
Urbino is a country of beauty and refinery. They hold people to higher set of standards than in some of the outlying territories. Art, gothic style structures, and museums.   The people are majority Caucasian, although, with a slighter darker complexion than those hailing from Somerset . This is primarily due to that Urbino was conquered and settled by Valancri for over 500 years.
Urbino is a land where tradition and refinement blend seamlessly with an enduring spirit of resilience. Rich in history, this country's landscape is punctuated by majestic gothic structures, the work of generations of skilled artisans whose crafts have been honed to perfection under royal patronage. A country that appreciates the finer things, Urbino is known for its art, culinary mastery, and scholarly pursuits. The land is filled with reminders of its tumultuous past under Valancri rule, a period that shaped the people's slightly darker complexion and their enduring spirit. Urbino's people are deeply committed to maintaining high standards of conduct, with an intricate code of etiquette reflecting their reverence for honor, refinement, and dignity. They place a high value on beauty, intellect, and bravery. Their dress mirrors their aesthetic sensibilities, featuring rich fabrics, intricate designs, and a penchant for darker tones, befitting their gothic architectural surroundings.   Intricate rites and traditions mark every stage of life in Urbino, from birth to adulthood and even death. Each occasion is steeped in symbolism and reinforces the shared values that bind the society together. The country's historical figures and legends play a central role in shaping the Urbino identity, fueling a collective narrative that celebrates resilience, wisdom, courage, and diplomatic finesse. Despite their past, Urbino has harnessed the power of nature for sustainable living, showcasing their technical prowess even in a pre-industrial world.   Whether you're seeking the pursuit of knowledge, an appreciation for the arts, a love for the refined culinary arts, or the call of chivalric honor, Urbino offers a cultural richness that is hard to match. Be it as a noble from the Council, an artist from the Guild, a scholar from the Order of the Quill, or a warrior among the Knights, any player hailing from Urbino has a world of fascinating stories and traditions to draw from.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names


Masculine names


Family names

De La Roche


Culture and cultural heritage

Intellectualism The Urbinites are ardent seekers of knowledge. Intellectualism is a cornerstone of their culture, permeating everything from their educational system to their social norms. Libraries, bookshops, and learning centers are common across Urbino, and scholars often hold esteemed positions in society. This dedication to learning fosters a culture that values critical thinking, informed debates, and intellectual exploration.   Artistry   Art in all its forms holds a special place in Urbino. The Urbinites see art as a medium to express their innermost thoughts, their connection with the divine, and their interpretation of the world. The country is teeming with art galleries, theaters, concert halls, and museums, and its citizens are exposed to various art forms from a young age.   Spirituality   Urbinites practice a form of spirituality that places emphasis on respect for ancestors and reverence for the arts. Ancestors are honored through rituals and ceremonies, and their teachings are preserved in stories, scriptures, and art. Places of worship often double as art centers, hosting performances, exhibitions, and literary readings.   Tradition and Heritage   Urbinites have a deep sense of respect for their history and traditions. Festivals and public holidays are observed with enthusiasm and reverence, often involving rituals, performances, and communal feasts. Traditional crafts, folklore, and local cuisine are also preserved and celebrated.   Societal Structure   Urbino's societal structure is largely egalitarian, despite a formal class system. Education and intellectual prowess, rather than birth or wealth, are the primary determinants of social standing. This emphasis on meritocracy creates a culture that values individual effort and personal growth.   Nature and Environment   Urbinites also deeply respect their natural environment. Their love for nature is reflected in their art, literature, and architecture, and they have stringent laws to protect their environment. They also incorporate nature into their daily lives - gardens, parks, and green spaces are common, and many Urbinites practice gardening or other nature-related hobbies.

Shared customary codes and values

Respect for Knowledge and Wisdom The Urbinites deeply value education and knowledge. They believe in lifelong learning and have immense respect for those who have gained wisdom through years of study and experience. Ignorance is frowned upon, and a constant pursuit of enlightenment is encouraged.   Artistic Appreciation and Creation   Art is a vital part of Urbino's culture. A shared love for various forms of art – from architecture to painting, literature, and music – is deeply ingrained in Urbinites. They not only appreciate art but also value the process of creation, seeing it as a way of contributing to their society's cultural wealth.   Spiritual Reverence   Urbinites follow a unique form of spirituality centered around reverence for ancestors and the arts. This spiritual outlook is reflected in their daily lives, influencing their ethics, lifestyle, and interpersonal relations.   High Standards of Behavior   Etiquette and good manners are paramount in Urbino. Urbinites are expected to conduct themselves with grace, dignity, and respect for others. Rudeness, impoliteness, or any form of disrespect is strongly discouraged. They believe in treating all individuals with kindness, regardless of their social status or background.   Respect for Tradition and Heritage   Urbinites deeply value their traditions and heritage. They take pride in their history, honoring the past through various rituals and festivals. Preserving their unique culture and passing it onto future generations is considered a shared responsibility.   Equality and Fairness   Despite their structured class system, Urbinites believe in equality and fairness. They believe that every individual should have the right to education and the opportunity to contribute to their society, regardless of their social standing. They also believe in equal representation in their governance, with leaders chosen based on their wisdom and merit rather than their wealth or birthright.   Community and Cooperation   Urbinites place a strong emphasis on community. They believe in working together for the betterment of their society. There's a shared sense of responsibility towards each other, and acts of kindness and cooperation are highly valued.   Preservation of Nature   Given their country's natural beauty, Urbinites also value the preservation of nature. They believe in living harmoniously with their environment, and their laws and practices often reflect this respect for nature.   These shared values and customary codes form the backbone of Urbino's culture, shaping their ways of life, their interactions with each other, and their relationship with their environment.

Average technological level

Architectural Engineering: Urbino's striking gothic-style structures are a testament to its architectural prowess. The country has perfected the art of building large, intricate edifices that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and structurally sound. They've developed advanced techniques for stone carving, glasswork, and masonry that are unique to Urbino. Renewable Energy: Embodying their respect for the environment, Urbino has invested in renewable energy technology. The country harnesses power from wind, solar, and hydroelectric sources, with windmills and waterwheels being common sights across the country. The technology is cleverly integrated into the country's gothic architecture, creating a seamless blend of old and new.   Art Preservation: Urbino's dedication to the arts has led to advancements in art preservation technologies. They have developed sophisticated methods and materials for the restoration and preservation of art pieces, ensuring their cultural heritage stands the test of time.   Agricultural Tech: Despite its emphasis on tradition, Urbino has modernized its farming practices. They've developed advanced irrigation systems and organic farming methods to improve yield while preserving the natural balance of their environment.   Communication: Urbino has a well-established postal system for national and international communication. However, the country has also embraced more modern communication technologies like printing presses for book production and newspapers, and magic-telegraph systems for quicker long-distance communication.

Common Etiquette rules

Respectful Greetings When meeting, it's customary for Urbinites to exchange courteous greetings. A polite nod or a slight bow is common, signifying respect for the other person. Using formal titles and full names until invited to do otherwise is also a mark of respect.   Intellectual Conversations   Given Urbino's emphasis on knowledge and wisdom, conversations often revolve around intellectual topics, such as art, philosophy, or literature. It's considered rude to interrupt someone while they are speaking or to dismiss their viewpoints outright.   Artistic Sharing   Given the high regard for art in Urbino, it's common etiquette to appreciate and respect the artistry of others. When visiting someone's home, for example, it's customary to spend time admiring displayed artworks and discussing their nuances.   Respect for Privacy   Urbinites value their privacy and personal space. Uninvited intrusions, both physical and conversational, are frowned upon. When discussing personal matters, it's considered rude to ask too many probing questions unless one is very close to the person.   Table Manners   Urbino has a refined culinary culture, and table manners are taken seriously. Using the correct utensils, eating with grace, and engaging in polite conversation is expected. Complimenting the host on the meal is also common.   Punctuality   Being punctual is considered a mark of respect for the other person's time. Lateness is seen as a sign of disregard and is generally frowned upon.   Gift Giving   When invited to someone's home, it's customary to bring a small gift, typically an item of beauty such as a book, an artwork, or a delicately crafted piece of jewelry.   Respect for Elders and Superiors   Elders and superiors are given a high degree of respect in Urbino. When in their presence, it's customary to let them speak first, listen attentively, and refrain from contradicting them directly.   Proper Attire   Urbinites value elegance and grace in clothing. When attending social events or formal occasions, it's customary to dress appropriately in high-quality, tasteful attire.   Public Decorum   In public, Urbinites are expected to behave with dignity and respect for others. Loud or obnoxious behavior is frowned upon.   These are broad customs, but specific etiquette can vary based on the situation and the individuals involved. However, the underlying thread is always one of mutual respect, intellectual engagement, and appreciation for art and beauty

Common Dress code

Everyday Wear For everyday wear, Urbinites prefer comfortable yet stylish clothing. For men, this might include high-quality trousers and shirts, often adorned with subtle embroidery or artistic prints. Women might wear flowing dresses or skirts paired with ornate blouses. The clothing is often tailored to fit perfectly, emphasizing the natural physique while ensuring comfort.   Formal Attire   Formal attire in Urbino borrows heavily from the Gothic style. Men typically wear finely tailored suits, often in dark colors, accented with details such as velvet collars or intricate brocades. Women might wear floor-length gowns, often in luxurious fabrics like silk or velvet, adorned with lace, intricate beadwork, or embroidery.   Accessories   Urbinites love their accessories. Men might wear pocket watches, cufflinks, rings, or brooches, while women often wear elaborate jewelry, like necklaces, earrings, or bracelets. Hair accessories, such as ornate combs or hairpins, are common for women. Accessories often feature intricate designs and are commonly made from silver or gold, often embellished with precious or semi-precious stones.   Footwear   Footwear is also an essential aspect of an Urbino's wardrobe. Leather boots or shoes, often in dark colors and well-polished, are common for both men and women. Women might also wear high heels for formal occasions.   Hairstyles   Hairstyles in Urbino often lean towards the elaborate, especially for women. Braids, curls, and chignons are common, often adorned with jewels or ornate hairpins. Men tend to keep their hair neatly styled, sometimes also using hair accessories.   Color Palette   The color palette for clothing in Urbino tends to be on the darker side, in keeping with the Gothic influence. Blacks, deep blues, rich purples, and dark greens are common. However, brighter colors might be used for accessories or as accents.   Special Occasions   For special occasions such as festivals or ceremonies, Urbinites pull out all the stops. Their attire during these events is often more elaborate, featuring heavier ornamentation, more elaborate designs, and occasionally, more vibrant colors.

Art & Architecture

Art Art in Urbino is a revered form of self-expression and communication, celebrated in its many forms including painting, sculpture, literature, and music. The art style leans towards the gothic and the ethereal, capturing the rich history, spiritual beliefs, and the dark undertones of Urbino culture.   Paintings often feature surreal and mystical themes, showcasing a mastery of shadow and light. Scenes from ancient tales, spiritual allegories, or ethereal landscapes are common subjects. Artists frequently use a darker, muted palette with bursts of vibrant color to draw attention to the focal point of their pieces.   Sculpture in Urbino often explores the human form and its connection with spirituality and nature. Sculptors create intricate pieces from marble, stone, or bronze, and these works often grace public spaces, cathedrals, and private collections.   Literature is another crucial art form in Urbino, with the written word cherished for its ability to immortalize thoughts, stories, and ideas. Poetry, philosophical texts, and fictional narratives, often filled with rich allegory and metaphor, are popular.   Music in Urbino is a blend of the haunting and the harmonious, combining complex melodies and profound lyrics. Musicians often use traditional instruments, and performances are a regular part of festivals, religious ceremonies, and even daily life.   Architecture   Urbino's architecture is predominantly Gothic, with buildings showcasing high arches, pointed spires, intricate detailing, and a preference for verticality that draws the eye upwards, symbolizing their spiritual aspirations.   Cathedrals and churches are among the most impressive architectural structures in Urbino, with their towering spires, ornate carvings, and magnificent stained-glass windows. They often feature elaborate sculptures and frescoes, blurring the lines between architecture and art.   Residential buildings often have high ceilings, stone or wood construction, and tall, narrow windows. The interior design tends to be sumptuous, with art pieces, tapestries, and handcrafted furniture enhancing the aesthetic.   Public buildings such as libraries, museums, and universities are grand and imposing, reflecting Urbino's commitment to education and the arts. These buildings often feature ornate detailing, sculptures, and murals, adding to the city's artistic landscape.   Military and defensive structures, such as walls and fortresses, also bear the Gothic influence, with their imposing stone construction and crenelated battlements. Despite their defensive function, these structures also feature artistic elements, such as carved reliefs or decorative flourishes.

Foods & Cuisine

Signature Dishes Urbino Black Risotto: This is a unique dish often served as a main course. Made with Arborio rice, it gets its dark color and distinctive flavor from squid ink. The dish is typically prepared with fresh seafood, herbs, and a splash of fine Urbino wine.   Roasted Quail with Forest Berries: A dish that represents Urbino's love for game and foraging, this delicacy is made with locally hunted quail, stuffed with herbs, and roasted to perfection. It is served with a sauce made from foraged forest berries.   Frittata di Funghi: This mushroom frittata is a popular breakfast dish. The Urbinites use a variety of local mushrooms, giving the frittata a unique flavor profile. It's typically served with freshly baked Urbino bread.   Desserts   Marzipan Sculptures: In line with their love for art, Urbinites transform simple marzipan into edible sculptures. These sweet creations, often shaped like animals, flowers, or mythical creatures, are a testament to Urbino's artistic flair.   Dark Chocolate and Cherry Tart: A rich dessert that utilizes the local cherries and high-quality dark chocolate. The tart is often decorated with gold leaf, adding an extra touch of luxury.   Beverages   Urbino Wine: Urbino is known for its vineyards, producing a variety of wines that are enjoyed both locally and internationally. The Urbinites have a special liking for their dark, full-bodied red wine.   Herb Infusions: Given their respect for nature, Urbinites often prepare warm infusions using a blend of locally grown herbs. These infusions are enjoyed for their soothing properties and complex flavors.   Cheese and Bread   Urbino is renowned for its variety of cheeses, ranging from soft and creamy to hard and aged. These cheeses often find their way into various Urbino dishes. The bread in Urbino is typically dark, crusty, and baked in traditional wood-fired ovens.   Culinary Customs   In Urbino, meals are considered a time for togetherness and intellectual discourse. It's common for meals to be lengthy affairs, accompanied by discussions on art, literature, and philosophy. The presentation of food is also essential, with dishes arranged artfully to appeal to the eye as much as the palate.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Feast of Shadows   This is an annual event held to honor the spirits of Urbino's ancestors. It involves a city-wide blackout where every source of artificial light is extinguished, allowing the city to be lit solely by moonlight and candles. Families gather to share stories of their ancestors and place candles in their windows to guide the spirits home.   Literary Debates   In a celebration of intellectualism, debates on various literary works are held regularly in public spaces such as libraries and parks. Participants and spectators come prepared with their favorite literary excerpts, sharing interpretations and insights in a lively exchange of ideas.   Dawn Chorus   Reflecting the Urbinites' love for music and nature, the Dawn Chorus is a unique tradition where people gather in public spaces just before dawn to sing together as the sun rises. This communal chorus, often featuring a blend of traditional Urbino songs and improvised melodies, is a beautiful, harmonious start to the day.   Art Festivals   Art festivals are a common occurrence in Urbino, celebrating various forms of art such as painting, sculpture, music, and literature. Artists showcase their work, and there are public workshops where people can learn and participate. The climax of these festivals often involves a grand parade featuring artistic floats, performers, and musicians.   Spiritual Pilgrimages   Many Urbinites embark on annual spiritual pilgrimages to ancient sites around Urbino. These journeys are a time for spiritual reflection and connection with the ancestral past. Pilgrims often bring back a small token from their journey, such as a stone or a vial of water, to keep as a spiritual memento.   The Day of Silence   Once a year, Urbinites observe a Day of Silence to foster introspection and spiritual rejuvenation. On this day, all work is put aside, and people communicate only through written notes or non-verbal gestures. Many spend this day in prayer, meditation, or simply enjoying the tranquility of nature.   Ceremonial Dueling   Conflicts between individuals, particularly among the nobility, can be settled through ceremonial duels. These are non-lethal and follow strict rules, focusing more on finesse and strategy rather than brute strength. It's seen as a way to maintain personal honor without resorting to violence.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

In Urbino, the birth of a child is an event of great significance, steeped in tradition and ritual. This pivotal moment is marked by a two-part ceremony: the Birth Rite and the Baptismal Rite. Birth Rite   Immediately after birth, the newborn is introduced to the elements. The baby's feet are gently sprinkled with earth from the family garden, symbolizing their connection to the land. A feather is waved over their head, signifying the air. The parents touch the baby's hands with a lit candle's warmth, representing fire. Lastly, water from the local well or river is used to dampen the baby's forehead, symbolizing water. This ritual acknowledges the child's relationship with the elemental forces, seen as crucial life-giving aspects in Urbino culture.   Following this, a local musician or bard is often invited to play a soft melody, introducing the child to the realm of art and beauty, critical components of Urbino society.   Baptismal Rite   The Baptismal Rite takes place several weeks after the birth, giving the family time to adjust and prepare. It is a more public affair and typically involves the wider community. The family hosts a gathering in their home or a local place of worship.   At the center of the Baptismal Rite is the Naming Ceremony. The parents announce the child's name to the gathered community. It's customary to name children after revered ancestors, significant historical figures, or characters from Urbino's rich literature.   The highlight of the ceremony is when the child is anointed with sacred oils by the eldest family member or a respected spiritual figure. This anointment is seen as a blessing and a way to imbue the child with strength and wisdom.   The Baptismal Rite concludes with a communal feast featuring local cuisine, music, and dance. It's a time for joyous celebration, welcoming the child into the wider Urbino community.

Coming of Age Rites

The transition from childhood to adulthood is marked by a significant ceremony known as the Rite of Passage, traditionally held when a child turns sixteen. The ceremony is a grand event and serves to officially recognize the individual as a responsible adult within the Urbino society. It is divided into three main parts: The Trial, The Leap, and The Feast. The Trial   The Trial is an intellectual challenge designed to test the youth's knowledge and wisdom. It might involve a complex riddle, a philosophical debate, a strategic game, or presenting a scholarly lecture on a given topic. The Trial not only examines the youth's educational accomplishments but also their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Success is not necessarily based on a win or loss, but on how thoughtfully and creatively the task is approached.   The Leap   Following the Trial, the youth participates in the Leap, a physical feat representing their transition into adulthood. This often involves a jump from a designated cliff into a body of water below, symbolizing a leap into the unknown and the courage required in the face of life's challenges. It's customary for the youth to carry an item of personal significance during the Leap, usually an heirloom or a gift from their parents, which is considered a source of protection and luck.   The Feast   After the Leap, a grand feast is held in honor of the new adult. Friends, family, and mentors gather to celebrate this milestone with food, music, and dancing. The youth is presented with a specially crafted piece of art— it might be a painting, a sculpture, or a beautifully bound book— to inspire their continued pursuit of intellectual and aesthetic excellence.   During the feast, the youth publicly announces their chosen vocation or field of study, marking the beginning of their adult responsibilities. It's a momentous decision, signifying the individual's commitment to contribute to Urbino's society.   The Rite of Passage in Urbino is a deeply meaningful tradition that embodies the societal values of intellectual prowess, bravery, and community. It serves as a memorable testament to the individual's journey towards adulthood.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerary Rites Funeral proceedings in Urbino often last several days, with rituals designed to honor the deceased and provide comfort to the grieving family.   Vigil of Remembrance: On the night following a person's passing, a Vigil of Remembrance is held at the deceased's home. Friends and family gather to share stories about the deceased, celebrate their achievements, and offer condolences. Candles are lit and placed around a portrait of the deceased, symbolizing their enduring spirit.   The Laying to Rest: The deceased is laid to rest in a simple wooden coffin, adorned with symbols representing their life's work or passion. It's customary to bury personal artifacts or mementos with the deceased, often items related to their vocation or favorite pastime. This ceremony takes place in a cemetery, where a brief eulogy is given, and the community gathers to pay their final respects.   Memorial Customs   Memorial customs in Urbino are as much about remembering the deceased as they are about supporting the living.   Feast of Life: One year following the individual's passing, the Feast of Life is held. This event is a celebration of the deceased's life and a way to foster community resilience. The feast typically features the deceased's favorite foods and includes music, storytelling, and sharing of memories.   Annual Remembrances: On the anniversary of the death, families visit the grave of the deceased to pay respects and remember their loved one. They clean and maintain the gravesite, often leaving fresh flowers or lighting candles.   Memorial Art: It's common for families or communities to commission a piece of art in memory of the deceased. This could be a statue, a painting, or a piece of literature— something that embodies the spirit of the departed. These works of art are often displayed in public spaces, serving as a lasting tribute.

Common Taboos

Disrespect for Art and Intellectual Pursuits: Urbino is a society that highly values art, literature, and intellectualism. Disregard for these forms of expression, such as defacing art, disregarding literature, or openly mocking intellectual pursuits, is considered deeply offensive. Breach of Honor: Honor and integrity are key values in Urbino, especially among the nobility. Lying, cheating, betrayal, or any form of dishonorable conduct is heavily frowned upon and can lead to severe social ostracism.   Disrupting the Silence: During the Day of Silence, speaking or making loud noises is strictly forbidden. Any breach of this quiet is seen as deeply disrespectful and can carry severe social penalties.   Refusing a Duel: Among the nobility, refusing a request for a ceremonial duel to resolve a dispute is considered a grave insult and a sign of cowardice.   Wasting Food: Given Urbino's history of scarcity and the value placed on their unique cuisine, wasting food is considered extremely disrespectful.   Disregarding Hierarchies: Urbino has a well-established social hierarchy. Disrespecting or disregarding these societal structures, particularly elders or those of higher social standing, is considered a severe breach of decorum.   Ignoring Nature's Balance: Given Urbino's deep spiritual connection to the land and natural elements, actions that harm the environment or disrupt nature's balance are viewed as sacrilege.

Common Myths and Legends

The Tale of The Silent Bard This story tells of a bard named Espis, who lost his voice in a tragic accident but continued to communicate through his harp. His music was so expressive that people from far and wide would come to listen, moved to tears by his melodies. The Silent Bard serves as a symbol of resilience and the power of artistic expression in Urbino's culture.   The Spirit of the Elements   According to Urbino mythology, four elemental spirits - Earth, Air, Fire, and Water - worked together to create Urbino. Each spirit contributed a part of the country's characteristics: Earth provided fertile soil for agriculture, Air offered the gentle breeze, Fire gave warmth, and Water provided rivers and lakes. This myth underscores Urbino's respect and reverence for nature and its elements.   The Eternal Duel   This legend narrates the tale of two nobles, Raimo and Folquin, who were embroiled in a centuries-long dispute. They were known to engage in a ceremonial duel every year on the Day of Honor, each trying to best the other. Neither ever managed to claim victory, and their duel became a symbol of the enduring pursuit of honor and personal betterment.   The Ghostly Feast   A popular ghost story in Urbino is that of the Ghostly Feast. It tells of an extravagant feast that occurs in the spectral realm every year during the Feast of Shadows, where Urbino's ancestors partake in their own version of the celebration. The myth supports Urbino's reverence for their ancestors and the belief in life after death.   The Guardian of Urbino   A recurring figure in Urbino's folklore is the Guardian of Urbino, a mighty and wise eagle who watches over the country from the highest peak. The Guardian is said to possess the collective wisdom of Urbino's people and is called upon in times of great need. This myth is a symbol of Urbino's unity and shared values.

Historical figures

Queen Aelias: Known as the Patron Queen of the Arts, Queen Aelias's reign was a golden age for Urbino. She made significant investments in artists and artisans, leading to the creation of numerous architectural wonders and artworks that continue to draw admiration. Her love for the arts still influences Urbino's culture today. Raimo the Wise: Raimo was a philosopher and scholar, renowned for his wisdom and intellect. His works on ethics, society, and governance form the cornerstone of Urbino's education system. Raimo the Wise is also remembered for his famous duel with Folquin, which is celebrated annually.   Folquin the Bold: A nobleman and Raimo's perennial dueling partner, Folquin was known for his courage and physical prowess. Despite being known for his martial skills, Folquin was also a patron of the sciences, and his support led to numerous advancements during his lifetime.   Bethain the Resilient: Bethain led Urbino during the five centuries of Valancri rule. Despite the subjugation, she managed to keep Urbino's cultural identity intact and is revered for her resilience and strategic acumen. Bethain's leadership is credited with Urbino's successful cultural preservation during a challenging historical period.   Ansis the Peacemaker: Ansis was a diplomat who skillfully negotiated Urbino's independence from the Valancri. Her peaceful and diplomatic resolution of conflicts set the standard for Urbino's approach to international relations. Ansis the Peacemaker is often invoked in matters of diplomacy and peace.


Beauty Ideals

In Urbino, beauty is perceived through an artistic and intellectual lens. It extends beyond just physical appearance and is more about the harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. Here are some aspects of beauty ideals in Urbino: Physical Beauty   Urbino values natural beauty, and there's an emphasis on maintaining a healthy physique. However, unlike many cultures where a certain body type might be overly idolized, in Urbino diversity in body shapes and sizes is appreciated. The people of Urbino are known for their slightly darker complexion, a remnant of their history under Valancri rule, and this is celebrated as a mark of their unique heritage.   Subtle makeup, primarily to accentuate the eyes and lips, is common amongst both men and women. Hairstyles often incorporate braids, twists, and ornaments, inspired by gothic aesthetics.   Intellectual Beauty   Intellect is deeply revered in Urbino. A sharp mind is seen as attractive, so it's common for Urbinites to engage in intellectual discussions, showcasing their knowledge and wit. The pursuit of knowledge and the capacity to engage in philosophical thought is considered beautiful.   Artistic Beauty   Given the importance of art in Urbino's culture, artistic talent is highly prized. The ability to create something beautiful, whether it's a painting, a piece of music, or a delicately cooked meal, is seen as a significant attribute. This also extends to the ability to appreciate art - having a refined artistic taste is considered a mark of a beautiful mind.   Spiritual Beauty   Spirituality, particularly the respect for ancestors and the arts, plays a vital role in Urbino's society. Those who exhibit a deep understanding of their cultural traditions, as well as a connection with their spiritual beliefs, are considered to have a beauty that transcends the physical.   Elegance and Grace   In Urbino, the way one presents themselves to the world holds significant importance. Elegance in speech, manners, and dress is considered extremely beautiful. Grace in movements, a composed demeanor, and respectfulness towards others, regardless of their status, are seen as hallmarks of a beautiful character.   These beauty ideals work together to create a multi-faceted understanding of beauty in Urbino, one that respects and values the individual's physical appearance, intellect, artistic sensibilities, spiritual understanding, and grace.

Gender Ideals

Masculine Ideals Men in Urbino are expected to be educated and articulate, with a profound understanding of the arts and philosophy. They are often seen as the protectors and providers for their families, but they are also expected to be sensitive and emotionally expressive. They are encouraged to engage in artistic pursuits, and physical prowess is often less emphasized than intellectual and artistic ability.   In leadership, men are expected to be wise and judicious, making decisions that benefit not just themselves, but the community as a whole. Paternal figures are revered, embodying wisdom and providing guidance to younger generations. Men's fashion is a fusion of practicality and elegance, often consisting of finely made garments that reflect their status and refinement.   Feminine Ideals   Women in Urbino are also held to high intellectual standards and are expected to be well-versed in literature, art, and philosophy. They are often seen as the keepers of tradition and spirituality, passing down cultural knowledge and religious practices through the generations.   Elegance, grace, and refinement are valued traits in women, manifesting in their speech, manners, and fashion. Women in Urbino typically dress in elaborate, gothic-inspired clothing, often adorned with intricate jewelry. Much like men, they are expected to be emotionally expressive and open.   Urbino women are seen as pillars of the community, providing emotional and intellectual support to their families and broader society. Mother figures are highly respected, symbolizing nurturing, wisdom, and strength. Women are often involved in decision-making processes, both within the family and in broader society.   In Urbino, both genders are encouraged to participate in all aspects of society, from art and philosophy to governance and commerce. The society values balance, recognizing that both masculine and feminine perspectives contribute to the enrichment and progress of their culture. The ultimate ideal for all Urbinites, regardless of gender, is to become a well-rounded, knowledgeable, and enlightened individual.

Courtship Ideals

Respect and Consent Respect is fundamental to courtship in Urbino. It's essential to approach a potential partner with courtesy and to respect their autonomy and decisions at all stages of the courtship process. Consent is also highly valued, and both parties must willingly participate in the courtship.   Intellectual Connection   Given the high value placed on intellectual pursuits in Urbino, courtship often involves philosophical conversations, debates, and sharing of knowledge. Potential partners are attracted to each other's minds as much as their physical appearances.   Artistic Expression   Art is central to Urbino's culture, and courtship is no exception. Expressing affection through artistic means, such as writing poems, painting portraits, or performing a musical piece, is seen as highly romantic. It's not unusual for one to commission a work of art to express their admiration for a potential partner.   Gestures of Devotion   Courtship often involves grand gestures of devotion. This could involve presenting the object of one's affection with intricate jewelry, rare books, or other symbols of their commitment.   Family Involvement   Family plays a significant role in Urbino's society, and courtship is no exception. It's common for family members to be involved in the process, especially in the case of potential marriage. The approval of the family, particularly the elders, is important.   Elegance and Grace   Both parties are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and grace throughout the courtship. This includes respectful communication, elegant attire, and impeccable manners. Rudeness or crudeness is looked down upon and is likely to result in the end of the courtship.   Spiritual Compatibility   Given the importance of spirituality in Urbino's culture, finding a partner with similar spiritual beliefs and practices is often considered ideal. It's not uncommon for courtship to involve participating in spiritual activities together, such as attending services at the cathedral or participating in traditional rituals.   Overall, courtship in Urbino is a refined process that intertwines intellectual, artistic, and spiritual connection, highlighting the depth and complexity of human relationships in their society.

Major organizations

The Guild of Artisans: This guild represents the various artists, sculptors, architects, and other artisans of Urbino. They protect the interests of their members, regulate the quality of work, and play a crucial role in preserving the artistic heritage of Urbino.
The Order of the Quill: A prestigious intellectual society, the Order of the Quill comprises philosophers, scholars, and writers. They are the custodians of Urbino's intellectual tradition and run the country's libraries and universities.
  The Conclave of Elementals: This organization of druids and nature priests is devoted to maintaining the balance of natural elements in Urbino. They oversee agricultural practices, manage natural resources, and guide the country's environmental policies.   The Knights of Urbino: This is a chivalric order that upholds honor, bravery, and justice. The Knights protect Urbino and its people, serve as the country's military force, and also participate in ceremonial functions.   The Circle of Diplomats: This group comprises Urbino's finest diplomats and negotiators. Their role is to maintain peaceful relations with other countries, negotiate trade deals, and represent Urbino in international affairs.   The Society of Gourmets: Given Urbino's emphasis on culinary excellence, this organization of chefs, food critics, and connoisseurs plays a significant role. They standardize recipes, ensure the quality of food served in public establishments, and host the annual Festival of Tastes.   The Council of Nobles: Comprising representatives from the noble families of Urbino, this council plays a key role in governance. They advise the ruling monarch, make laws, and ensure the welfare of the nobility.
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