Current Career: Technomancer Troop Support

You bring support to the troops, either by raining down death from above with your spells, covering retreats with illusions, or breaking enemies' ranks with targeted strikes. While you not on the front lines, you are close enough to get hurt if not careful and are targeted by other side for the support you give.       
RankEnlistedBenefitsRankOfficerBenefitsPay Bonus
E1 Tool O1 Ensign
E2 Hammer O2 Private Spell thrower Quicken Spell Feat
E3 PickAx Enlarge Spell feat O3 Sergent Caster +250
E4 Ax-Gun O4 Corporal Evoker Max Spell Feat +500
E5 Gun Twin SPell Feat O5 Captain Mage Any lower-level option
E6 Bomb O6 Magi Tech Any lower-level option +750
E7 Nuke Any meta magic feat O7 Grand Tech mage Master Metamagic
Career ProgressSurvivalAdvancement
Border Patrol Dex 6+ Int 7 + Rank
Military Support Dex 8+ Int 7 + Rank
2 Serious Injury – throw twice on the Injury Table and keep the lowest result.
3 You summon something dangerous. Lose one point of Int. You also suffer from persistent and terrifying nightmares New conditions You gain Post Trauma Stress
4 You are caught during an assignment and exposed. You must spend your next term as a Drifter.
5 An investigation goes critically wrong or leads to the top, ruining your career. Throw Dex 15+. If you succeed, you may keep the benefit throw from this year.
6 You are asked to use your magic powers in an unethical fashion. Accept and you may continue in this career, but you gain an Enemy Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies . Refuse and you must leave this career.
7 Injured – throw on the Injury Table.
8 You learn something you shouldn’t know and people want to kill you for it. Gain an Enemy and Bluff.
9 Your work ends up coming home with you and someone gets hurt. Choose one of your Contacts, Allies, or family members and throw twice on the Injury Table for them, taking the lower result.
10 You are accused of breaking the magical laws and found guilty. Flee to Outlands until clear you your name. 
11 Someone attempts to assassinate you. Throw Con DC 15. If you fail, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage . If you succeed, gain an Enemy.
12 You are suspected of using your abilities to cheat and steal from others. Lose one Social Standing and gain an Enemy. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
See Current Careers: How Events Work        
Roll the dice 2d6Event
10 - 11 Disaster! Throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 An investigation takes a dangerous turn. Throw Streetwise DC 15. If you fail, throw on the Mishap Table. If you succeed, gain Bluff or gain Restricted Skill: Jack of All Trades
13 You are assigned to internal affairs to investigate one of your own. Throw Diplomacy DC 15. If you succeed, gain an Enemy and gain Diplomacy, Stealth, or Bluff. If you fail, you still gain an Enemy. Someone complained about you after and you lose 1 rank. roll for continued employment with a +5 DC increase.
14 You are asked to volunteer for a hazardous mission. If you accept, throw Dexterity DC 15 If you fail, throw on the Injury Table. If you succeed, gain one skill in the following: Pilot (any), Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or Acrobatics and +2 on your next Advancement throw. If you don't Lose 1 rank.
15 You come into contact with an anti-magic cult. Throw Bluff DC 15 or Social Standing DC 12. If you fail, lose one Benefit roll or roll on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
16-20 You are involved in testing and recruiting potential mages with magical talents. Throw Intelligence DC 12. Gain one of mysticism or knowledge(arcane)
21 You make a mistake and go down 1 rank, roll for continued employment with a +5 DC increase.
22 You are assigned to work on a secret project. Gain one class Skill: Heal, Any Science (any) 1, Computer Use(Any), or Knowledge Arcane.
23 You are sent undercover. Gain one skill: Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis , Restricted Skills: Gambling INT, Bluff or Stealth.
24 You are presented with the chance to keep some confiscated goods. If you attempt to keep them, throw Bluff 15+ to gain +1 on a benefit throw, if you fail your throw, lose one level of Rank.
25 You are forced to move around as you look for rare tech for a project. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain Fly, Pilot, or Ride.
26-30 You go undercover on a starship. Gain one skill in Pilot, Repair, or Engineering.
31-36 Life Event. Throw on the Life Events Table.
37-41 You make an unexpected connection outside your normal circles and it puts you in a bad light. You get demoted, add +5 to Maintain Employment roll.
42 You find a forbidden book and study it. You can add 2d4 spells of the enchantment school from PF core book. They came to be of any level up you your max level-1.
43 You assist in tracking down a rogue psion. Throw Intelligence DC 15 to gain one of Perception, Stealth, or Bluff. You may transfer to the Agent career next term without making a Qualification roll.
44 You go undercover to investigate an enemy. Throw Bluff DC 15. If you succeed, throw immediately on the Rogue Events Tables. If you fail, throw immediately on the Rogue Mishap Table.
45 You are forced to make a decision that causes the death of 1d3 crewmembers in order to save the crew. Throw Intelligence 15+ You gain +4 on your next Advancement throw. Either way, you gain an Enemy for every crew member who died. Maintain employment roll goes up by 2 for every crew member dead.
46-48 Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Throw Intelligence DC 15 to gain Restricted: Jack of all Skills
49-51 During one of your tours, a high-ranking member of the government, or a celebrity, notices you. Gain a Contact and either +1 Social Standing or EDU +1.
52 You are involved in complex negotiations for a psion release. Throw Education DC 15. If you succeed, gain +1 on one cash roll.
53 Your crew is severely damaged and you are ordered to abandon the post. If you choose to stay at your post, throw Dexterity dc 15. If you fail, lose your benefit throw for this term. If you succeed, gain an extra benefit throw. Either way, throw on the Injury Table.
54 Somehow you learned something. Throw Education DC 15. If you succeed gain Any Computer Use (any)roll for continued employment with a -5 DC.
55 You are captured and interrogated by the enemy. You manage to escape or be rescued (or did they let you go...). Gain either Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or unarmed Combat Feat. Maintain employment DC +5.
56-60 Your hard work is acknowledged. Gain a +1 on your next Advancement roll. Maintain employment DC -5
61 You gain a mentor. Gain an Ally and +4 DM on your next Advancement roll thanks to his aid.
62 You have the chance to save a senior officer. If you take the chance, throw Dexterity 15+ If you fail, throw on the Injury Table. If you succeed, gain an Ally, and an automatic promotion. Maintain employment DC -5
63 You find a hybrid item. Choose any item that is up to level 8 and apply hybrid to it.
64 You are ordered to attack a location near a civilian target. Obey and gain an Enemy and +2 DM on your next Advancement throw. Refuse and suffer -2 on your next Advancement throw.
65 You are selected for Officer School. Throw Intelligence dc 17 to be Commissioned. If you are already an officer, gain +2 DM on your next advancement. Maintain employment DC -5
66 Your work has been exceptional; you are Commissioned as an Officer or are automatically promoted (Players Choice). Auto pass Maintain employment.

Rank Abilities

You can use any of these when supporting troops under this career, or when supporting troops under any mission given to you by your commander if under contract with them. To use these abilities you have to be on mission when memorizing the spell AND when casting the spell. Those that do not memorize can cast this as a move action at time of casting instead of a full round action like normal. 

Master Metamagic 

When you use any metamagic the level adjustment is 1 less to a min of 1. So when you use Quicken Metamagic feat spell is only 3 levels higher not 4.