
Nightingale is a small town nestled on the western coast of @Voxery Depths, situated in the contested territory of Bran’ Modan . The town's location is blessed with abundant natural resources, with lumber being one of the primary sources of wealth in the area. The rolling hills west of the town offer bountiful opportunities for farming, while the hills and mountains provide rich minerals. The Somerset Mountains to the north serve as a natural barrier, separating Nightingale from the Empire of Nemenwie. Nightingale is known for its wine and mines, with the House De'grey , House Mournhell , and House Woodleaf  families being the most prominent and influential in the town. The De'Grey family owns and operates the most profitable copper mine in the region and has been part of Nightingale since the town's inception. The Woodleaf family started with the largest farm in the area and eventually grew to own most of the farmland surrounding the town. The Mournhell family saw an opportunity in the rising population and need for entertainment, and established vineyards in the warm foothills, becoming known for their fine wines throughout the region.   Despite being contested, Nightingale has managed to maintain its autonomy and independence, with the Empire of Tahnyth  recently fracturing and showing little interest in absorbing the town into its territory. However, the reasons behind the fracturing remain unknown, and the future of the region is uncertain.


The majority of Nightingale's population is made up of humans, with a significant minority of dwarves due to the town's history of mining. Other races, such as elves and halflings, also call the town home but in much smaller numbers. As for wealth classes, Nightingale has a notable class divide, with the ruling families and their supporters holding the majority of wealth and power, while the lower classes struggle to make ends meet. The town's economy is primarily based on agriculture, mining, and wine production.


Nightingale is run by a council composed of representatives from each of the three major families: De'Grey, Mournhell, and Woodleaf. The council meets regularly to discuss issues affecting the town and make decisions on behalf of the community. The laws in Nightingale are generally enforced by the town guard, which is overseen by a captain appointed by the council. The guard is responsible for maintaining order, protecting the citizens, and enforcing the laws set forth by the council.   In terms of taxation, the council levies a small tax on all businesses and residents within the town, which is used to fund public works projects and maintain the guard.   Overall, the council operates under a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one family or individual gains too much power or influence over the town.


There is no standing walls within the settlement. However, the bridge coming across the river into Nightingale offers small protection with two small guard towers on either side. Voxery Depths to the east and the Somerset Mountains to the north provide natural defenses. Nightingale has a small but growing militia, especially, since the recent activity within the region.

Industry & Trade

The inhabitants of Nightingale are primarily involved in agriculture, mining, and winemaking. The Woodleaf family owns the majority of the farmland surrounding the settlement and produces crops such as wheat, corn, and vegetables. The De'Grey family operates the most profitable copper mine in the region and employs a significant portion of the population. The Mournhell family produces fine wines from their vineyards in the nearby foothills and exports them throughout the region. Nightingale also has a thriving trade economy, with imports including exotic spices, textiles, and luxury goods from distant lands. The settlement's exports include lumber, copper, and wine. The local blacksmiths produce quality tools and weapons, and there are several skilled craftsmen who make pottery, jewelry, and other artisanal goods.   The economy of Nightingale is diverse and robust, with the different industries supporting each other and contributing to the overall prosperity of the settlement.


Nightingale built its reputation from having a large copper mine and various other mineral mines within the region. The docks provide trade throughout the Voxery Depths. The vineyards in the area provide fruits for the growing wine demand. Nightingale boasts several watermills and windmills used for grinding grains and sawing lumber. The town also has a rudimentary sewer system to help deal with waste disposal. The streets are well-paved with cobblestone and there are several bridges spanning the small river that runs through the town. There is a small shipyard on the outskirts of town where fishing boats are built and repaired. The town also has a few blast furnaces for smelting metals extracted from the nearby mines. Overall, Nightingale has a solid infrastructure in place to support its growing economy and population.


Grain, Wine, copper and mithril
The Copper Pick: This is the main store for mining equipment and supplies. They also buy and sell ores and precious metals.
The Green Vine: This is the Mournhell family's vineyard and winery. They offer tours and tastings, as well as selling bottles of their fine wines.
  The Woodleaf Farm Market: This store sells fresh produce from the surrounding farms, including fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  Deva's Ring: This is a workshop that specializes in crafting fine jewelry and silverware.
  Rings True Smithy: This store sells weapons, armor, and other combat gear.
  The Spellbound: This store specializes in magical supplies, including scrolls, potions, and enchanted items.
  The Sundries Emporium: This is a general store that sells a variety of goods, including food, clothing, tools, and other basic necessities.
  There are also several pawn shops, taverns, and other small businesses scattered throughout the town. The most valuable items in Nightingale are likely the precious metals and gems mined from the surrounding hills and mountains.

Guilds and Factions

Three Major Houses rule Woodleaf, Mournhell and De'Grey. The Griffon's Talons and Church of Daedalus also has a presence within Nightingale.


Nightingale, a small town on the western coast of Voxery Depths in Bran’ Modan, has a rich history. In 280 AC, the mining family of House De'grey saw opportunity in the foothills of the Somerset Mountains and started the first mine within the region. Nearby House Mournhell saw the fertile land and started their first farm, and both families hired workers from Tahnyth to come work. Soon, the first houses were built in Nightingale. In 294 AC, Maximillian Drake, the Duke of Urbino in Tahnyth, proposed a business deal with Catherine De'Grey, which became a marriage. However, rumors suggest that it was more of a business deal than a marriage. In 310 AC, Maximillian Drake died in a hunting accident . The history of Nightingale is also marked by several tragedies and scandals. In 285 AC, Rosalind Medicini was found brutally murdered in her garden by the stable hand. In 315 AC, Serenity Falls Mental Asylum was cursed, and the patients and staff either went mad or vanished. In 325 AC, Eliza De'Grey was murdered, people believed it was Rowan Roundtree. If it wasn't for the fact that Rowan was found days later murdered.    Despite these events, Nightingale continues to thrive, known for its wine and mines. The rulership is contested between the De'Grey, Mournhell, and Woodleaf families, each with their own industries and sources of wealth. The small but growing militia provides defense for the town, while the natural barriers of Voxery Depths to the east and the Somerset Mountains to the north offer additional protection.

Points of interest

Ancestor's Rest
Rings True Smithy
Flour Meadough Bakery
Deva's Ring
The Greedy Gardener
The Culling
The main interests of Nightingale are its copper mine, fertile farmland, and vineyards, which provide valuable exports of copper, grains, and wines. The unique geography of the settlement, nestled on the western coast of Voxery Depths with the Somerset Mountains to the north, provides natural defenses against external threats. The oldest building in Nightingale, Ancestor's Rest, serves as both a church and graveyard. The Greedy Gardener inn also stands out with its well-tended garden and fresh herbs and vegetables used in their dishes. However, there are no particularly impressive or deadly buildings or trading halls that make the fortune of the city. The settlement relies more on its natural resources and enterprising families for its prosperity.


Due to the recent activity within the region and rumors of hauntings and beasts lurking in the nearby woods, Nightingale has seen very little tourism. However, those who do visit are usually interested in the history and culture of the settlement. They may visit the Ancestor's Rest, the oldest building in town that serves as the church and graveyard, or explore the town's unique blend of architecture and local cuisine. Tourists may also be drawn to the natural beauty of the surrounding hills and mountains, which offer opportunities for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities.   There are limited options for accommodations in Nightingale, with a few inns and taverns such as The Greedy Gardener , The Culling and Mournhell's, as well as private lodgings available for rent. However, those seeking more luxurious accommodations may need to travel to other cities.


The style of architecture in Nightingale is a mix of different styles due to the various families that have settled there over time. The De'Grey family built many of the first structures in the settlement and used a simple yet sturdy design with stone walls and wooden roofs. The Mournhell family, known for their vineyards and wine, built larger structures with white plaster walls and red clay tile roofs. The Woodleaf family, who own most of the farmland surrounding the settlement, built wooden houses and barns in a rustic style. There is no set tradition for adorning structures, but many buildings are adorned with flowers and vines, and some have brightly colored shutters or doors. The natural beauty of the surrounding hills and vineyards often serves as a backdrop for the settlement's buildings.


Nightingale, located in Bran'Modan, is a small town nestled on the western coast of Voxery Depths. The terrain around Nightingale consists of low rolling hills, which offer ample opportunities for farming, while the nearby hills and mountains provide a rich source of minerals. The town also benefits from being located near the Somerset Mountains to the north, which provide a natural barrier between the Empire of Nemenwie and Nightingale. The town is situated next to a river, which provides access to fresh water and serves as a trade route for the town's exports. To the east lies the Voxery Depths, and to the west lies the Lake Garen and Serenity Falls Asylum. The surrounding landscape is dotted with dense forests and rich vegetation, which contributes to the area's natural beauty.   Overall, Nightingale is a picturesque town, surrounded by rolling hills and greenery, with access to fresh water and a thriving trade route. The natural beauty of the area is a draw for tourists and visitors, who can enjoy the scenic views and explore the nearby forests and mountains.


The climate in Nightingale is relatively mild, with cool temperatures in the winter and warm temperatures in the summer. The town is located on the western coast, so it experiences a fair amount of precipitation throughout the year. However, the weather can be somewhat unpredictable, with occasional storms and heavy rainfall. Overall, Nightingale has a relatively stable climate throughout the year.

Natural Resources

Wood, fish, grain, vineyards, stone, copper, mithril and iron Nightingale and its surrounding region are rich in natural resources that contribute to the settlement's economy. The town benefits from the abundance of lumber available in the nearby forests, which is used for construction, furniture, and other products. The rolling hills west of the town are fertile and offer opportunities for farming, with wheat and other grains being among the most important crops. In addition to farming and forestry, mining is another important industry in the region. The hills and mountains are rich in minerals such as copper, iron, and silver, which are extracted from deep within the earth. These minerals are then processed and sold to other settlements or exported to neighboring regions.   Livestock is also an important resource, with sheep and cattle being raised on the hillsides around Nightingale. The wool from these animals is used to make clothing and other textiles, while the meat is sold or used locally.   Overall, Nightingale's natural resources play a vital role in the settlement's economy, providing the necessary raw materials for various industries and sustaining the local population.
Timeline of Nightingale
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Nightingalians or Nightingalers
Location under
Characters in Location