Agatha Lester Character in Golarion | World Anvil

Agatha Lester

Guild Leader of the Profane Liquidators.  
  • Description: Large scar across the right side of her face. Petite, waifish, and jittery; walks with a skip in their step.
  • Clothing: Showy: clothes that stand out with colorful details
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  • Mannerisms: Clumsy. Easily drops things, trips over their own feet, or bumps into corners.
  • Personality: Irreverent. Approaches all things with calm detachment and a sense of humor.
  • Background: Thief
  • History: Born in Andoran, she learned buisness and thievery from her father before deciding to strike it out on her own. She traveled the world making various trades and pulling off hiests until she could save up enough to open her own buisness. After getting caught during a job in Ravounel, she made her way to Krita to set up her own guild, using her various contacts to smuggle in and out goods from Cheliax.
  • Life Motivation: To rule her own country
  • Secret 1: Related to Fletch
  • Author: KazutoDM


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