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The world of Golarion

The Age of Darkness

5923 -AR 4987 -AR

The Age of Darkness was a thousand year period in which the sun was blocked by ash knocked into the atmosphere by Earthfall in -5293 AR and ending in -4294. During this age the Orcs emerged from their subterranean homeland fleeing the Dwarves who later also took their first footsteps on the surface world. The blocking of the sun allowed Zon-Kuthon to return to Golarion and claim an item from the First Vault due to a deal made with Abadar.

  • -5923 AR

    The Starstone.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A giant meteorite, now referred to as the Starstone, falls from the heavens, reshaping the surface of Golarion and plunging the world into the Age of Darkness.

  • -5293 AR

    The fall of two mighty empires.
    Disaster / Destruction

    The great empires of Azlant and Thassilon are destroyed by the Earthfall.

  • -5133 AR

    The founding of Tar Taargadth

    King Taargick founds the dwarven kingdom of Tar Taargadth. Thus united, the dwarves abandon their civil war and continue the Quest for Sky.

  • -5102 AR

    The first Orcs.
    Population Migration / Travel

    The orcs first emerge on the surface of Golarion after fleeing from dwarven attacks in the Darklands.

  • -4987 AR

    The Quest for Sky
    Life, Milestone

    Dwarves complete their legendary Quest for Sky, reaching the surface of Golarion for the first time and begin to establish their cities, the Sky Citadels.

The Age of Anguish

4924 -AR 3471 -AR

The roughly 800-year period starting in -4294 AR when the skies finally cleared of the dust of Earthfall. This age was characterized by the conflicts of primitive peoples in a desperate struggle for survival and domination in a world left shattered by the Age of Darkness. The end of the Age of Anguish, and the beginning of the Age of Destiny, was marked by the founding of the Osirion civilization in circa -3470 AR, and the slow re-establishment of human civilizations across the world.

  • -4294 AR

    The beginning of an Era.
    Era beginning/end

    The cloud of fine dust created by Earthfall that caused the Age of Darkness finally begins to lift. The people of Golarion again see the full light of the sun after its absence of nearly a thousand years. This heralds the Age of Anguish as primitive people struggle to build new empires and forget the horrors of the past millennia

  • -4120 AR

    The Jistka Imperium

    The Jistka Imperium is founded around this year.

  • -3923 AR

    Casmaron Opens
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Pit of Gormuz in Casmaron opens, releasing the first Spawn of Rovagug.[1] The creature is cited in ancient texts as passing through the Vudran land of Ninshabur.

  • -3829 AR

    The fall of Six Legions.
    Life, Death

    Six legions of the Jistka Imperium are destroyed by a creature believed to be the Spawn of Rovagug Ulunat.

  • -3708 AR

    The fall of Koldukar
    Military action

    The orc warlord Belkzen besieges and takes the dwarven Sky Citadel of Koldukar, later renaming it Urgir.

  • -3471 AR

    The End of an Era.
    Era beginning/end

    Historians generally consider this the final year of Golarion's second age, the Age of Anguish.

The Age of Destiny

3470 -AR 1 -AR

The Age of Destiny began circa -3470 AR with the founding of the Osiriani civilization and spanned three and half millennia until the founding of the great city of Absalom. The rise and fall of Osirion was witnessed at the early period of the Age of Destiny, though many other civilizations were to rise after Osirion fell into decline. Notable mentions include the founding of Taldor by the descendants of Lost Azlant and of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Wars during this age include the Nex-Geb War and the tarrasque invasion of -632 AR.

  • -3470 AR

    The Spawn of Rovagug Ulnat is slain.
    Life, Death

    The Spawn of Rovagug Ulunat is believed to have been slain around this year, possibly by the God-Kings who would go on to found the land of Ancient Osirion.

  • -3470 AR

    A new Era.

    Historians generally agree that this is the first year in Golarion's third age, the Age of Destiny.

  • -3470 AR

    The founding of Osirion.

    The kingdom of Osirion is founded in northern Garund around this year, an event which generally is accepted to be the beginning of the Age of Destiny.

  • -3300 AR

    Jistka Imperium grows weaker.
    Political event

    A loss of income from trade combined with frequent raids by desert dwellers helps to weaken the Jistka Imperium significantly.

  • -3250 AR

    Political event

    Desert nomads in northern Garund form an alliance around this time, creating the beginning of the Tekritanin League.

  • -3047 AR

    Founding of Shiman-Sekh

    The Song Pharaoh foments a coup against the Pharaoh of Forgotten Plagues and founds the city of Shiman-Sekh in northwestern Osirion.

  • -3000 AR

    Cultural event

    Around this year the ancient empire of Osirion reaches its zenith in power under the rule of the God-Kings.

  • -2764 AR

    Jistka crumbles
    Disaster / Destruction

    In northwestern Garund, the Jistka Imperium crumbles, thanks in large part to a prolonged series of succession wars.

  • -2587 AR


    Pharaoh An-Hepsu II founds the city of Totra in Osirion.

  • -2370 AR

    Kopesh Span

    A massive stone bridge known as the Khopesh Span is built across the Crook River, greatly enhancing access and trade between the nations of Osirion and Katapesh.

  • -2323 AR


    Aeromancers from the ancient Shory empire found Kho, the first of their flying cities.

  • -1768 AR

    Kemusar I
    Political event

    Kemusar I begins rule as crown regent of Osirion following the disappearance of Pharaoh An-Hepsu XI.

  • -1757 AR

    The death of Kemusar I
    Life, Death

    Osirian crown regent Kemusar I is strangled in his sleep.[1] He is succeeded by the young pharaoh Sekhemib I.

  • -1605 AR


    Pharaoh Djederet II founds the city of Tephu in Osirion.

  • -1498 AR

    Age of the Black Sphinx
    Era beginning/end

    In Osirion, the Four Pharaohs of Ascension consolidate their rule, bringing about the kingdom's second age,[1] also known as the Age of the Black Sphinx.

  • -1452 AR

    Defeat of the Tekritanin League
    Military action

    In northwestern Garund, the forces of the Four Pharaohs of Ascension defeat the Tekritanin League, incorporating a number of their city-states while destroying others

  • -1431 AR

    End of the Second Empire
    Era beginning/end

    The power of the Four Pharaohs of Ascension in Osirion begins to decline, marking the beginning of the end of the second empire.

  • -1281 AR


    Distant descendants of the ancient Azlanti people land on the eastern shores of the Inner Sea, and, with the help of indigenous peoples, found the country of Taldor.

  • -892 AR

    The war of Nex and Geb
    Military action

    The magocracies of Nex and Geb are at war in this year, although it is not known when the conflict began.

  • -841 AR

    Disaster / Destruction

    The fortress of Mekshir, located along the trade routes from Osirion to its province of Thuvia is buried in a sandstorm during the khamsin season.

  • -841 AR

    The last Osiriani
    Life, Death

    The last Osiriani governor of Thuvia is assassinated. No replacement is sent from the capital of Sothis, effectively relinquishing control of the province.

  • -632 AR

    The attack of the Tarrasque.
    Disaster / Destruction

    The country of Ninshabur is devastated by the Tarrasque, the greatest of the Spawns of Rovagug. It continues its path of destruction through Avistan until it is defeated and sealed within a hidden cave.

  • -473 AR


    Ulvass, an Ulfen Linnorm King from the north of Avistan discovers the distant continent of Arcadia and founds the colony of Valenhall. This begins the tradition of Linnorm Kings venturing to Valenhall as their last great journey.

  • -381 AR


    The dwarven settlement of Highhelm is founded within the mountain called Emperor's Peak, in what today are known as the Five Kings Mountains.

  • -212 AR

    Celestial / Cosmic

    The bloodthirsty queen Yazanova of the Tusk Mountains is killed by Achaekek before she can ascend to godhood.

  • -107 AR

    The city of An

    The city of An in Osirion is founded by Pharaoh Hirkoshek I.

  • -1 AR

    The End of Destiny
    Era beginning/end

    This is the final year in what historians consider the Age of Destiny.

Age of Enthronement

1 AR 4600 AR

The Age of Enthronement began with the founding of Absalom, and its inception is also the starting point for the Absalom Reckoning dating system. The Age of Enthronement spans the years from 1 AR until 4606 AR when Aroden, the God of Humanity, died. This age is characterised by the emergence of a number of Gods who ascend to divinity through the Test of the Starstone. Gods to survive the test are Aroden in 1 AR, Norgorber in 1893, Cayden Cailean in 2765 and Iomedae in 3832. The nations of Andoran and Cheliax were founded as expansion from the kingdom of Taldor. The Oath Wars raged across northwest Garund between 2498 AR and 2560 as the churches of Nethys, Norgorber and Sarenrae vied for dominance. The Whispering Tyrant arose in 3203 AR invoking the Shining Crusade in 3754 AR which burned for three quarters of a century and ended with the founding of Lastwall to defend against the return of the lich king. In 4305 AR, Cheliax began an extended period of expansion, annexing lands in Molthune and Varisia, which would become known as the Everwar.

  • 1 AR

    Aroden raises the Starstone
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Aroden raises the Starstone from the depths of the Inner Sea and becomes a god.

  • 1 AR

    The Age of Enthronement
    Era beginning/end

    The founding of Absalom is used as the beginning of the Absalom Reckoning calendar, and the first year in what historians name the Age of Enthronement.

  • 1 AR

    Founding of Absalom

    Aroden founds the city of Absalom and places the Starstone at its center.

  • 23 AR

    The first siege of Absalom
    Military action

    The warlord Voradni Voon is the first to unsuccessfully besiege the city of Absalom, an event now known as the First Siege of Absalom. The god Aroden himself commands a group of volunteers to defend Azlanti Keep, a unit that eventually becomes the First Guard.

  • 37 AR

    Destruction of Goroth Lodge
    Military action

    Led by the famous General Porthmos, Taldor's First Army of Exploration destroys Goroth Lodge in the Verduran Forest. It then goes on to explore the Sellen River as far north as the future location of the city of Sevenarches in what is now the River Kingdoms.

  • 166 AR

    The second siege of Absalom.
    Military action

    The mighty wizard-king Nex besieges the city of Absalom with his armies. They are eventually defeated with the help of the god Aroden who, although he does not intervene directly, helps to guide the defending forces.

  • 253 AR

    The conquering of Jalmeray.
    Military action

    The mighty wizard-king Nex and his armies conquer the island of Jalmeray.

  • 563 AR

    Khiben-Sald arrives.
    Political event

    The Maharaja Khiben-Sald of Vudra arrives at the Nexian court of Jalmeray in a fleet of 101 ships. His decade-long visit does much to introduce the Inner Sea region to Vudrani people and culture.

  • 571 AR


    Merchants from the sub-continent of Vudra first introduce gunpowder to the Inner Sea.

  • 576 AR

    The siege of Quantium
    Military action

    The armies of Geb, led by the wizard Geb himself, attack and besiege the Nexian capital of Quantium. Geb kills thousands with waves of magical poisonous yellow fog but fails to take the city.

  • 576 AR

    Nex disappears.
    Political event

    The mighty wizard-king Nex disappears from the face of Golarion during an attack by the forces of Geb

  • 632 AR

    Geb commits suicide.
    Life, Death

    Distraught by his inability to personally defeat his arch-rival, the wizard-king Nex, the necromancer Geb commits ritual suicide. He finds no solace in death and soon returns as a ghost.

  • 752 AR


    Following the southern edge of the Crown of the World eastward, twenty hearty Ulfen explorers land on the eastern shore of the Lake of Mists and Veils. The single longhouse they build there, in the hopes of surviving the long, northern winter, eventually grows into the first settlement of Iobaria, Okormirr.

  • 780 AR


    Orost founded in the region of Iobaria.

  • 788 AR


    Antoll founded in Iobaria.

  • 795 AR


    The settlement of Lenusya is founded in the Finadar Forest of western Iobaria

  • 809 AR


    Mishkar founded in lobaria.

  • 818 AR


    Kirrosuli founded in Iobaria.

  • 846 AR


    Kirya founded in Iobaria.

  • 896 AR

    Aroden slays Tar-Baphon
    Life, Death

    Aroden slays Tar-Baphon on the Isle of Terror. He remains dead until 3202 AR when he returns to unholy life as the lich king known as the Whispering Tyrant.

  • 905 AR

    Military action

    Iobar, son of Kjell of Orlov, conquers all who challenge him, uniting all their territories under his banner, claiming all lands from the Icewall to the Castrovin Sea as Iobaria.

  • 937 AR

    The Pirate Fleet.
    Military action

    Iobar's son Hrugil repels the pirate fleets from the east, spending the rest of his rule improving Iobaria's fleets, intent on eradicating the powerful mercenary pirate and corsair fleets of the northwestern Castrovin Sea.

  • 937 AR

    Death of Iobar I
    Life, Death

    Death of Iobar I at the Battle of Kridorn.

  • 975 AR

    Kridorn rises.
    Political event

    The Iobarian settlement of Kridorn rises to become a port city, not a minor fishing town.

  • 1106 AR

    The Tearplague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Tearplague scours Iobaria, effecting all settlements between the Norinor and Finadar.

  • 1140 AR

    The Sun Orchid Elixir.
    Discovery, Scientific

    The alchemist Artokus Kirran first formulates the sun orchid elixir in Thuvia.

  • 1240 AR

    Political event

    Human settlers claim cyclops ruins in Caemorin in Iobaria, dubbing the settlement Mavradia.

  • 1298 AR

    The construction of Starwatch Keep
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction is begun in the city of Absalom on Starwatch Keep after the nearby Postern Gate is nearly breached during the Siege of Prophets.

  • 1412 AR


    Zradnirras founded in Iobaria.

  • 1464 AR

    Reborn Rebellion

    Garev Halfhand leads the unsuccessful Reborn Rebellion against the government of Absalom.

  • 1466 AR


    Vurnirn founded in Iobaria after a 24-year struggle against Hoofwood natives.

  • 1490 AR

    The Monastary of Tar Kuata

    The Monastary of Tar Kuata, devoted to Irori, is founded in southwestern Osirion beyond the Footprints of Rovagug by the Sothan priest Narmek Tar Kuata.

  • 1520 AR


    The Taldan General Coren of the Third Army of Exploration founds the city of Corentyn near the future site of the Arch of Aroden.

  • 1528 AR


    Mirnbay founded in Iobaria.

  • 1532 AR

    The murder of Pharaoh Mendes XXVI
    Life, Death

    Qadiran assassins murder the Pharaoh Menedes XXVI in Osirion, leading to the overthrow of the pharaonic dynasty. The country is then declared a Satrapy of the Keleshite Empire.

  • 1551 AR

    The attack on Tar Taargadth
    Military action

    The dwarven empire of Tar Taargadth, which had existed since the beginning of their people's Quest for Sky in the Age of Darkness, comes under massive attack by orcish forces. Many of the Sky Citadels fall and the empire collapses

  • 1557 AR

    The Mighty Kingdom of Gardadth

    In the chaos following the collapse of the dwarven empire of Tar Taargadth, numerous smaller nations spring up in the Five Kings Mountains. The first of these is the Mighty Kingdom of Gardadth, founded in this year by baron-mayor Gardrick I, and centered around his city of Highhelm.

  • 1559 AR

    The Pious Kingdom of Saggorak

    The Pious Kingdom of Saggorak is founded in the Five Kings Mountains by the dwarf Saggorn the Holy, brother of Gardrick I of Gardadth.

  • 1560 AR

    The Impenetrable Kingdom of Doggath

    One of the successor states to the great dwarven Tar Taargadth Empire, the Impenetrable Kingdom of Doggath, is founded by Doggon Marrkedth in the Five Kings Mountains.

  • 1561 AR

    The Laborious Kingdom of Grakodan

    The dwarf Grak the Younger founds the Laborious Kingdom of Grakodan in the Five Kings Mountains.

  • 1562 AR

    The Everlasting Kingdom of Taggoret

    The dwarven Everlasting Kingdom of Taggoret is founded by Taggrick I in the Five Kings Mountains.

  • 1571 AR

    The Five Kings War
    Military action

    The first Five Kings War is ignited when the dwarven nations of Doggath and Saggorak in the Five Kings Mountains of central Avistan attack each other.

  • 1575 AR

    The first Gorgas
    Geological / environmental event

    The first gorgas are brought through the otherworldly gates of the Seven Arches in the Wilewood of the River Kingdoms.

  • 1634 AR

    Plague / Epidemic

    The Chardeath sees many spontaneously combust in high fevers. The flames lead to the eradication of a third of all Iobarian settlements. This plague's source is revealed in 1869 AR as the necromancer Otyb the Undying.

  • 1700 AR

    Political event

    The province of Andoran is established around this time within the Empire of Taldor.

  • 1707 AR

    The country of Andoran & the city of Augustana.
    Political event

    • General Khastalus of Corentyn founds the country of Andoran after defeating the native tribes of the Arthfell Forest.
    • The city of Augustana is founded by General Khastalus of Corentyn.

  • 1717 AR

    The red great wyrm Shrodiniar.
    Disaster / Destruction

    The red great wyrm Shrodniar and the blue great wyrm Voldmannasein clash over Fangard in eastern Iobaria. An unknown force from the forest's depths strike Voldmannasein dead, while Shrodnair crashes near Antoll. Strange glyphs are discovered, burnt into the blue dragon, scarring even his bones

  • 1893 AR

    Norgorber becomes a god.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Norgorber passes the Test of the Starstone, becoming the first Ascended god after Aroden

  • 1896 AR

    Rikkan's jounrals are published.
    Life, Career

    The Andoran traveller Rikkan sketches what will later become known as the Rikkan's Falls for the first time, when his journals are published the falls become famous throughout Almas.

  • 1900 AR

    The sacking of Mirnbay
    Military action

    The centaur tribes of the Caemorin unite under the banner of Errindayn the Seer, sacking Mirnbay and destroying numerous humanoid settlements throughout Iobaria.

  • 1903 AR

    The Gunworks

    The city and country of Alkenstar founds the massive gunpowder weapons factory known as the Gunworks.

  • 1941 AR

    Royal Proclamation of the Draconic Banking
    Political event

    King Dahalvian of Taldor enacts the Royal Proclamation of the Draconic Banking, decreeing that all bronze dragons may establish banks and charge interest in the cities of Cassomir, Maheto, Oppara, and Zimar without having to pay taxes to the government.

  • 1975 AR

    The Ulfen raids.
    Military action

    Ulfen raiders in longships conduct hit-and-run attacks against the western coasts of Avistan, advancing as far as the region now known as Cheliax.

  • 1986 AR

    Errindayn the Seer dies
    Life, Death

    Errindayn the Seer dies mysteriously in Iobaria after an unnaturally long life. The centaurs of the region abandon their warlike ways.

  • 2009 AR

    The Worldbreaker.
    Military action

    The city of Alkenstar in Garund completes the manufacture for Taldor's Fifth Army of Exploration of the largest gunpowder cannon in all Golarion. They name it Worldbreaker .

  • 2014 AR

    Taldor's Fifth Army marches North.
    Military action

    Taldor's Fifth Army of Exploration moves north to map the region of Tymon in the River Kingdoms.

  • 2021 AR

    Maldar gets granted land.
    Political event

    Taldor grants land to the Opparan gladiator Maldar Tymon in what will later become known as the River Kingdoms. He founds a small settlement near the Exalted Wood and names it Tymon.

  • 2057 AR

    Valknar Gladitorial College.

    The elf Champion Karth Valknar founds the Valknar Gladitorial College in the River Kingdoms's city-state of Tymon

  • 2089 AR

    The loss of the Worldbreaker.
    Military action

    Taldor's Sixth Army of Exploration loses the massive cannon Worldbreaker to the Gorilla King in the Battle of Nagisa.

  • 2104 AR

    Xotani the Firebleeder is defeated.
    Military action

    A collection of powerful magicians defeat the Spawn of Rovagug, Xotani the Firebleeder. They bury his remains in Pale Mountain in Katapesh's Brazen Peaks.

  • 2108 AR

    Mirnbay refounded.

    The Iobarian city of Mirnbay is refounded and its defenses are significantly reinforced. Centaurs are barred from the city for more than 400 years.

  • 2133 AR


    Taldor's Seventh Army of Exploration pacifies the Isgeri tribe of Kellids and creates the nation of Isger to serve as a trade route between Druma and the Inner Sea. Taldor maintains control of this vital trade route until the Even-Tongued Conquest nearly two millennia later.

  • 2187 AR

    Life, Education

    The philosophy and teachings of the god Irori are first introduced into mainland Tian Xia by Vudran missionaries.

  • 2217 AR

    Dawnflower Flurishes.
    Religious event

    The religion of the Dawnflower flourishes in foreign-controlled Osirion. The Qadiri satrap sees the cult as a threat.

  • 2217 AR

    Sarenrae's Bastion
    Religious event

    Fleeing pogroms in Osirion instigated by the Qadiri satrap, followers of Sarenrae flee into the desert. They are lead by a priestess named Vedie, who instructs them to build a settlement named Sarenrae's Bastion. Some disagree and leave to find a "golden land".

  • 2218 AR

    The Golden City

    A splinter group of Sarenrae's faithful breaks off from Sarenrae's Bastion to search for a "golden land". They find a lush valley with a massive sphinx standing at the center. They settle in the valley and name it the Golden City.

  • 2219 AR

    The Dwarf Wizards arrive in the Golden City.

    The dwarf wizards Gezbria and Tralvar arrive in the Golden City where they find a powerful confluence of ley lines and later construct the Glass Pyramids.

  • 2253 AR

    The death of the Satrap.
    Life, Death

    The satrap of the Padishah Empire is found dead in a fountain in Osirion with sunflowers growing out of his mouth. Rule of the country is taken up by a string of independent Keleshite sultans.

  • 2332 AR

    The Kerse Accord.
    Political event

    The dwarven kingdoms of the Five Kings Mountains put aside their differences and sign the Kerse Accord, creating peace and granting autonomy to the humans living in what will one day become Druma

  • 2351 AR

    The raze of Parnthford.
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Parnthford is completely razed by a red dragon though more than one may have been involved. The attack was in response to the slaying of another red dragon.

  • 2361 AR

    The Varisian migration.
    Population Migration / Travel

    Varisians start settling in the Principality of Ustalav.

  • 2375 AR

    The attack on the Golden City.
    Military action

    A band of raiders of all races and backgrounds attacks and overthrows the Golden City in Katapesh, stealing the wealth of its inhabitants and claiming its rich resources and prime location for themselves.

  • 2492 AR

    The attack on Highhelm.
    Military action

    Orcs attack the dwarven city of Highhelm in the Five Kings Mountains.

  • 2497 AR

    The Sovyrian stone discovered.
    Discovery, Scientific

    The demon Treerazer finds the Sovyrian Stone in the elf capital of Kyonin. Believing that he can use it to re-establish his link to the Abyss, he begins to tamper with it.

  • 2497 AR

    Treerazer is exiled to the material plane.

    The demon lord Cyth-V'sug grows dissatisfied with the work of his spawn, and exiles Treerazer to the material plane.

  • 2497 AR

    Gardadth falls
    Military action

    Gardadth, the oldest dwarven nation within the Five Kings Mountains, falls to the orcs with the exception of the capital city Highhelm.

  • 2498 AR

    The Oath Wars.
    Military action

    The Oath Wars begin in northwestern Garund as the churches of Nethys, Norgorber and Sarenrae vie for dominance. The bloody civil wars will continue for almost 60 years, devastating the region.

  • 2499 AR

    The decemation of Wati.
    Plague / Epidemic

    The town of Wati in central Osirion is decimated by the Plague of Madness, brought upon by followers of Lamashtu. Up to 60 percent of the population is destroyed and the slow abandonment of the town begins.

  • 2500 AR

    The Sklar-Quah
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Sklar-Quah tribe of the Shoanti begin to inhabit the land around the delta of what will later be named the Jeggare River

  • 2526 AR

    Taggoret falls.
    Military action

    Taggoret, the last of the dwarf nations within the Five Kings Mountains, falls to orcs, effectively ending dwarven control of the mountains (aside from Highhelm) until the rise of Tar Khadurrm over seven hundred years later.

  • 2546 AR

    Ohjar's Plague.
    Plague / Epidemic

    Ohjar's Plague kills a third of all male centaurs, orcs, and humans across Iobaria in a mere eight months.

  • 2555 AR

    Religious refugees.
    Population Migration / Travel

    Thousands of religious refugees flee the country of Rahadoum, crossing the straights into southern Avistan. Many settle in the city of Corentyn, causing great social upheaval

  • 2555 AR

    Rahadoum bans all religions
    Political event

    Tired of the bloody, decades-long Oath Wars, the militia of the city state of Azir in what is now Rahadoum sets fire to the temples and bans all religions. This movement is lead by the philiosopher Kalim Onaku who establishes what will later be come to known as the Laws of Man, the first of which is "Let no man be beholden to a god"

  • 2560 AR

    The end of the Oath Wars.
    Military action

    The Oath Wars that have raged across northwestern Garund for over sixty years finally come to an end as more and more cities adopt the Laws of Man. The city states that enact them (Azir, Botosani, and Manaket) eventually go on to form the nation of Rahadoum.

  • 2589 AR

    The Year of Scouring Winds.
    Geological / environmental event

    In the Year of Scouring Winds, a sandstorm lasting 33 days destroys almost all plant life in the Golden City's valley, kills hundreds, and nearly buries the city. Some survivors flee to Sarenrae's Bastion, where priests proclaim the sandstorm a "judgment" against the city's evil populace.

  • 2602 AR


    Humans and some native centaur tribes ally together to form the realm of Zastel in eastern Iobaria, establishing its capital in Mavradia.

  • 2606 AR

    The Arch of Aroden.
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction is finished on the Arch of Aroden by the Taldan city of Corentyn. It connects the continents of Garund and Avistan and is dedicated to the god Aroden.

  • 2632 AR

    The elves return.
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves, after an absence of almost 8000 years, begin returning en masse to Golarion through the Sovyrian Stone located in the country of Kyonin. Their decision to leave the mystical land of Sovyrian is prompted by the demon Treerazer, who is attempting to corrupt the gate for his own ends.

  • 2644 AR

    Cultural event

    In Tian Xia, courtiers from the ancient empire of Yixing first attempt to formalize the drinking of tea, or cha in their language. These customs eventually grow into the highly ritualized chadao, or tea ceremony.

  • 2654 AR

    The Reclamation Wars.
    Military action

    Iobaria begins the Reclamation Wars against the breakaway realm Zastel, and its capital Mavradia.

  • 2686 AR

    Zastel reconquered.
    Military action

    The breakaway realm of Zastel in eastern Iobaria is reconquered and returned to Iobarian rule.

  • 2689 AR

    Nimhar and the Golden City.
    Cultural event

    In Katapesh, a mysterious woman named Nimhar walks out of the desert and begins clearing the ruins of the Golden City. Others join her in her task.

  • 2690 AR

    The elves try to re-enter Sevenarches.
    Military action

    A group of elves tries to re-enter their ancient settlement of Sevenarches in the River Kingdoms, but are rebuffed by treants.

  • 2692 AR

    Nimhar takes control of the new Golden City
    Political event

    Nimhar takes control of the new Golden City in Katapesh, and renames it Sandstar. People flock to the new city.

  • 2692 AR

    The founding of Sevenarches

    Founding of the country of Sevenarches in the River Kingdoms, and the establishment of the druidic organization known as the Oakstewards.

  • 2742 AR

    2748 AR

    The Choking Death
    Plague / Epidemic

    A terrible respiratory plague known as the Choking Death suffocates more than 40 percent of Iobaria's adult population over the course of eight months. The plague spreads west out of Iobaria (carried to Avistan by refugees), and devastates human populations in northeastern Avistan over the next six years.

  • 2765 AR

    Cayden Cailean becomes a god.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Cayden Cailean drunkenly passes the Test of the Starstone and ascends to godhood.

  • 2767 AR

    The Native Plaguestrife.
    Political event

    n what became known as the Native Plaguestrife, various druid sects, guilds, and politicians fan flames against those they deem "non-native Iobarians", by claiming no plagues ever happened until folk started coming east from Avistan. Skirmishes and vendettas weaken Iobarian power bases of many for decades.

  • 2802 AR

    Elves of Kyonin establish the settlement of Hymbria
    Political event

    Elves of Kyonin establish the settlement of Hymbria in the River Kingdoms as a launching point for retaking their ancestral location of Sevenarches.

  • 2822 AR

    The Vudrani Rajahs.
    Political event

    Vudrani rajahs land on the island of Jalmeray and insist that as they are descendants of Khiben-Sald, the isle belongs to them. They are rebuffed by the resident Arclords of Nex, whereupon the rajahs summon an army of marids from the sea. The genies sink all but one of the Nexian ships, and Jalmeray once again becomes Vudran.

  • 2862 AR

    Ustalav is split.
    Political event

    Princess Carmina Ustav splits Ustalav into 16 separate counties in order to prevent a civil war amongst the noble families. Each county is given significant autonomy and organized under the crown in a feudal system.

  • 2920 AR

    Geological / environmental event

    • Massive earthquakes are felt in the nations of Qadira and Taldor, killing tens of thousands of people. Social unrest and instability soon follow in these countries.
    • Earthquake rocks Casmaron. Coastal settlements in Iobaria along the northwestern Castrovin Sea are all damaged or destroyed by tidal waves

  • 2953 AR

    Reconsecration of Wati.

    The priesthood of Pharasma reconsecrate the city of Wati in Osirion in memory of the murdered dead, beginning the process of reinhabiting it.

  • 3001 AR


    In northwestern Andoran, the great wyrm red dragon Daralathyxl first makes his lair in the Five Kings Mountains. Also known as the Sixth King, his influence will be felt in the region throughout the Age of Enthronement and into the Age of Lost Omens.

  • 3007 AR

    Cheliax is Founded.

    Cheliax is founded as a western frontier province of the Taldan Empire.

  • 3129 AR

    Grand Prince Jalrune is murdered.
    Life, Death

    The emperor of Taldor, Grand Prince Jalrune is murdered by either Red Mantis assassins or Qadiran blades, depending on which history one reads.

  • 3148 AR

    The Pestilentropy
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Pestilentropy infects many nomads and settlers in central Iobaria, causing fevers and madness, ultimately leading to death by overexertion or by the blades of those its victims imagine to be their foes. The disease, or its manic side effects, destroy more than half of Iobaria's farms, villages, crops, and cattle, leading to a decade of lean harvests and starvation for the region. This devastation and the lack of support for the people leads to the final dissolution of Old Iobarian rule

  • 3203 AR

    The Whispering Tyrant.
    Military action

    The wizard Tar-Baphon, killed by the god Aroden in 896 AR, returns as the lich known as the Whispering Tyrant. Arising in Ustalav, he rallies the orcs of the Hold of Belkzen and begins attacking central Avistan. Ustalav is the first to fall in the same year.

  • 3212 AR

    The Restoration Wars.
    Political event

    Three warlords (one of Issian descent) and their allies band together to restore the nation of Iobaria. Rallying to banners and flags of Old Iobaria, support for New Iobaria rises quickly with their reclamation of Orlov from foreign factions and their local pawns. The Restoration War lasts for nearly a century before New Iobaria officially exists and rules its lands.

  • 3249 AR

    Pesh is discovered.
    Discovery, Scientific

    An alchemist of Sandstar named Atopu discovered the production of a narcotic substance he called pesh.

  • 3250 AR

    Sandstar becomes Katapesh.
    Political event

    A bandit named Jade-Eye slaughters Nimhar and takes control of the city of Sandstar. Nimhar's body is never found. Jade-Eye renames the city Katapesh, and the region soon adopts that name.

  • 3250 AR

    The Pesh Drug.

    News of the newly discovered drug pesh spreads rapidly in Katapesh, drawing criminals and merchants of all kinds to the city of Sandstar.

  • 3256 AR

    The Gnoll Raids.
    Military action

    Gnoll slavers begin raiding Sarenrae's Bastion. For 2 years the gnolls relentlessly sell slaves from Sarenrae's Bastion to Katapesh before their tribes break apart.

  • 3257 AR

    Political event

    The people of Sarenrae's Bastion, feeling betrayed by their goddess, rename the city Solku.

  • 3282 AR

    Political event

    In the Casmaronian land of Iobaria, House Arjal and House Korya betray allied House Narkys, sacrificing its leaders and troops to dragons of the mountains and wilds, their newer allies.

  • 3304 AR

    The Iobarian Restoration War
    Military action

    The Iobarian Restoration War over, King Irral I turns control and demesne of all the old cyclops ruins to his white and red dragon allies.

  • 3313 AR

    The Winter War.
    Military action

    In the space of less than a month, the witch Baba Yaga invades the eastern portion of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings from the Crown of the World with her army of ice trolls, winter wolves, and other arctic creatures. Within 23 days the so called Winter War is over, and the Witch Queen creates the realm of Irrisen.

  • 3332 AR

    Discovery, Scientific

    In the dwarven city of Jernashall in what is now Andoran, engineers create the first successful magmafall.

  • 3537 AR

    Disaster / Destruction

    A little-known creature known as the Slohr manages to trample much of the Arthfell Forest in Andoran.

  • 3577 AR

    The first order of Hellknights.
    Military action

    Daidan Rhul founds the first order of Hellknights, the Order of the Rack in the Chelish capital of Westcrown.

  • 3616 AR

    The battle of Eight Bridges
    Military action

    In the land of Tian Xia, the Minkai armies are led by the Perfect Swordswoman, Setsuna Kuga. In the battle of Eight Bridges, she thoroughly defeats the forces of the Teikoku Shogunate and then goes to raze the old capitol of Uddo.

  • 3619 AR

    The Minkai Empire
    Political event

    The Minkai Empire is established in Tian Xia, and the city of Kasai is chosen as its capital.

  • 3679 AR

    The Great Horde.
    Military action

    The Great Horde: a collection of ogre, giant, and cyclops tribes rampage across Iobaria under the command of Burlor, a cyclops wearing the Crown of Mirim and wielding the Perobov Maul. These monsters remain a threat long after the death of Burlor beneath the hooves of more than 25 tribes of centaurs.

  • 3721 AR

    Slave Raids.
    Military action

    A rash of slave raids from Okeno hits Solku in Katapesh. City guards successfully repel the raiders.

  • 3725 AR

    Katapesh gets taken over.
    Political event

    The Pactmasters (secretly a small cabal of plane- and planet-traveling witchwyrd merchants)[1] take over the city of Katapesh, and begin construction on the city's new palace and outer walls.

  • 3730 AR

    Nightstalls opens up.

    The infamous market known as the Nightstalls opens in the city of Katapesh.

  • 3754 AR

    The Shining Crusade.
    Military action

    The Empire of Taldor calls soldiers from all over their realm and marches against the Whispering Tyrant of Ustalav, in a war known as the Shining Crusade.

  • 3756 AR


    Theodric, a priest of Aroden, founds the settlement of Heibarr on the banks of the Sellen River in what will later become known as the River Kingdoms.

  • 3801 AR

    The Shining crusade and Ustalav
    Military action

    After years of hard fighting, soldiers of the Shining Crusade establish a forward position in Ustalav on the shores of Lake Encarthan.

  • 3811 AR

    The first Wilding.

    The resident fey of the Wilewood in the River Kingdom of Sevenarches go on their first "wilding". They stream out of the wood and invade the town. The more aggressive and destructive are rebuffed by the local Oaksteward druids. This event continues to be repeated once every 100 years.

  • 3820 AR

    Fort Lorrin

    Fort Lorrin is founded near the ruins of the village of Rookmin as a supply depot during the Shining Crusade. After the end of the war, this site is choses as the location for Vigil, the new capital of Lastwall.

  • 3823 AR

    Death of the Divine Herald.
    Life, Death

    The lich known as the Whispering Tyrant toys with and eventually kills the divine Herald of Aroden, Arazni during the Shining Crusade.

  • 3823 AR

    The battle at Vaishali Pass.
    Military action

    The mortal Iomedae retreats to Fort Lorrin and rallies the Knights of Ozem. From there she launches her counterstrike and breaks the enemy's advance at Vaishali Pass.

  • 3826 AR

    The Cenotaph

    The Cenotaph, a mysterious structure located on the southern edge of the Tusk Mountains, closes with the defeat of the Whispering Tyrant. No one is able to open it thereafter, as it is said to await the reappearance of its master.

  • 3827 AR

    The Whispering Tyrant is sealed withing Gallowspire.
    Military action

    Near the conclusion of the Shining Crusade, the Whispering Tyrant is sealed within his own fortress of Gallowspire in Ustalav.

  • 3828 AR

    The end of the Shining Crusade.
    Military action

    With the defeat of the The Whispering Tyrant the year before, and the founding of Lastwall, the Shining Crusade comes to an end after 72 years.

  • 3828 AR

    Political event

    The kingdom of Lastwall is established to ensure the Whispering Tyrant never returns from his imprisonment.

  • 3832 AR

    Sancta Iomedaea
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction on the great cathedral of Sancta Iomedaea is begun in the city of Vigil to commemorate the goddess' ascension. It will take 30 years to complete.

  • 3832 AR

    Iomedae becomes a god.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Iomedae passes the Test of the Starstone and ascends to godhood, taking her place as the herald of Aroden.

  • 3850 AR

    Stavian Arches.
    Financial Event

    The emperor Stavian I, frustrated with his inability to sail the full length of the River Adivian demands his engineers to find a solution, that very year work begins on the Stavian Arches.

  • 3850 AR

    Sancta Iomedaea collapses.
    Construction beginning/end

    The main dome of the Sancta Iomedaea, still under construction, collapses in the city of Vigil. Donations pour in from across the Taldoran Empire for it to be quickly rebuilt.

  • 3862 AR

    Sancta Iomedaea is finished.
    Construction beginning/end

    After 30 years of construction, the grand cathedral Sancta Iomedaea is completed in Vigil, the capital of Lastwall.

  • 3890 AR

    The body of Arazni is stolen.

    The body of Arazni is stolen from the Knights of Ozem in Lastwall by the undead ruler Geb and reanimated as his Harlot Queen.

  • 3923 AR

    Merivesta is assasinated.
    Life, Death

    The famous satiric playwright, Merivesta Olinchi of Nex is assassinated at the opening of her play The Conception Exception.

  • 3980 AR

    The Rending
    Geological / environmental event

    Touched off by powerful earthquakes, the volcano known as Droskar's Crag erupts in northern Andoran in an event known to history as the Rending.

  • 3980 AR

    The capital of Jernashall
    Political event

    Due to the Rending, King Sidrik III of the dwarven nation of Tar Khadurrm moves its capital from Jernashall back to Highhelm.

  • 3991 AR

    Cheliax's Capital
    Political event

    King Korrado II moves Cheliax's capital from its former home, the port city of Ostenso, to the burgeoning city of Westcrown. The capital does not move again until the rise of House Thrune.

  • 4000 AR

    The frost giants invade.
    Military action

    Amid the blizzards of a long and particularly harsh winter, frost giants from the Ice Steppes invade New Iobaria, pillaging and murdering. They reach Orlov before being repelled.

  • 4040 AR


    The southern tip of the island of Karhal in the Chelish capital of Westcrown is designated as a city park, due to the many accidents that mysteriously occur there during any form of construction.

  • 4043 AR

    Military action

    The blue dragon Kazavon, in his guise as a human general, drives orcs from the Hold of Belkzen out of western Ustalav.

  • 4079 AR

    The Grand Campaign
    Military action

    he armies of Qadira invade southern Taldor, beginning the 524 year Grand Campaign.

    More reading
    Grand Campaign
  • 4081 AR

    Lastwall's independence.
    Political event

    Lastwall declares independence from Taldor, claiming it needs to maintain political neutrality in order to continue guarding Tar-Baphon within his prison of Gallowspire. The newly formed government of Lastwall states that it does not wish to get involved in the growing feud between Cheliax and Taldor. Cheliax supports Lastwall's independence while Taldor objects but is unable to send its military to intervene.

  • 4081 AR

    Cheliax's independence.
    Military action

    King Aspex the Even-Tongued declares Cheliax as independent from its founding nation of Taldor. In the ensuing decade, in what would become known as the Even-Tongued Conquest, Aspex succeeds in claiming the territories of Andoran as part of the new Chelaxian empire through diplomacy. He also manages to claim Isger and Galt as part of his burgeoning new empire through military force. While Taldor objects, it lacks the military power to resist due to its conflict with its southern neighbor Qadira.

  • 4100 AR

    Stavian Arches are completed.
    Construction beginning/end

    Work is finally completed on the Stavian Arches, one hundred and fifty years after it was begun in 3850 AR.

  • 4109 AR

    Construction on the Great Bridge finishes.
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction on the Great Bridge in the River Kingdom of Heibarr is finished.

  • 4112 AR

    Paladins of Sarenrae
    Military action

    Paladins of Sarenrae return to Solku in Katapesh to establish a base of operations to combat regional slavery.

  • 4113 AR

    Karas "The Falcon" Novotian
    Political event

    With assistance from the Chelish military, Karas "the Falcon" Novotnian and several friends establish a fort in Darkmoon Vale in northern Andoran and begins to take control of the region in the name of Empire of Cheliax.

  • 4137 AR

    The Chelaxian siege of Absalom.
    Military action

    The Chelaxian army lays seige to Absalom and, like many others before them, fail to conquer it. Undeterred, the Chelaxian army heads southwest, making gains in Garund, and takes control of the Arch of Aroden. This gives Cheliax unprecedented control over the Inner Sea region, as it controls access to it from the west. Cheliax holds the Arch to this day.

  • 4138 AR

    A political year.
    Political event

    • Emperor Haliad I of Cheliax orders the foundation of the colony of Sargava on the southwestern coast of Garund. Baron Praetorius is appointed governor of the colony.
    • Construction begins by Chelish colonists on a temporary stockade on the future site of Eleder.
    • Sargavan colonists encounter members of the Ijo, Ombo, and Mulaa tribes for the first time.

  • 4139 AR

    An unlikely trade.
    Political event

    Chelaxian colonists in Sargava first begin trading with the local Mwangi. They encounter the Bas'o and Bandu tribes for the first time.

  • 4139 AR

    The Kalabuta.
    Political event

    Chelish colonists in Sargava first stumble across a tribe of Mwangi living in a crumbling, ruin of a city on the River of Lost Tears. These people call themselves the Kalabuta, and the colonists name the city after them.

  • 4141 AR

    Construction beginning/end

    Construction begins on Eleder, the first permanent Chelish colony in Sargava, located on Desperation Bay.

  • 4142 AR

    Imperial Lung Wa.
    Political event

    In Tian Xia, Imperial Lung Wa is founded when it unites 16 of the Kingdoms of Shu

  • 4143 AR

    Crown's end.

    The settlement of Crown's End is founded in the Chelish colony of Sargava.

  • 4148 AR

    Plains war.
    Military action

    Ranchers on the eastern plains of Sargava come into conflict with the local Bas'O tribes over the hunting of antelope, leading to the brief Plains War. Hostilities cease when the Chelaxian colonists back down, instead focusing on the breeding of horses and cattle.

  • 4150 AR

    Political event

    The Chelish settle Kalabuto in eastern Sargava.

  • 4152 AR

    The Kalabuta revolt.

    Members of the Kalabuta tribe in eastern Sargava revolt against imperial Chelish rule. The insurrection is quickly and forcefully put down by colonial troops.

  • 4158 AR

    Bandu Hills.

    Dwarven miners from the city of Janderhoff in northwestern Avistan arrive in Sargava, and begin prospecting for precious metals in the Bandu Hills. They are soon followed by gnomes, looking for gems.

  • 4164 AR

    Fort Bandu

    Dwarves prospecting in the Bandu Hills of Sargava discover a gold vein in Mount Nakyuk. The Farsouth Mine is established there, and Fort Bandu is constructed to protect it.

  • 4217 AR

    The Yellowtongue Sickness.
    Plague / Epidemic

  • 4237 AR

    The Orcs expand.
    Military action

    Orcs of the Hold of Belkzen begin expanding their borders, pushing further south into the nation of Lastwall. Most humans flee in the face of the unstoppable horde save the Council of Thorns who remain and martyr themselves to protect what is now Ghostlight Marsh.

  • 4247 AR

    A truce.
    Political event

    Facing imminent death, two warring armies of sahuagin and merfolk declare a truce and found the unusual River Kingdom of Outsea.

  • 4256 AR

    The river kingdom is invaded.
    Military action

    The River Kingdom of Sevenarches is successfully invaded by the Intilporium, a family of Taldan wizards. The Oakstewards are able to eventually roust them after nine weeks of occupation. This marks the only interruption of the druids' control over Sevenarches in over 2,000 years.

  • 4275 AR

    The floods
    Geological / environmental event

    Strong underwater seaquakes off the coast of the continent of Vudra cause massive flooding in low-lying coastal regions, killing thousands.

  • 4286 AR

    The Council of Thieves.
    Political event

    As a result of a brutal underworld war, the seven largest criminal gangs in the Chelish city of Westcrown unite to form the Council of Thieves.

  • 4305 AR

    The Everwar.
    Military action

    Under the leadership of King Haliad III, the Chelaxian Empire begins an extended period of expansion to the north. It starts by annexing land in Molthune, Varisia, and Nidal, but the conflict eventually expands and becomes known as the Everwar.

    More reading
  • 4307 AR

    The Pathfinder society is founded.

  • 4312 AR

    The Silver Fox
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Silver Fox, also known as Cesare Cattanei visits the small village of Pitax on the Sellen River in the River Kingdoms for the first time.

  • 4316 AR

    Trees attack!
    Military action

    The inhabitants of the settlement of Mivon in the River Kingdoms flee or die, claiming that they are attacked by trees and plants, by the dead rising from the river, and wizards who call the moon from the sky. Mivon remains abandoned for 20 years.

  • 4317 AR

    The Pathfinder Chronicles in Absalom.

    The Pathfinder Durvin Gest investigates the ruins of Azlant far off the western coast of Avistan in the Arcadian Ocean. Tales of this journey are published in the first of the Pathfinder Chronicles in Absalom. Instantly popular, this volume brings explorers from all over the Inner Sea region to the Pathfinder Society with the hopes of having their own discoveries published.

  • 4320 AR

    The Grand Lodge

    The Grand Lodge of the Pathfinder Society is founded in the city of Absalom and becomes the organization's home base. The building is a repossessed manor house given by the city as thanks for the opening of the Vudran spice trade to the merchant fleets of Absalom, made possible by the exploration and diplomacy of Pathfinder Selmius Foster.

  • 4321 AR

    The Decemvirate

    The Decemvirate is founded as the ruling council of the Pathfinder Society in Absalom. Its members are drawn from the most scholarly and popular Pathfinders of the day.

  • 4323 AR

    Durvin Gest the explorer.

    The Pathfinder Durvin Gest explores and catalogs the 31 Siege Castles in the Cairnlands outside the gates of the city of Absalom. Thanks to this, the Pathfinder Society is able to draw enough funds from these ruins to help support their rapidly growing organization and expand their Grand Lodge.

  • 4329 AR

    Field of Maidens.
    Military action

    The wizard-king Geb fends off an attack from the Pirate Queen Mastrien Slash by petrifying the invading army, creating the Field of Maidens on Geb's southern border.

  • 4330 AR

    The death of Selmius Foster.
    Life, Death

    The Pathfinder Selmius Foster is killed during the exploration of the distant island of Bhopan. Being one of the original three Pathfinders recorded in the first Pathfinder Chronicles, his passing is mourned by many.

  • 4331 AR

    Montarion Jeggare is born.
    Life, Birth

    The Chelaxian explorer and future co-founder of the Varisian city of Korvosa, Montlarion Jeggare, is born.

  • 4332 AR

    The Lens of Galundari

    The Pathfinder Durvin Gest tosses the Lens of Galundari into the Nemesis Well of Osibu in the Mwangi Expanse.

  • 4333 AR

    The first Pathfinder Lodge outside of Absalom.

    The Pathfinder Adolphus and his wife, Princess Ganjay of Bhopan use the money they stole from the Bhopan treasury to found a Pathfinder lodge in Quantium, the capital of Nex. Being the first Pathfinder lodge outside of Absalom, its creation causes quite a stir within the Pathfinder Society. It is named Nexus House, and after some discussion the Decemvirate decides to expand their purview over it and any further lodges built outside of the City at the Center of the World. To oversee Nexus House's local affairs, the Decemvirate create the position of venture-captain to act in proxy for them.

  • 4338 AR

    Cheliax takes Nidal.
    Military action

    As the Everwar rages on, Cheliax finally gains full control over its neighbor to the north, Nidal, much to the chagrin of the Umbral Court and the other worshipers of Zon-Kuthon.

  • 4339 AR

    Jakthion Peltherianon is born
    Life, Birth

    Jakthion Peltherianon is born to a minor but wealthy Chelish noble family. Later in life he will take on the surname Korvosa and go on to found the Varisian city of the same name.

  • 4340 AR

    Political event

    It is rumored that by this year over half of the nobles in the Chelish capital of Westcrown have ties to the criminal meta-organization known as the Council of Thieves.

  • 4342 AR

    Research on the darklands.
    Life, Publicity

    The Pathfinder Koriah Azmeren publishes his research on the Darklands, summarizing decades of work and countless trips into its lightless depths, including a final 3-year long solo expedition. Even though his work brings him substantial fame and moderate wealth, he decides to never again step into so much as a basement, living out his life in the highest towers of Absalom's tallest building.

  • 4355 AR

    The city-state of Maashinelle

    The Cullerton family founds the city-state of Maashinelle at the confluence of the Sellen and Tolemaida Rivers. It will later be incorporated into the River Kingdom of Lambreth.

  • 4360 AR

    The famous Pathfinder Durvin Gest disappears
    Life, Death

    The famous Pathfinder Durvin Gest disappears for the final time. Rumors abound at this time that clues to his disappearance can be found in the fifth volume of the Pathfinder Chronicles. It is impossible to verify this, however, as the volume is pulled from circulation by the Decemvirate and all remaining copies are destroyed.

  • 4363 AR

    The "Slave Markets" open up.

    In the nation of Katapesh, the slave markets known as the Fleshfairs open in the town of Okeno.

  • 4374 AR

    Tryka is attacked.

    The lazakh white dragon Tryka leaves northern Avistan and travels south to the Five Kings Mountains where she is attacked by the mighty Daralathyxl. Wounded she flees to Cheliax and is rescued by the brass dragon Varilan.

  • 4376 AR

    Construction beginning/end

    The Pathfinder Society begins construction of Skyreach, the central tower-library which becomes the center point to Absalom's Grand Lodge.

  • 4381 AR

    Skyreach is finished.
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction of the Pathfinder Society's central tower-library of Skyreach is finished in the city of Absalom.

  • 4394 AR

    Destruction of the Hovels.
    Political event

    The Angelidis family destroys the hovels of the village of Traxell in the River Kingdoms, and rebuilds houses and wharves, founding the city-state of Lockridge.

  • 4396 AR

    The Battle of Bloodsworn Vale.
    Military action

    The Battle of Bloodsworn Vale is fought between Chelish troops and Shoanti warriors as part of the Everwar. Thousands of Shoanti are killed but are unable to keep back the superior Chelish troops, who open Varisia up to colonization

  • 4398 AR

    Volshyenek Ornelos, is born
    Life, Birth

    The so called Immortal Lord of House Ornelos, Volshyenek Ornelos, is born into an ancient and wealthy Chelaxian noble family.

  • 4402 AR

    The founding of a colony.
    Political event

    Halleck IV, Emperor of Cheliax, commands Field Marshal Jakthion Korvosa to found a colony in the as-yet untamed wilds of Varisia. Admiral Mercatio Kiameleu, longtime rival of Korvosa's, asks and receives a similar charter.

  • 4402 AR

    Invasion of Rivermark.
    Military action

    A clan of assassins from distant Yenchabur in Casmaron arrives in the River Kingdoms. Led by His Supreme Highness Afanasy Athanasius, they easily invade the village of Rivermark, forcing its residents to flee or submit to their rule. It is subsequently renamed Daggermark.

  • 4405 AR

    A fight for funding.
    Political event

    Field Marshal Jakthion Korvosa and Admiral Mercatio Kiameleu, who had both been tasked by the Chelish Emperor Halleck IV to found a colony in Varisia, fight to both find funding for their respective expeditions.

  • 4407 AR

    Trapped miners and the founding of Korvosa.

    • Field Marshall Jakthion Korvosa rescues a stranded group of Chelish marines trapped on Endrin Isle in Varisia.
    • The city of Korvosa in Varisia, then known as Fort Korvosa, is founded by Chelish forces.

  • 4408 AR

    Alika Epakena is the first child born
    Life, Birth

    Alika Epakena is the first child born in the newly-established Chelish settlement of Fort Korvosa. She will grow up to become known as Saint Alika, the Seer of Pharasma.

  • 4408 AR

    The return of Admiral Kiameleu
    Political event

    Admiral Kiameleu returns from Varisia to Cheliax and attempts to have Keyra Palin court-martialed, but Field-Marshall Korvosa and Waylon Endrin intervene on her behalf. Emperor Halleck IV demotes Kiameleu as a result of the affair, giving his command to his first mate, Veldraine.

  • 4409 AR

    The Galleons arrive in Cheliax.

    The first fully laden galleons arrive in Cheliax with spoils from Varisia, earning the Empire's notice and increasing the flow of colonists and military forces to the wilderness region.

  • 4409 AR

    A war against the Shoanti.
    Military action

    Waydon Endrin forms the Sable Company to launch strikes against the Shoanti in the ongoing war for control of Korvosa and southern Varisia.

  • 4410 AR

    The town of Veldraine is founded in Varisia

  • 4410 AR

    Kiameleu is attacked.
    Military action

    The settlement of Kiameleu in Varisia is attacked by Shoanti and burnt to the ground.

  • 4410 AR

    The end of the Everwar.
    Military action

    Cheliax finally abandons its attempted conquests within Varisia and the Hold of Belkzen, bringing an end to the Everwar that had lasted over a hundred years.

    More reading
  • 4410 AR

    The deatth of Field Marshall Jakthion Korvosa.
    Life, Death

    Field Marshall Jakthion Korvosa, founder of the city of Korvosa in Varisia, dies.

  • 4410 AR

    Montlarion Jeggare is named 2nd lord magistrate of Korvosa.
    Political event

  • 4411 AR

    The Decemvirate becomes anonymous.

    After a bloody internal struggle, the Decemvirate of the Pathfinder Society decide that the body should become anonymous in order to discourage intrigue and cults of personality. They elect their successors in secret and step down. The Decemvirate remain masked to the present day.

  • 4413 AR

    The marines of the Sable Company begin attacking massed groups of Shoanti warriors on the Varisian mainland. This low-intensity warfare will continue on and off until the Great Fire of Korvosa in 4429 AR.
    Military action

  • 4415 AR

    Waydon Endrin, commander of eastern Varisia's Fort Korvosa retires. Keyra Palin is named as his successor.
    Political event

  • 4512 AR

    24 Gozran

    Yuden is born
    Life, Birth

    Yuden the wood elf is born to his loving family in Kyonin.

The Age of Lost Omens

4603 AR and beyond

Golarion is now in what is being called the Age of Lost Omens. It began in 4606 AR with the death of the god Aroden and continues to the present. Aroden himself had prophesied thousands of years ago that he would return on the cusp of mankind's greatest triumph. His priests and followers calculated the supposed exact time of this event and prepared for it with lavish pomp. On the prophesied date, instead of his return all contact to the god was lost and the world was devastated by terrible storms and other calamities. Since then no major prophecy has come true See Category: Age of Lost Omens for a complete list of year articles within the Age of Lost Omens.

  • 4603 AR

    4606 AR in enviroment
    Geological / environmental event

    The death of Aroden is followed by tremendous storms across the face of Golarion. At the very moment of Aroden's death, the most powerful hurricane the world has ever known forms off the western coast of Garund. It is known as the Eye of Abendego and has yet to die down. The Eye of Abendego leads to massive storm surges which flood the low-lying land along the western coast of Garund leading to the death of thousands. This destroyed Lirgen and Yamasa, creating the Sodden Lands.

  • 4605 AR

    4607 AR in organizations
    Life, Organisation Association

    Mengkare forms the Scarlet Triad with the purpose of delivering promising humans for his Glorious Endeavor on Hermea.

  • 4606 AR

    4606 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Following the death of Aroden, and the loss of the Chelish Emperor's divine mandate, certain noble houses begin to compete for the crown. This leads to a civil war in Cheliax.

  • 4606 AR


    • The Pathfinder Society, realizing the momentousness of current events, mobilizes all of its members to record the myriad of events transpiring throughout Golarion. Because of the chaos, the Society gains access to numerous sites and artifacts formerly inaccessible, moving to protect them or taking them to the Grand Lodge in Absalom for safe keeping.
    • This marks the first year of the Age of Lost Omens.
    • Massive earthquakes rock the plains south of Mzali and destroy five cities, thus creating the Shatterfield.

  • 4606 AR

    4606 AR in politics
    Political event

    Imperial Lung Wa falls apart in Tian Xia. Lord Arbust Arbasti begins his rule of the Varisiann city of Korvosa.

  • 4606 AR

    4606 AR in deities
    Religious event

    Aroden's clerics are cut off from their god after storms wrack Golarion for three weeks on the eve of his prophesied return and the connection is never reestablished, leading most to believe that Aroden is dead

  • 4607 AR

    4607 AR in environment
    Geological / environmental event

    • Mount Kuvetheir in Taldor's section of the World's Edge Mountains unexpectedly erupts in a fiery convulsion that buries the two nearby mining towns of Milon's Wait and Voredding. The destructive nature of this event causes many of the victims to rise as blast shadows.
    • Weather changes in the area open a sinkhole at Crowhollow, exposing alien technology; the Mountain Crows Kellid tribe hides the sinkhole from the Technic League.

  • 4607 AR

    4607 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The demonic forces of the Worldwound continue their rapid expansion and devastation across Sarkoris.
    • Early in this year, Minagho, a powerful lilitu demon, entered Kenabres in disguise and proceeded to murder 62 citizens before disappearing in a puff of black smoke. This event became known as the Red Morning Massacre.
    • The siege of the temple near Pulura's Fall begins, but the demons of the Worldwound are unable to breach its walls.
    • The city of Dyinglight in northwestern Sarkoris is evacuated before the advancing demonic hordes.
    • Skirmishes and battles among Sarkorian refugees, native insurgents, and Iobarian troops begin the second fall of Iobaria, with the loss of Mavradia to rebel forces. Battles and rebellions continue over the next five decades.
    • Cheliax draws nearer to civil war.
    • Emperor Gaspodar deploys Hellknights to quell riots in Molthune[6][7] and maintain order in Andoran.

  • 4607 AR

    4607 AR in politics
    Political event

    The great wyrm gold dragon Aostralya calls a Convocation of Dragons to discuss the subject of the god Aroden's apparent death. All dragonkind sends representatives (except for the black dragons), but there is little agreement. No consensus is ever reached, with the chromatic dragons arguing that human matters are below their concern. Unusually, however, the red dragon Grathalax supports the pan-draconic goal of eventually destroying Dahak.[13]  

    • With the fall of the empire of Lung Wa, the former province of Shenmen comes under the control of Lady Lang Loi, a sadistic jorogumo. Thus begins the kingdom's new reputation as "the cursed land of spiders and ghosts". 
    • Celebrations for the bicentennial celebration of the founding of the city of Korvosa in Varisia are canceled.
    • The town of Nystra is founded in the River Kingdoms by Galtan silk merchants.
    • In Calistril of this year, King Gaspodar of Cheliax sends Hellknights to the rebellious provinces of Andoran and Molthune to maintain order.

  • 4607 AR

    Miscellaneous in 4607 AR

    • The Acadamae in Korvosa begins to shift its instructional focus more towards the summoning of devils, perhaps in response to the ongoing conflict in Cheliax.
    • A merchant fleet from Sargava is destroyed while attempting to navigate too close to the Eye of Abendego.

  • 4607 AR

    Deaths in 4607 AR
    Life, Death

    The "Immortal" Lord Volshyenek Ornelos finally passes away during a summoning ritual in Korvosa's Hall of Summoning

  • 4607 AR

    Migrations in 4607 AR
    Population Migration / Travel

    Expecting many Arodenite refugees to cross into Druma, investors build the city of Alabastrine.

  • 4608 AR

    4608 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • General Orphyrea Amanandar conquers the city of Kamikobu in what is now Amanandar. She renames the city New Oppara in honour of Taldor's national capital.
    • Demons from the Worldwound first launch attacks against Mendev and the Sarkorian lowlands.
    • After rapidly escalating tensions, the Chelish Civil War officially ignites during the month of Arodus.
    • House Thrune begins to fight over land with another noble house of Cheliax, whose name has since been erased from history by the Chelish government, thus beginning the Chelish Civil War.
    • Nidal immediately supports Hell-backed House Thrune in the Chelish Civil War, sending it companies of shadowcallers with velstracs in addition to the Adamant Company. Chelish diplomats and dignitaries living in Nidal without ties to Thrune are quietly assassinated.
    • Taldor's Eighth Army of Exploration arrives to Shenmen in Tian Xia, conquers Kamikobu, renames it New Oppara, and founds the colony of Amanandar.

  • 4608 AR

    4608 AR in politics
    Political event

    • Magnimar is founded in Varisia.
    • Dissatisfied with the government's appeasement of the Chelaxians, thousands of Korvosans leave to found the Varisian city of Magnimar.
    • The government is decided upon during the founding of Magnimar: an elected Lord-Mayor balanced by a Council of Ushers.
    • Trade improves in the colony of Brinewall following Magnimar's founding.
    • In a desperate attempt to keep the crumbling Chelish empire from fragmenting, Hellknights are sent to Galt and other outlying provinces in Rova of this year.
    • Harun of Abadar, a Garundi cleric from Absalom, becomes pharaoh of Osirion.

  • 4608 AR

    Miscellaneous in 4608 AR

    • The Temple of Asmodeus is built in Korvosa.
    • The Tinwound Hydroplant is constructed in Alkenstar over an ancient Nexian mage tower.

  • 4609 AR

    Deaths in 4609 AR
    Life, Death

    The Chelish Duke Kotaros is publicly killed by the Red Mantis assassins.

  • 4609 AR

    4609 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Baron Grallus, governor of newly sovereign Sargava, pledges naval support for House Davian in the Chelish Civil War. Its ships depart for Cheliax but do not arrive until 4610 AR.

  • 4609 AR

    4609 AR in organizations
    Life, Organisation Association

    In the month of Kuthona, Lictor Aligois Thels reorganizes the Hellknights into separate orders, each capable of independent action. The five new orders are the Orders of the Chain, Gate, Pyre, Scourge (which he commands), and Thorn.

  • 4609 AR

    Miscellaneous in 4609 AR

    • Sargavan merchants successfully bargain with the Free Captains of the Shackles to allow them safe passage and escort around the western edge of the Eye of Abendego.
    • The Sarkorian floating pleasure palace known as the House of Reflections sinks to the bottom of the First Rains. The accident occurs when its imprisoned guests launch an unsuccessful escape.
    • Ulizmila, supposedly the grandchild of the witch Baba Yaga, journeys to Darkmoon Wood.
    • Several embittered captains from the navy of the recently fallen Imperial Lung Wa band together and begin construction on the floating pirate city of Zo Piaobo amongst the Wandering Isles of Minata.

  • 4609 AR

    4610 AR in politics
    Political event

    The Council of Sun and Sky is established in Sothis.

  • 4610 AR

    4610 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The witch Areelu Vorlesh attacks and captures the Widowknife Clanhold near the city of Undarin in Sarkoris and uncovers the last few rituals needed to transform herself into a half-succubus.
    • The Chelish army leaves Sargava in order to return to the homeland and aid House Davian in the Chelish Civil War.
    • Walkena incinerates a Sargavan invasion force as it attempts to march on Mzali.
    • 7110 IC: Hobgoblin warlords, led by Moyoshi Shoda, conquer six nations between Jinin and Lingshen, consolidate their power, and form Kaoling. They immediately begin fortifying their new nation, starting with walls around Dhucharg.

  • 4611 AR

    4611 AR in people
    Civil action

    • Dominion of the Black scholar Gaius Beaulenard purchases a stolen copy of Secrets of the Dreaming Dark, the end of a transaction that resulted in six deaths at an Egorian collector's private library.
    • Berym Verrachus escapes the Technic League using quantum flux technology, but curses himself in so doing.

  • 4611 AR

    4609 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The Keleshite sultan of Osirion is overthrown by the people of Osirion in a nearly bloodless coup. He is replaced by Prince Khemet I, a Garundi cleric of Abadar whose ancestry dates back to Azghaad and the pharaohs of Ancient Osirion, and so he becomes the first Osirian pharaoh in over 3,000 years. His accession ends the Keleshite Interregnum and initiates the Third Age of Osirion and inspires nostalgic nationalism and the rebuilding of pharonic monuments destroyed under Kelesh rule.
    • Sargava breaks away from Cheliax and becomes a sovereign nation, the first Chelish territory to do so.

  • 4611 AR

    4611 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • Hellknights are ordered to the Chelish colony of Sargava in western Garund during the month of Serenith to quell civil unrest and rebellion.
    • The elder kraken Zhanagorr emerges from the Xidao Gulf and consumes most of Numijaan, then magically ends the violent typhoon that threatened to destroy the nation. Soon after, it becomes Wanshou's conqueror.
    • As the Worldwound continues to widen, Princess Maraet Odranti of Ustalav denies entry to Sarkorian refugees, resulting in countless deaths in what became known as the Demonskin War.

  • 4611 AR

    4611 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The five Great Houses of Korvosa, with the cooperation of Lord Arbust, form the Peerage Review, a council consisting of members of each house to advise the city's ruler.
    • The Varisian town of Wartle falls under the control of the recently established city of Magnimar.

  • 4611 AR

    4611 AR in environment
    Geological / environmental event

    • A major earthquake rocks the dwarven city of Janderhoff in the Mindspin Mountains of eastern Varisia, causing widespread damage, hundreds of injuries, and dozens of deaths. Engineers and clerics from nearby Korvosa descend upon the city to render aid.
    • Tremendous typhoons in Wanshou, or the prayers of its oracles, dredge the elder kraken Zhanagorr from the depths of Xidao.

  • 4612 AR

    4612 AR in politics
    Political event

    Technic League agents reach the new village of Torch, reaching a deal where the village's residents pay a monthly tribute in exchange for the League leaving the settlement alone.

  • 4612 AR

    Deaths in 4612 AR
    Life, Death

    Gaius Beaulenard, a collector of works on the Dominion of the Black, mails news of his own death to his family along with a crate of rare books

  • 4612 AR

    4612 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    A civil war erupts in the River Kingdom of Pitax between the Cattanei and Liacenza families, dividing it into the kingdoms of Corvenn and Pitax.

  • 4613 AR

    4613 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The witch Baba Yaga places her daughter Elvanna on the throne of Irrisen, replacing her sister Yelizaveta. Elvanna becomes the fourteenth queen of that nation.
    • After the fall of Imperial Lung Wa, the nation of Chu Ye falls into the despotic grasp of the oni that rule the land to this day.

  • 4613 AR

    4613 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    The black coach leaves Bastardhall in Ustalav. A peasant mob attempts to torch the castle and is massacred.

  • 4614 AR

    Miscellaneous in 4614 AR

    Following the death of the god Aroden, the land in the Chelish city of Westcrown which had been set aside for the god's return becomes the target of a massive land grab. Religions from every corner of Avistan and Garund buy whatever they can. By 4614 AR, the last of the land has been purchased, leaving the newly named Rego Sacero, some of the most densely populated religious real-estate in Avistan.

  • 4615 AR

    4615 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Fiendish marsh giants capture the Sarkorian settlement of Dyinglight.

  • 4615 AR

    4615 AR in politics
    Political event

    Under the influence of Meyi Pahano, the upper class astrological philosophers of Lirgen in the Sodden Lands commit mass suicide. Bereft of their ruling class, and pummeled by constant storms from the Eye of Abendego, the population of Lirgen flees, spreading all over Avistan and Garund.

  • 4616 AR

    4616 AR in politics
    Political event

    In Gozran of this year, King Gaspodar of Cheliax mandates the creation of several new orders of Hellknights without consulting existing lictors; they include the Order of the Scar and the Order of the Coil. These orders operate largely outside of Cheliax, and are not nearly as disciplined or well-organized as the original five orders.

  • 4617 AR

    4617 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    The vrolikai inquisitor Shaorhaz defeats the druids of the Forest of Stones in Sarkoris, capturing the sacred homeland of the Green Faith.

  • 4617 AR

    Miscellaneous in 4619 AR

    • The Chelish Count Ambras Imre founds the Daggermark Poisoners's Guild.
    • Devotees of Sarenrae and other deities begin construction on the Bridge of the Gods in Alkenstar City.

  • 4617 AR

    4617 AR in Miscellaneous

    Historical Iroran texts recovered by the Pathfinder Society in Jalmeray tell of a artifact called Sejnara's Sash which allowed its namesake, Sejnara, to defeat the People's Fist in 3884 AR.

  • 4617 AR

    4617 AR in politics
    Political event

    The Varisian city-state of Korvosa claims the small village of Sirathu, formerly under the nominal control of the city-state of Kaer Maga.

  • 4618 AR

    4618 AR in people
    Civil action

    • The Ustalavic noble Marcel Moulot explores the ruins of Belimarius' pleasure palace, Lusbraid, near Peridot Isle in Varisia and finds much treasure, including the Invidian Eye.
    • The smuggler Nalt Tarbrow recovers the Wings of Kazavon from a shipwreck west of Ilizmagorti. Within a year of using the wings as a sail, he commands a force of three ships and a crew of 200 on a run of lucrative piracy around the island refuge of Eel's Skull.
    1. Holbir Vijeri is installed as Alkenstar's Sarenite high priest.

  • 4618 AR

    4618 AR in politics
    Political event

    The rule of Traskind Elf-Eye as Black Sovereign of Numeria begins.

  • 4618 AR

    4618 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    The church of Iomedae begins to organize support in preparation for the First Mendevian Crusade.

  • 4618 AR

    Births in 4618 AR
    Life, Birth

    Solismina Venacdahlia is born.

  • 4619 AR

    Births in 4619 AR
    Life, Birth

    Zoudra is born to Alixanis and Vivenia in Galt. She will eventually become the high priestess of Asmodeus in the Fog Peaks.

  • 4619 AR

    4619 AR in politics
    Political event

    Varnagan Draston-Meir becomes the second lord-mayor of the Varisian city of Magnimar.

  • 4619 AR

    4619 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • Iomedaean priest Jesca Malvaney stages a coup of Lastwall's capital city, Vigil, that would become known as the Whiteblade War. The conflict results in armed battles within the congregation and fires around the city. It is memorialized every 10 years afterward through the Whiteblade Festival.
    • Hellknights of the Order of the Chain slay Admiral Glettz and his followers among House 
    • Serterrian during the Battle of Shatter Hull.
    • The heroine Sulunai saves the nation of Tianjing, uniting the Aasimar population against bandit attacks and hostile surrounding nations.
    • Demonic necromancers attempt to transform the bodies of the honored dead at the bottom of Pulura's Fall into undead. The attempt fails as their risen creations attack them instead.

  • 4619 AR

    Deaths in 4619 AR
    Life, Death

    His Supreme Highness Athanasius XIII, the last king of the River Kingdom of Daggermark, chokes during dinner and dies. He cannot be resurrected, and chaos breaks out in the city.

  • 4620 AR

    4620 AR in organizations
    Life, Organisation Association

    After centuries of various calamities, the Pathfinder Society reviews its records stored in the Grand Lodge and finds most have sustained at least some damage to their legibility.

  • 4620 AR

    Miscellaneous in 4620 AR

    • Azghaad's Spire, the obelisk honoring Osirion's legendary first pharaoh, is rebuilt by High Theurgist Malika Azdari in Sothis.
    • The Gunworks of Alkenstar are completed and begin to manufacture the first firearms. These earliest models are bought by curious collectors and scholars.
    • Fort Estazano is built near the Chelish town of Longacre to quell the local bandit problem.

  • 4620 AR

    4620 AR in politics
    Political event

    Prompted by the Daggermark poisoners' and assassins' guilds, the Outlaw Council is founded in the River Kingdoms.

  • 4620 AR

    Deaths in 4620 AR
    Life, Death

    Halamendi Orrus, the first customer of Alkenstar's Gunworks, is assassinated by agents of the Red Mantis assassins. Contessa's Sting, the prototype magical firearm he had purchased, is lost and never recovered.

  • 4620 AR

    4620 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The Varisian city of Korvosa experiences its largest otyugh rampage, with 23 citizens killed before the Guard puts them down.
    • The Preservers of Notions, a druidic subset of the Green Faith, sacrifice themselves and petrify the trees of the Living Library in Sarkoris, rather than have them fall into the hands of Shaorhaz.

  • 4621 AR

    Deaths in 4621 AR
    Life, Death

    Dr. D murders a member of the Dyemeir Orchestra in Karcau.

  • 4621 AR

    4621 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The weakening government of Absalom grows jealous of the Pathfinder Society's continued wealth and power and attempts to force it to become subservient to the city government. The Society resists, resulting in a failed 12-day-long siege of the Grand Lodge where Pathfinders are forced to kill hundreds of guards and soldiers.
    • The druids of the Forest of Stones in Sarkoris petrify the trees they guard and transform themselves into undead siabraes to prevent them being taken by the demon Shaorhaz.

  • 4622 AR

    4622 AR in people
    Civil action

    • Rema Pridon embarks on an ill-fated voyage of discovery and conquest to the Jungle of Hungry Trees south of her native Sargava.
    • Yuildoroc, a veiled master, arrives and settles secretly in Manaket, Rahadoum.

  • 4622 AR

    Deaths in 4622 AR
    Life, Death

    King Gaspodar of Cheliax is slain in his supposedly impregnable fortress Korradath in Westcrown. His left ring finger and royal seal go missing. His murderer is never found.

  • 4622 AR

    4622 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The First Mendevian Crusade is launched to quell the hordes of demons pouring from the remains of Sarkoris, or as it was now known, the Worldwound. The crusade is launched by the faltering church of Aroden in an attempt to stir their worshipers into religious fervor. The actual leaders of the crusade are clergy in the rapidly rising church of Iomedae. They lead warriors up the Sellen River to the cold, demon-haunted lands of northern Avistan.
    • Unfortunately, the religious fervour imbued into the Crusaders had ill-effect in this year: some Crusaders mistook the druidic faith of the native Sarkorians as demon worship. In the ensuing witch hunt, over forty natives were executed at the hands of the holy warriors in this first year of the Crusade.

  • 4623 AR

    4623 AR in politics
    Political event

    Queen Elvanna of Irrisen grants the town of Trezira in the province of Bleakmarch a monopoly on keeping the Frozen Road free of ice all year round (a job known as "ice cleaving")

  • 4623 AR

    Miscellaneous in 4623 AR

    • Men quarrying the Irespan for stone to build the Arvensoar in Magnimar break into a hollow chamber, releasing a horde of spider-like monstrosities known as shriezyx. Only the actions of local heroes, an adventuring band called the Eyes of the Hawk, stop the city from being completely overwhelmed by the creatures. This event leads to the enactment of a law forbidding anyone from damaging the titanic Thassilonian ruin.
    • Seldinin Choaz, blademaster of the Order of the Pyre, leads a contingent of four Hellknights to assist the First Mendevian Crusade in Arodus of this year. After claiming numerous victories, they are colloquially renamed the Order of the Godclaw.
    • Construction of the Bridge of the Gods is prematurely abandoned but it at least connects Alkenstar City to Dongun Hold.

  • 4624 AR

    Civil action

    Foxglove Manor is constructed by Vorel Foxglove on Varisia's Lost Coast. It is funded in part by the Brothers of the Seven who insist that ownership revert to them after 100 years.

  • 4624 AR

    Deaths in 4624 AR
    Life, Death

    Lord Arbust Arabasti, ruler of the city-state of Korvosa, dies, passing his authority to his son Eodred.

  • 4625 AR

    Miscellaneous in 4625 AR

    • The demon Shaorhaz builds Greengrave Keep from druidic megaliths.
    • A thief steals the book A Thread of Silver which details the first survey of the Silver Mount in Numeria; to this day the Technic League is still trying to track it down.

  • 4628 AR

    4628 AR in politics
    Political event

    • Alling Tresorant, wizard of the Technic League, begins an investigation of the Crowhollow sinkhole.
    • The fortress-city of Drezen is founded on the edge of the Worldwound by soldiers of the First Mendevian Crusade.

  • 4629 AR

    Deaths in 4629 AR
    Life, Death

    Lictor Aligois Thels of the Order of the Scourge dies of natural causes.

  • 4629 AR

    4629 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The magical Twilight Academy is founded by Galdurin Barmier along the shores of Ember Lake. The town of Galduria eventually grows up around it.
    • Crusaders build Castle Urion as a gift to Black Sovereign Traskind Elf-Eye and his future successors. The castle is officially under Numerian control but is occupied and run by Iomedaean crusaders.
    • Lord Pernigrais, the second commander of the Mendevian city of Drezen receives orders to build Icerift Castle on the northwestern border with the Worldwound.

  • 4630 AR

    4630 AR in conflicts
    Life, Milestone

    The First Mendevian Crusade comes to a close as crusaders drive the demons back across the West Sellen River and into the region of the Worldwound known today as the Wounded Lands.

  • 4631 AR

    4631 AR in politics
    Political event

    Orynox Marchelin becomes the king of the fire giant realm of Kragnaroth, inheriting the crown from his father. Kragnaroth is located in the Mindspin Mountains, east of Varisia, in the Conquered Lands of the Hold of Belkzen.

  • 4632 AR

    4632 AR in politics
    Political event

    The frontier colony of Molthune declares its independence from Cheliax and tightens its economic policies. Few benefits come to the more rural areas of northern Molthune, which engenders resentment.

  • 4632 AR

    Births in 4632 AR
    Life, Birth

    Sveinn Blood-Eagle, future Linnorm King of the Thanelands is born.

  • 4633 AR

    4633 AR in politics
    Political event

    The Varisian city of Korvosa reluctantly severs its ties with Cheliax, thus becoming an independent city-state.

  • 4633 AR

    Deaths in 4635 AR
    Life, Death

    Hellknight Lictors DiLavos of the Order of the Thorn and Ihonudayn of the Order of the Pyre perish in the bloody Siege of Demain outside Egorian.

  • 4634 AR

    4634 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Fiendish werewolves attack and permanently occupy the settlement of Moonglade in the quickly disintegrating nation of Sarkoris. They rename it Moonscream Glade.

  • 4634 AR

    4634 AR in politics
    Political event

    • Ilsur, Grand Commander of Ilsurian, is forced to sign an agreement allowing Varisians to dwell legally in the town after Uresina Rofennela organized a boycott of the town by many major trade caravans in protest at the town's discrimination of native Varisians.
    • The Imperial Marina is founded in Westcrown.
    • The period of relative cultural openness in Nidal known as the Shadowbreak comes to an end as moderate Kuthite factions within the government are eliminated and the Black Triune once again assumes direct, total control over its populace. The moderate Kuthites are sentenced to decades of torture in the Cathedral of Exquisite Agony in Pangolais, or are simply handed over to velstracs as fodder.

  • 4635 AR

    4635 AR in politics
    Political event

    • Absalom reinstates the Flesh Tax, legalizing slavery and causing the flame on the Eternal Shackle to reignite after decades of extinguishment.
    • Lictor DiLavos organizes four orders of Hellknights (Chain, Gate, Scourge, and Thorn) with Agahman of House Thrune, formally allying them with House Thrune and assisting their ascent to power; this results in feuding between the Hellknight orders.

  • 4635 AR

    4635 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The Battle of a Hundred Kings results from the alliance between the Order of the Chain and rebels in Corentyn as part of the Chelish Civil War.
    • The Order of the Scourge battles its former Wiscrani allies in the Dospera Massacre.
    • The Siege of Demain lasts nearly two weeks in Arodus of this year, resulting in the near annihilation of the Order of the Thorn Hellknights.

  • 4636 AR

    4636 AR in politics
    Political event

    The dwarf Deigal and his compatriots found the outpost of Rookwarden within the settlement of Rookwarden Fells (which will later have its name changed to Loric Fells) in the River Kingdoms.

  • 4636 AR

    4636 AR in people
    Civil action

    Abrogail Thrune sells her soul to Asmodeus.

  • 4636 AR

    4638 AR in organizations
    Life, Organisation Association

    Hellknights found the Order of the Nail and builds Citadel Altaerein in eastern Isger.

  • 4636 AR

    Births in 4636 AR
    Life, Birth

    General Reginald Cormoth, eventual Commander of the Andoran Eagle Knights is born in Claes.

  • 4636 AR

    4636 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • A second major force of demons emerges from the Worldwound.
    • Governor Nedwin Kellon of newly-declared-independent Molthune survives as assassination attempt by a Chelish agent in the Imperial Castle of Canorate

  • 4637 AR

    4637 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The Ulfen skald Birji Uringen founds the settlement of Uringen in the Embeth Forest in the western River Kingdoms.
    • Queen Elvanna of Irrisen banishes her brutally stupid twenty-second daughter, Baroness Lachka, to a tiny settlement in the province of Feyfrost built specifically for this purpose.

  • 4637 AR

    4637 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Ilsur, Grand Commander of Ilsurian, stops night-time raids by creatures from the Ashwood.

  • 4637 AR

    4637 AR in organizations
    Life, Organisation Association

    Governor Nedwin Kellon of newly-declared-independent Molthune establishes the Molthuni Imperial Army.

  • 4638 AR

    4638 AR in politics
    Political event

    A Pathfinder Society team led by the Chelaxian princess Sheraya Solistar, last heir to the Imperial House of Asgavan, disappears. This further shifts power in Cheliax toward House Thrune.

  • 4638 AR

    Miscellaneous in 4638 AR

    The infamous skald Birji Uringen and his compatriot, the mage Rhona Ambros, begin building the clock tower in the River Kingdoms city of Uringen.

  • 4638 AR

    4638 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    The fortress-town of Drezen on the border of Molthune is engulfed by demons from the Worldwound under the command of the marilith Zuhra Aponavicius, instigating the start of the Second Mendevian Crusade.

  • 4639 AR

    4639 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The Battle of a Hundred Kings is fought in the city of Corentyn. The victory of House Thrune's forces over House Davian and their Sargavan backers in the battle secures the former's dominance over war-torn Cheliax.
    • The city of Storasta is abandoned during the Second Mendevian Crusade. A series of wardstones is erected on the border to the Worldwound to contain the demonic incursions into Mendev, Ustalav, and Numeria.

  • 4639 AR

    Migrations in 4639 AR
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Order of the Rack takes over control of Citadel Rivad, after the Order of the Scourge relocated to Citadel Demain.

  • 4639 AR

    4639 AR in politics
    Political event

    The city of Korvosa begins to formally recognise thieves' guilds due to a legal loophole.

  • 4639 AR

    Births in 4639 AR
    Life, Birth

    Pu Yae Men is born in the Pen Wa province of Imperial Lung Wa. In 4668 AR, she takes over the now-independent nation of Bachuan after the death of its ruler, her husband Grandfather Pei.

  • 4640 AR

    Miscellaneous in 4640 AR

    The second major expansion of Castle Everstand in Lastwall is completed.

  • 4640 AR

    4640 AR in politics
    Political event

    • After over 30 years of the Chelish Civil War, the diabolical House of Thrune wrests control over the feuding noble houses of Cheliax. House Thrune's leader, Abrogail Thrune, ascends to the throne of Cheliax as Abrogail I. Diabolism and the worship of Asmodeus are established as the official Chelish state religions.
    • Anvengen Doskivari, a priest of Asmodeus and close ally of the House of Thrune, assumes the position of mayor in the former Chelish capital of Westcrown. He is the first appointed mayor of the city since the death of Aroden.
    • Sargava secedes from Cheliax. In preparation for the inevitable retribution, Baron Grallus pays the Free Captains of the Shackles for protection.

  • 4640 AR

    4640 AR in organizations
    Life, Organisation Association

    Abrogail I's request of the Hellknights to become her personal guard is refused but she allows them, nevertheless, to continue independently.

  • 4641 AR

    4641 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The peaceful farming community of Nybor is founded along the southern shores of Ember Lake in southwestern Varisia.
    • The rule of Traskind Elf-Eye as Black Sovereign of Numeria ends.

  • 4641 AR

    4642 AR in politics
    Political event

    • Thirty-six well-known Jadwiga Yelizaveta (the descendants of Yelizaveta, the previous queen of Irrisen) are accused of inciting rebellion by Queen Elvanna. The Cold Sisters judge them guilty and have them flayed alive, freezing their corpses into the walls of Whitethrone's Royal Palace.
    • A trio of pirate captains settle on the Firegrass Isle in the Shackles.

  • 4642 AR

    4642 AR in environment
    Geological / environmental event

    The center of the River Kingdoms city of Uringen disappears for the first time on a humid and cool summer night. It reappears three years later. The event is blamed on the recently constructed magical clock tower.

  • 4642 AR

    4645 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    The Second Mendevian Crusade (which began in 4638 AR with the fall of Drezen) comes to an end. Despite the loss of the Kellid realm of Sarkoris, the demonic hordes are contained.

  • 4643 AR

    4643 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The Chelish fleet sent by the country's new rulers, House Thrune, to punish the colony of Sargava for its support for House Davian in the civil war, arrives in Desperation Bay. It is met there and defeated by a fleet of Shackles pirates hired by Sargava. Among these is a ship named the Polished Barnacle, which is later sunk by the Mordant Spire elves.
    • Free Captain Molryn Hangtree lies to Baron Grallus of Sargava, telling him that there are additional Chelish ships anchored off the Rahadoumi port of Azir, waiting to attack his colony. The Baron believes him and continues paying the captain a stipend to picket the bay.

  • 4643 AR

    4643 AR in politics
    Political event

    Ilsur, Grand Commander of Ilsurian, peaceably brings to an end a trade embargo placed on Ilsurian by Korvosa.

  • 4644 AR

    4644 AR in politics
    Political event

    The citizens of the Varisian city of Korvosa hold a vote to change their lord Eodred Arabasti's title to that of king, becoming King Eodred Arabasti I.

  • 4644 AR

    4644 AR in environment
    Geological / environmental event

    The Blood Summer of Korvosa. The population of reefclaw in the city explodes, with attacks by the creatures killing eight people.

  • 4644 AR

    4644 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    The city of Storasta, the last remnant of the Kellid nation of Sarkoris, falls to the demonic hordes from the Worldwound. Refugees from the settlement flee and overwhelm the small nearby settlement of Gundrun, and then across the Ustalavic border, triggering the Demonskin War.

  • 4644 AR

    4644 AR in people
    Civil action

    In the process of trying to become a lich, Vorel Foxglove is interrupted by his wife Kasanda, who destroys his phylactery. His attempt fails, and the magical feedback causes him to break out in terrible boils and tumors, which quickly kill him. The disease spreads to his wife, who passes it on to her children and servants; all die within minutes. Vorel's spirit fuses with the house, and it becomes his new phylactery.

  • 4645 AR


    • Construction of the Screw is completed, in Alkenstar City.
    • Rutho Steiggerson forms Fangwatch in Arthfell Forest in Andoran.

  • 4645 AR

    4645 AR in environment
    Geological / environmental event

    The center of the River Kingdoms town of Uringen (or unstuck Uringen as it becomes known) reappears suddenly after a three year absence.

  • 4646 AR

    4646 AR in politics
    Political event

    Hunters from Fangwood are deemed responsible for tainted meat that sickens and panics many in Canorate.

  • 4646 AR

    4646 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The settlement of Gundrun at the edges of the Worldwound is finally abandoned.
    • Molthuni forces seize Tamran in a battle known as the First Offense. Months later, northern rebels reclaim the city and destroy its walls.

  • 4647 AR


    A group of citizens decide to leave the River Kingdoms town of Uringen, concerned about fey attacks. Not wanting to abandon their beloved home completely, they become nomads living in the Embeth Forest and eventually become known as the Embeth Travelers.

  • 4647 AR

    4647 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Molthune seizes Tamran again. Rebels attacking from the swamps reclaim the city within a week, and Molthune withdraws weeks later to defend the south against the Chernasardo Rangers.

  • 4648 AR


    The Ulfen warrior Aurnlagr the Fearless disappears in the Black Tarn, clad in his linnorm-scale armor and wielding the sword Rixbrand.

  • 4648 AR

    4648 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The people of northern Molthune begin their violent rebellion. Though this begins as a few minor acts of sabotage in and around the lumber camps of the Fangwood forest, it soon blossoms into all-out war led by Irgal Nirmath that eventually leads to the rebels gaining their independence and forming Nirmathas in 4655 AR.
    • Irgal Nirmath directs rebels to raze Sharpfang Camp, resulting in weeks of forest fires that killed 18 loggers and burned 3 square miles of forests to the ground.
    • In retaliation for Sharpfang Camp, Molthune retakes Tamran for the third time in two years. They hold it for 6 months before an organized rebel force under Irgal Nirmath, now called Irgal's Axe, retakes it.
    • Molthune builds Fangwood Keep on the ruins of a previous tower built by Tessarael.

  • 4648 AR

    4648 AR in organizations
    Life, Organisation Association

    • The Harbingers of Fate, an organization trying to bring about the promised Age of Glory by causing prophecies to come true, is founded in Absalom by Lord Garron after he finds the Book of 1,000 Whispers.
    • Irgal Nirmath begins organizing settlers and rebels in northern Molthune, forming the core of what would become Irgal's Axe.

  • 4649 AR

    4649 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • Molthune exiles Nirmathi separatists and their supporters.
    • Molthune loses control of Tamran after six months, due to the bloody Battle at Deadeye's Gulch dividing Molthuni forces and leaving the city open to Nirmathi retaliation.

  • 4649 AR

    Migrations in 4649 AR
    Population Migration / Travel

    Nirmathi separatists exiled from Molthune found the town of Iadenveigh in Numeria.

  • 4649 AR

    Deaths in 4649 AR
    Life, Death

    Khemet I, the first Garundi pharaoh of Osirion in over 3,000 years dies, leaving the throne to his son, Khemet II, the Crocodile King.

  • 4650 AR

    Life, Death

    Grand Duke Alkenstar dies of old age.

  • 4650 AR

    4650 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The demon lord Deskari recruits the demon lord Baphomet to help him subvert the people stationed on the edge of the Worldwound.
    • The Rosewar is fought between the people of Iadenveigh and a bodythief supported by its pod-spawned creatures. The town's forces are led by the ranger Barton Cabers after he discovered that the town was being infiltrated by the pod-spawn.

  • 4652 AR

    4652 AR in organizations
    Life, Organisation Association

    Aspis Consortium Inter-Branch Directive 1111 is published and later stolen by Pathfinders proving the existence of Conference Z.

  • 4652 AR

    4652 AR in politics
    Political event

    By this year, only the Amatatsu family remains as a viable contender for the Jade Throne in Minkai but the patriarch of the family decides to leave Minkai and exile himself and family somewhere over the Crown of the World.

  • 4652 AR


    • A fire in the Mandrake Factory in Alkenstar City kills hundreds of workers.
    • The oni of the Five Storms complete their plans to destroy the five imperial families of Minkai, only the Amatatsu family manage to elude their grasp.

  • 4653 AR

    Births in 4653 AR
    Life, Birth

    Grand Prince Stavian III, son of Stavian II is born in Taldor.

  • 4653 AR

    4653 AR in deities
    Religious event

    The church of Asmodeus in Cheliax issues a mandate that all temples not approved by the diabolical faith shall be converted to worship of the Prince of Darkness and that the populace shall pay tithes to the Church of Asmodeus. Inquisitors and missionaries are sent out to scour the country to ensure the mandate is carried out successfully.

  • 4654 AR

    Births in 4654 AR
    Life, Birth

    Sidonai Drovenge, son of Vassindio Drovenge (and member of the Council of Thieves) is born in Cheliax.

  • 4655 AR

    4655 AR in politics
    Political event

    Rebels known as Irgal's Axe secede from Molthune and form the nation of Nirmathas, naming it after their fallen leader, Irgal Nirmath.

  • 4655 AR

    4655 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    The Freedom War comes to a close as the armies of Molthune and rebel forces under the command of Irgal Nirmath reach a truce.

  • 4656 AR

    4656 AR in politics
    Political event

    • Danziul Maxeme, a minor noble of Taldor, conquers an isle southwest of Motaku in the Shackles and renames it Taldas Isle.
    • Ilsur, Grand Commander of Ilsurian, peaceably sees off a threat of pillaging from Yondabakari River raiders.

  • 4656 AR


    Deep in space, the Lirgen's Glory encounters the vespergaunt Emissary from Beyond, which subverts the spaceship and diverts it back to Golarion.

  • 4657 AR

    4657 AR in politics
    Political event

    • Cardraith Arabasti, nephew of the late King Eodred I of Korvosa, ascends to the Crimson Throne upon his uncle's death.
    • Naerel Twice-Born establishes the town of Riverton on the shores of Kallas Lake in the River Kingdoms centered around a shrine to Hanspur.

  • 4657 AR

    Deaths in 4657 AR
    Life, Death

    King Eodred I of Korvosa dies.

  • 4657 AR


    • The copper dragon Wataxshyl aids the Andoren town of Olfden in defense against a werewolf raid.
    • Aucturn Lexicon is written by the Chelish Osirionologist Paracount Imivus.
    • Imivus disappears during his eleventh illegal expedition into the sands of the Osirian Desert.

  • 4658 AR

    Births in 4658 AR
    Life, Birth

    Rekkart Cole, future paladin of Iomedae and citizen of Absalom, is born.

  • 4658 AR

    4658 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Randas Biston leads a separatist revolt to free the town of Biston from Korvosan control. The revolt fails, and the rebels are executed in Korvosa.

  • 4658 AR

    Deaths in 4658 AR
    Life, Death

    Queen Maraet Odranti, ruler of Ustalav, dies.

  • 4659 AR

    4659 AR in politics
    Political event

    New Iobaria reduced to the now-isolated cities of Kridorn, Mirnbay, and Orlov, each of whose rulers now claims to be the true ruler and heir of Iobaria due to blood ties to the dead kings.

  • 4659 AR

    Deaths in 4659 AR
    Life, Death

    Primarch Seib of Absalom dies, his face frozen in terror.

  • 4659 AR

    4659 AR in people
    Life, Organisation Association

    Pathfinder Letvis Morgan establishes the Sueda Lodge in Katapesh.

  • 4660 AR

    4660 AR in politics
    Political event

    • Lord Gyr of House Gixx is elected primarch of Absalom's Grand Council.
    • The treasonous destruction of the Third Stavian Arch at Westcrown prevents larger boats and forces easy access to the capital of Cheliax.

  • 4660 AR

    4660 AR in people
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Minkan Kaijitsu family moves to the Varisian city of Magnimar. Their most precious family heirloom, the Amatatsu Seal, is left behind in the settlement of Brinewall, along with a number of their extended relatives.

  • 4660 AR

    Deaths in 4660 AR
    Life, Death

    Anvengen Doskivari, mayor of Westcrown, disappears mysteriously in his mayoral manor and is presumed dead.

  • 4660 AR

    4660 AR in environment
    Geological / environmental event

    Nirmathi explorers encounter the Darkblight in the Fangwood and inadvertently spread it through more of the forest.

  • 4660 AR

    4660 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    The Chelish Navy again attempts to take back Sargava. Its ships are attacked by the Free Captains of the Shackles, and driven into the Eye of Abendego. The Chelish fleet loses 30 ships before being forced to retreat.

  • 4661 AR

    4661 AR in wildlife

    Reappearance of the red dragon Glarataxus near the towns of Palin's Cove and Baslwief in Varisia. King Chadris of the nearby city of Korvosa hires adventurers to deal with the beast, but all fail in their attempts.

  • 4661 AR

    Deaths in 4661 AR
    Life, Death

    Death of the seemingly-insane King Cardraith of Korvosa.

  • 4661 AR

    4661 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The "Living God" Razmir arrives on the east coast of Lake Encarthan and claims the surrounding lands as his dominion, creating the nation of Razmiran.
    • Ascension of King Chadris Porphyria III to the Crimson Throne of Korvosa.
    • The marriage of Sebilla Cattanei and Raimon Liacenza unites the two warring families, bringing the countries of Corvenn and Pitax in the River Kingdoms under the rule of a single government after almost 50 years of separate rule.
    • In the Ustalavic town of Ravengro, the Harrowstone prison is burnt down after an inmate uprising. The prison warden Lyvar Hawkran, his wife Vesorianna Hawkran, and the prison guards die, in addition to all the prisoners. It is never rebuilt.
    • The Chelish wizard Dargentu Vheed assumes the role of Mayor of Westcrown.

  • 4662 AR

    4662 AR in deities
    Religious event

    Vampire worshipers of Lissala found the Feasters in Palin's Cove.

  • 4662 AR

    4662 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The Andoren poet Darl Jubannich writes the treatise On Government, a denunciation of the new Chelish government, and a cataloging of their many betrayals. Instantly popular among the dissatisfied masses, the treatise becomes one of the foundations of the growing movement for Andoren independence that eventually blossoms into the People's Revolt.
    • The village of Turtleback Ferry voluntarily comes under the control of the Varisian city of Magnimar in exchange for protection against the rampaging ogres and ogrekin from Hook Mountain that had menaced the village for so long.

  • 4663 AR

    Deaths in 4663 AR
    Life, Death

    The merchant-lords of the River Kingdoms town of Nystra burn the Taldan druid Tharl Grimull's family to death when his daughter refuses the advances of one of their members. Grimull begins planning his revenge, which comes to fruition the following year.

  • 4663 AR

    4663 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The Varisian city of Korvosa besieges the city of Kaer Maga on the Storval Plateau. The siege fails after the two months and the loss of 117 Korvosan lives.
    • During the Chelish Civil War, the skull-clad Order of the Crux refused to disband after the revolution. Hunted down and destroyed by the Order of the Scourge in 4663 AR, the butchers were slaughtered and their fortress, Citadel Gheisteno, was put to the torch.

  • 4663 AR

    4663 AR in politics
    Political event

    Despite the Korvosan defeat at Kaer Maga, its ruler, King Chadris manages to convince the city of Kaer Maga to relinquish control of all territories below the Storval Rise. The two powers sign the Treaty of Sirathu, which has held ever since.

  • 4664 AR

    4664 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    • The population of the town of Mosswater in the River Kingdoms is annihilated when merrow invade.
    • Tharl Grimull's violet musk creeper blooms in the River Kingdom of Nystra, and the free silkgoyles slaughter the town's residents

  • 4665 AR

    4665 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    The Third Mendevian Crusade is launched. Instead of focusing on defeating the demons of the Worldwound, the crusade instead targets believed or imagined traitors in Mendev. Hundreds of citizens are burned at the stake in nation-wide witch hunts, designed to root out subtle demonic influences.

  • 4667 AR

    4667 AR in politics
    Political event

    • Beginning of the Red Revolution in Galt; many Galtan nobles flee north and eventually arrive in the Iobaran city of Kridorn.
    • Ascension of Queen Domina of Korvosa.

  • 4668 AR

    4668 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The village of Abken is founded in Varisia
    • The dwarves leave Rockwarden; the goblins, wargs, and bugbears following the Worg Queen take the Rookwarden Fells.

  • 4669 AR

    4669 AR in politics
    Political event

    Rebelling against Cheliax's new infernal masters, the citizens of the province of Andoran secede and declare independence in the People's Revolt.

  • 4670 AR

    4670 AR in politics
    Political event

    The state of Lozeri in Ustalav throws off the rule of its hereditary noble lord and appoints a council of politically savvy citizens in his place.

  • 4672 AR

    4672 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The capital of Thronestep is founded in Razmiran.
    • Lord Drellis Artume flees Andoran and becomes the founder of the River Kingdom Artume.

  • 4673 AR

    4673 AR in politics
    Political event

    Exiled Galtan banker Obidas Nauzil founds Little Galt amid the River Kingdoms.

  • 4674 AR

    4674 AR in wildlife

    Most recent appearance of the dragon Glarataxus over Varisia. In a three week rampage, he attacks the settlements of Palin's Cove, Veldraine, and Korvosa, before vanishing again without a trace.

  • 4674 AR

    4674 AR in politics
    Political event

    • The pirates of the Shackles unite under a single flag.
    • The Eunuch Prince Valislav Ordranti moves Ustalav's capital from its traditional home, the city of Ardis, to the cosmopolitan port of Caliphas.
    • Soldiers of Imperial Cheliax begin to patrol upriver from Westcrown to the village of Westpool, searching for hidden rebels they believe responsible for the destruction of the Great Stavian Arch.
    • Delvehaven, the Pathfinder Lodge in Westcrown is reopened under direct control of the infernal House Thrune.

  • 4675 AR

    4675 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Exiled knight Kamdyn Arnefax of Andoran defeats armies from Razmir attacking Lambreth in the "Moonlight Massacre". Arnefax makes himself Lord of Lambreth.

  • 4677 AR

    4677 AR in politics
    Political event

    Little Galt council makes Hannon Gralt its governor, and the kingdom is renamed to Gralton.

  • 4678 AR

    Births in 4678 AR
    Life, Birth

    Madge Blossomheart born.

  • 4683 AR

    4683 AR in conflicts & Politics
    Military action

    • Elven druids in Kyonin ally with the treants of the Fierani Forest to create the Berm, a magical arboreal defense against the threat of invasion by Razmiran to the north.
    • Queen Domina of Korvosa funds the rebuilding of the city's temple to Asmodeus, the dedication of which causes a public uproar when 13 virgins are sacrificed.

  • 4684 AR

    4684 AR in politics & conflicts
    Political event

    • Queen Domina of the Varisian city-state of Korvosa commissions the construction of the Great Tower. It becomes one of the tallest structures in all of Varisia upon its completion in 4688 AR.
    • Razmiran attacks Tymon and pushes it back to the Sellen River. It then claims and occupies the Exalted Wood as its own.

  • 4686 AR

    Deaths in 4686 AR
    Life, Death

    Queen Domina of the Varisian city-state of Korvosa dies. The throne passes to Eodred Arabasti II.

  • 4687 AR

    4687 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Gralton is raided by brigands. Killed in the raid is Hannan Gralt, and the advisory council names Marnius Cherlone as governor. Mivon and Pitax renew their hostilities; swordlord Rastone Selline of Mivone puts down raiders and forges peace with Pitax.

  • 4689 AR

    4689 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Cheliax's 20-year embargo against Andoran comes to an end when the Andoren navy sinks three warships (including the Chelish flagship) off the coast of Westcrown.

  • 4691 AR

    5 Neth

    Duramar's father is Exiled.
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Duramar's father Norok is exiled from Haskodar after he has entered a relationship with a human woman named Venoria.

  • 4695 AR

    12 Pharast

    Duramar is born
    Life, Birth

    Duramar the Half-Orc is born outside of Haskodar somewhere in Ustalav

  • 4697 AR

    18 Erastus

    Shii is born
    Life, Birth

    Shii is born in a small Goblin settlement that is somewhere in Chitterwood.

  • 4699 AR

    20 Calistril

    Zet'ner is born
    Life, Birth

    The catfolk Zet'ner is born in Absalom.

  • 4708 AR

    4708 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Minor Chelish noble Darsielle Du Moire stirs tension between Cheliax and Andoran when he attacks a number of Andoren ships and razes the village of Wittleshine.

  • 4709 AR

    King Xeros
    Political event

    The King Xeros suddenly appears in Absalom's harbor. After a brief exploration by a group of Pathfinders the vessel disappears as suddenly as it arrived.

  • 4710 AR

    4710 AR in politics
    Political event

    The Swordlords of Restov, in name of King Noleski Surtova of Brevoy sends explorers and settlers to establish a kingdom in the Stolen Lands to the south.

  • 4721 AR

    7 Desnus

    An unlikely party forms.

    A group of adventurers board a caravan led by Bort Bargith bound for the Andoran capital of Almas. The group consists of Oris Stormshield, Yuden, Duramar of Haskodar, Shii & Zet'ner. Little do they know that this will be the start of a great adventure and that they will become close friends in the future.

  • 4721 AR

    9 Desnus

    The Party Arrives in Etran's Folly
    Population Migration / Travel

    Our party arrives in Plaguestone (Etran's Folly.)

  • 4721 AR

    10 Desnus

    Bort is Murdered.
    Life, Death

    The caravanmaster Bort Bargith is murdered by poison in "The Feedmill" at Etran's Folly.

  • 4721 AR

    13 Desnus
    4741 AR

    14 Desnus

    Deactivating the Portal in the Barons basement.
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party goes down into Baron Vendikon's basement to deactivate the portal that has Victus Tegula's minions spawning out of it.
