Richard Garen

Thane Richard Garen (a.k.a. Big Dick)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rumor has it that Big Dick was set to be executed in Somerset for murder of his father. The magistrate that oversaw his trial could not be found in the days that led up to his sentencing and thus nothing ever was enforced. Soon after, Big Dick busted out of jail and ran. He fled into Tahnyth to escape the law, however, unbeknownst to him, Somerset soon came under rule of King Azrakhan of Tahnyth and facing uncertainty he fled into Bran’ Modan and built a large house for himself in a secluded area.


Having no formal education Big Dick struggled in his early years. However, he understood farming and the concept of business. He travelled to the nearby and new settlement of Nightingale to sit and watch a certain proprietor Malcom Mournhell run his business. It is said that Malcom Mournhell began to teach the giant man the ways of bookkeeping and day to day business.


As a youth he spent much of his time raising sheep and maintaining the family farm.
He then spent time living in and off the streets after his abusive father threw him out of the house.
Now, Big Dick, runs Big Dick's Halfway Inn and ownership of the largest flock of sheep in Bran’ Modan .

Accomplishments & Achievements

Beaten and thrown out of house at 11.
Charged with murder at the age of 23.
Lived as fugitive for a nearly a decade.
Founded what is now called Garen's Well .

Mental Trauma

Death of mother
Abusive father


Family Ties

Malcom Mournhell 
Nathan Mournhell 

Religious Views

He believes they gods has forsaken him and thus he curses them under his breath.

Social Aptitude

His past haunts him and he has become social awkward and many fear him because of his dark stare and his rumored past.


Short & direct

Wealth & Financial state

Owns and operates the largest sheep and goat farms in Bran' Modan.

An large imposing man that portrays that people should watch what they say near him. Standing 6'7" and weighing over 350 lbs which is evenly distributed over his massive frame.

Character Location
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Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
278 AC 47 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Mother died during childbirth
Current Residence
Big Dick wears the common garb of those from Somerset. His thin oily black hairs is stretched back into a pony tail with loose strands hanging over his pale face.
long oily black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
350 is distributed evenly across his massive frame
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements