House De'grey

The De'Grey family was founded by Lorenzo De'Grey and his wife Rosalind Medicini, who were among the first settlers of the region of Bran' Modan. They started the first mine in the area, and their success attracted workers from Tahnyth who came to work in the mines and settle in the new town of Nightingale. House Mournhell also established a presence in the region, starting a farm and hiring workers from Tahnyth. However, tragedy struck the De'Grey family when Rosalind was found brutally murdered in her garden. The crime was never solved, but it was later revealed that Lorenzo had killed her so that he could marry another woman. Five years later, Lorenzo himself died from an unknown illness.   Catherine De'Grey later married Maximillian Drake, the Duke of Urbino in Tahnyth, in what was said to be more of a business deal than a marriage.   Tragedy struck the De'Grey family again when Maximillian Drake was killed in a hunting incident in the Blood Woods.   The De'Grey family has remained a powerful force in Nightingale, with Catherine as its matriarch and Sebastian as its future leader. The family's success has been built on their mining operations, which have brought wealth and prosperity to the region, as well as their political maneuverings and alliances with other powerful families like the Woodleafs and the Mournhells.


The De'Grey family is headed by Lady Catherine De'Grey, who serves as its matriarch. As the head of the family, she makes all major decisions and is responsible for ensuring the family's success and growth. Sebastian Maximillian Drake De'Grey is the eldest son of Catherine and is the family's designated heir. He is being groomed to take over the family business and political dealings once his mother steps down or passes away. The family also has a number of extended members and retainers who serve various roles within the family's operations. Overall, the De'Grey family operates as a hierarchical structure with Catherine at the top, followed by Sebastian and other family members and retainers.


The De'Grey family's culture is a unique blend of Tahnythian and Urbino influences. Their Tahnythian heritage is reflected in their sense of discipline, order, and respect for tradition. They place a strong emphasis on family and loyalty to one's kin, and believe in upholding honor and duty at all times. In addition, their mining operations are based on the principles of efficiency, hard work, and perseverance, which are also reflective of their Tahnythian roots. On the other hand, the Urbino influence is evident in the family's love of luxury, fashion, and the arts. They have a refined taste for the finer things in life and are known for their elegant and stylish attire. Their appreciation for beauty extends to their surroundings, with the family's manor and other properties being designed with ornate decorations and grand architecture.   Overall, the De'Grey family's culture is a fusion of ancient and modern ideals, combining the strength and discipline of their Tahnythian heritage with the refinement and sophistication of their Urbino influence.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the De'Grey family is to maintain their position as one of the most influential and powerful families in Nightingale. They are committed to expanding their mining operations and economic power, while also maintaining political alliances with other powerful families. They portray themselves as upstanding members of society who are dedicated to the betterment of Nightingale and its people. They often participate in public events and ceremonies to reinforce their image as respectable and benevolent leaders.


The De'Grey family has significant assets, including their mining operations in the region of Bran' Modan, which provide them with a steady income and significant economic power. They also own extensive lands throughout Nightingale, including the De'Grey Manor, which serves as their family seat. Additionally, they have valuable political connections and alliances with other powerful families in the region, including the Woodleafs and the Mournhells. The family is also known for their fine taste and collection of valuable art, jewelry, and other luxury goods.


The De'Grey family was founded by Lorenzo De'Grey and his wife Rosalind Medicini, who were among the first settlers of the region of Bran' Modan. They started the first mine in the area, and their success attracted workers from Tahnyth who came to work in the mines and settle in the new town of Nightingale. House Woodleaf also established a presence in the region, starting a farm and hiring workers from Tahnyth. However, tragedy struck the De'Grey family when Rosalind was found brutally murdered in her garden. The crime was never solved. Five years later, Lorenzo himself died from an unknown illness.   Catherine later married Maximillian Drake, the Duke of Urbino in Tahnyth, in what was said to be more of a business deal than a marriage.   Tragedy struck the De'Grey family again when Maximillian Drake was killed in a hunting incident in the Blood Woods.   Despite these tragedies, the De'Grey family has remained a powerful force in Nightingale, with Catherine as its matriarch and Sebastian as its future leader. The family's success has been built on their mining operations, which have brought wealth and prosperity to the region, as well as their political maneuverings and alliances with other powerful families like the Woodleafs and the Mournhells.

History is written by the survivors

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