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Adricious Ocella

Kateshikimikimodoari Adricious Ocella (a.k.a. Atrocious Nutella)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adricious Ocella was born in the small village of Souston located in Andoran.   He joined the Firebrand organization at the age of 38 after he had a moment of identity crisis. He was also one of the operatives that saved the Goblin monk Shiiiii from Victus Tegula.   In 4721 on the 13'th of Desnus, he and the adventuring party known as the 'Heroes of Etrans Folly' travelled down into Baron Vendikon's basement, to stop Victus Tegulas minions from attacking the city from a portal that had been erected inside of the city. There, they fought and defeated Surus Tucca, the right hand of the Count.   When they emerged from the basement, they realized to their complete and utter dismay that time had advanced two centuries.   Adricious lost all his family and friends, he was stuck in a party that bullied him.   Six months later, the party made its way to the small seaside settlement of Otari, where Adricious fell into a severe depression. Through this depression he developed a Dissociative identity disorder, from which his very Tian Xia personality was born.     He has since then mastered the sword and completely forgotten about who he actually is, or so it may seem.

Mental Trauma

While not all the blame should fall on Adricious previous party, most of it should. The merciless and constant bullying and gaslighting he recieved from his former compatriots would be the catalyst of the downfall of Adricious's mental health.   When Adricious came to the realization that he was forever stuck in the future, with all his friends and family being completely cut off from him, he fell in to a depression.   It is not like all of his friends and family are dead, they travelled forward in time for twenty yeras, some friends and family are dead, some are alive, however, none of them seem to know who he is. It is, as if, Adricious Ocella never existed. With this, Adricious would lock himself inside his room in the inn and cry.   Eventually, he somehow managed to persuade himself that he was actually from Tian Xia. While Ocella is not a Tian Xia'n name, and he does not look the part, he has picture perfect memories of his "upbringing" in Tian Xia. Strangely enough, he also suddenly "remembered" how to use a katana. He went and bought a katana and practiced with it tirelessly.   His former party stopped talking to him. It is not like they were close in the past, but one could almost think that they might feel a bit guilty over their former compatriots mental state.   So far, Adricious's mental health has not brought harm to anybody else. It is almost as if he has found a purpose in his life.

A quiet, honourable and deadly mercenary that the party has had tag along with them.

Character Location
Current Location
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Current Status
Dungeon dwelling in Gauntlight keep
Current Location
Date of Birth
14'th of Desnus
Current Residence
Dark brown
Long brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
182 lbs
Aligned Organization
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