Pure Human

You have been born human and survive not mutating into a meta-human. You also have not been mutated traveling the world as of yet and would be considered by some the only true humans left on the planet.  
Category Value Ships
Max Ship Size 800 tons 8
Armour TL 16 8
Power Core TL 16 8
Engine TL 16 8
Sensor TL 12 8
defense systems TL 16 8
Weapons TL 16 With Fission Cannon (4d6 hull damage 150 radiation ) 5
Personal Weapons TL 14 -
Personal Armour TL 14 -
See Accessing other races TECH See Level of Tech   The humans are the most advance of the races tech-wise, having kept hold of some of the secrets lost to the ages, they do well to defend the borders they share with the Elves, though they still do not share all their tech with their allies. Their lack of metahuman powers has brought them into gene splicing tech to make their troops able to stand up to the other faster stronger and tougher races.   They are two types of humans Freeman those that are born on the surface and vaulters those that were locked away up until now in a fallout shelter.   Because they are unaffected by the magic mutation they can use SURGE to get some boosts to fight other Meta Humans but no longer are pureblood and become alter humans   They always get a save vs any mutation effect or radiation effect and get +5 to the save. Once they are effected they are no longer Pureblood and are altered. Anyone that has ever had any gene therapy or had their DNA worked is not pureblood.   A little know benefit is that the system robots consider altering humans are enemies and will not accept control codes from such people as they are been corrupted.