The Doppelgangers Part 1: Bail, Books, and Blood Report in Golarion | World Anvil

The Doppelgangers Part 1: Bail, Books, and Blood

General Summary

22 Desnus


Wrapping up at Court

Kerym Luxina testified that the group had killed her father early yesterday evening. The group brought up concerns on the timeline since they were caught at The Emberswift Estate and explained their alibies before that. They then were allowed to make final arguments and the judge rendered out her verdicts. Punishing them to pay 25 gp fines for breaking and entering, the punishment lessened since they appeared to have good intentions in doing so. The case for the murder however would have to be followed up on and they would be held in prison for a week until that was sorted out. The group objected to this and were allowed to pay bail in order to leave. Sofra Crestwood was willing to cover the cost.  

To the Library!

The group then talked about their plans first of which was to research Doppelgangers at the library. They took a slight detour to the mercantile district first so that Doran could purchase a spell component pouch. Once at the library the group found out in their research:
  • Doppelgangers were of the Neutral alignment typically but could assume the alignment of anyone they were disguised as
  • Some Doppelgangers could use the abilities of those they copied
  • Doppelgangers would revert to their true form when knocked unconscious
Theo brought Sofra Crestwood up to speed on recent events while the rest of the group did this research. While discussing the information they had, a group of assailants snuck up on the group with only Sofra Crestwood and Valkyriy detecting them at the last second. A well placed arrow hit Theo in the initial sneak attack resulting in his unfortunate demise. The group continued fighting to survive the ambush when another cloaked figure appeared. At first thought to be hostile, this halfling woman started attacking the assailants and yelled for the group to retreat. One of the assailants was knocked out and reverted to it's Doppelganger form before resuming it's attack.   The group managed to retreat and make it into the sewers while being led by the newcomer. The halfling introduced herself as Rumro Agddal a member of The Bronze Bulls sent to help by a mutual friend. She led them to her "campsite" in the sewers. After a short rest the group headed to the surface briefly to bury Theo....
Author: KazutoDM
Report Date
20 Mar 2021


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