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Cromwell Thorne

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3rd of Autumn

Third Journal Entry

by Cromwell Thorne

Dear Journal,
Today was a pretty good day. This morning, Jordan showed me some moves with my new sword which was amazing! We then packed up to leave when Eadmond said he wanted to stay. Lord Songsparrow told us he's 2 months older than us which apparently means he's not in any danger so that's good but I'm sad that he won't be with us anymore. But at least he's happy in Mountains Crossing. He did cook a bunch of food for our adventure. He made my favorite dishes! So as we were leaving, the guy who tried mugging me showed up with a bunch of fake guards and tried to stop us at the gate. He was such a loser! I cracked some jokes at him, Jordan shot some arrows at him, and Songsparrow incapacitated him almost immediately. The rest of the guards were terrified and gave up! I can't believe they're so weak! Lady Nartell and Songsparrow started questioning him and said something about working with Greya and wanting us. But no reasons why. They were promptly arrested and we left. Lord Songsparrow told us that Greya is a force of evil that is trapped away and wants to break free and corrupt the world to its will. And maybe we have something to do with it? But Lady Nortell and Lord Songsparrow aren't telling us why. I got a feeling they aren't telling us everything... We set camp halfway towards Two Spires and Jordan and I had sword lessons from Songsparrow. He made things difficult! He made me use a sharp stick for practice and made us do these weird poses slowly. Like, how can moving slowly with a pointy stick gonna help me survive against evil magic monsters!? So here we are in the middle of the woods, having a bunch of amazing food, with several bruises, going to sleep by the campfire. We'll see how tomorrow turns out. I hope we can find Dgym and Wes.

Cromwell's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Cromwell's history, from the beginning to today.

A party split

05:12 pm - 07.06.2020

Third Journal Entry

Dear Journal, Today was a pretty good day. This morning, Jordan showed me some moves with my new sword which was amazing! We then packed up to leave when Eadmond said he wanted to stay. Lord Songsparrow told us he's 2 months older than us which apparen...

01:08 am - 07.06.2020

A party split

10:11 pm - 06.06.2020

Back at the Inn

07:33 pm - 06.06.2020

Second Adventure Journal Entry

Dear Journal, Well... We woke up early in the morning to an attack of more of those monsters... We narrowly escaped. In fact, Djym, Wes, Jordan and Lord Songsparrow got separated from us. We got to the next town, a massive place called Mountain's Cros...

12:33 am - 28.05.2020

First Adventure Journal Entry

Dear Journal, Today has been a very busy day! And even more exciting than expected!! The Harvest Festival started and I was having a lot of fun with my friends. We tried out the archery competition and I was sure I was gonna win! But Jordan and Mal nar...

12:20 am - 28.05.2020

Back at the Inn

05:11 pm - 23.05.2020

Back at the Inn

05:11 pm - 23.05.2020

Onward to Mountains Crossig

07:11 pm - 29.04.2020

Onward to Mountains Crossig

03:51 pm - 25.04.2020

The village under seige

03:21 pm - 19.04.2020

The village under seige

01:12 am - 19.04.2020

The Goodbye Letter to Mother

Dear Mother, The Lord and Lady Sparrowsong have told us me and my friends that we need to go with them for the safety of the village. They think whatever has attacked us is related to us and I trust them. We're going to another place to investigate wh...

05:29 pm - 18.04.2020

The village under seige

04:04 pm - 18.04.2020

Merchants Folley

04:26 pm - 15.04.2020

Merchants Folley

05:07 pm - 11.04.2020

Intros Session

01:54 am - 05.04.2020

Intros Session

05:17 pm - 04.04.2020

Introduction Goland Tarna and our campaign

05:16 pm - 04.04.2020

Mister Badger's First Birthday

Dear Journal, Today is Mister Badger's first birthday! At least the anniversary from when I found him. He was such a little thing he couldn't have been older than two weeks! Thank goodness I found him though. He was all alone in a storm and I couldn't ...

04:49 am - 04.04.2020


04:27 am - 04.04.2020

Introduction Goland Tarna and our campaign

09:02 pm - 03.04.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Cromwell.

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Other Characters by Raphilion