can only be used on the job with clients with accounts with DocWagon. If not on the job or the target does not have a DocWagon account these are not accessible. As an officer, you get both lower rank and officer rank abilities.  

Bantha Rush

After making a successful melee attack against an opponent up to one size category larger than you, you can choose to move that opponent 1 square in any direction as a Free Action. You can't Bantha Rush an opponent that's being Grabbed or Grappled, and you can't Bantha Rush your opponent into a solid object or another creature's Fighting Space.  

Catch a Second Wind

If you are reduced to one-half your maximum Hit Points or less, you can Catch a Second Wind as a Swift Action. You can only Catch a Second Wind once per day. This Action heals one-quarter of your full Hit Point total (rounded down) or a number of points equal to your Constitution score, whichever is greater. You can Catch a Second Wind only once per day.  

Running Attack

When making an attack with a melee or ranged weapon, you can move both before and after the attack, provided that the total distance moved is not greater than your Speed.

Mustering Out

Roll 1d6CashBenefits
1 100 Weapon
2 500 1 Year Free
3 500 Air/Raft or Ship Share
4 1000 Platinum Service DocWagon 2 years
5 2000 Age Reversal
6 5000 Super-Platinum Service Dogwagon 1 year
7 10000 Power Armour