Chun Hye-Seung Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Chun Hye-Seung

Commander Militant Chun Hye-Seung

The new commander militant of Absalom’s First Guard, Chun Hye-Seung received her current station in the heat of emergency. During the attack of the Whispering Tyrant’s forces, Rothos of House Vastille was grievously injured and unable to lead. Hesitant to leave the First Guard leaderless, Wynsal Starborn promoted Hye-Seung from first gear to captain. With a fair amount of popularity among the ranks of the First Guard, she kept the appointed position after the battle, though she is coming to regret the turn of fortune. An inquisitive soul, and not without a wide streak of eccentricity, Hye-Seung nonetheless dutifully executes her duties as the leader of Absalom’s defenders.
In her former role as first gear of Absalom, Hye-Seung was responsible for the city’s fortifications and siege weaponry. During her tenure, she increased the power of the title considerably and used it to conduct various experiments. Her crowning achievement was a trebuchet capable of firing on ships beyond the edge of Absalom’s harbor. The timing of this invention seemed almost fated, as the Whispering Tyrant attacked the city mere weeks after. During the battle, a crossbow bolt meant for one of Hye-Seung’s eyes struck the engineering goggles she had been wearing, cracking the lens beyond repair but sparing her life. Now she wears the same pair around her neck as a lucky charm, despite this being against the uniform standards of the First Guard.
Left without a work outlet for her mechanical enthusiasms, Chun Hye-Seung is always eager—possibly too eager—to discuss engineering techniques and emerging technologies with anyone who asks. Prior to her battlefield promotion, she had planned a sabbatical to travel to the Grand Duchy of Alkenstar, hoping to learn more sophisticated siege techniques there. The trip was put on hold by first an army of the dead, then further delayed by the resulting increase in her duties as head of the First Guard; thus, visitors from Alkenstar or those who have traveled to the duchy find they can quickly find an audience with the normally busy captain. In her limited spare time, Chun Hye-Seung can either be found in her old lab in Azlanti Keep or at one of the salons hosted by Scion Lord Yamthar.
Despite being a competent career soldier, Chun Hye-Seung had never really planned to ascend higher than first gear, and so finds her new position somewhat overwhelming. A problem-solver by nature, she is a brilliant strategist and engineer, but struggles to delegate. Hye-Seung never served with Wynsal Starborn before his retirement. As a result, her initial opinion of him bordered on hero worship, though they became quick friends after several months of working alongside each other and the two have since become each other’s trusted allies. Between this and her emergency promotion, rumors have begun to circulate that the pair are in a deep plot to stage a military coup in Absalom. Largely ignorant of the politics at play, Hye-Seung has a tendency to publicly misstep without realizing it. She has still managed to make a few other allies. She and Adrielle Neprathep agree strongly when it comes to the city’s defense. She admires Adrielle as one of the few members of the Grand Council with the mindset of an engineer capable of seeing how the different factions and issues of Absalom interlock like pieces of a great machine.


Adrielle Neprathep


Towards Chun Hye-Seung


Chun Hye-Seung


Towards Adrielle Neprathep


Wynsal Starborn


Towards Chun Hye-Seung


Chun Hye-Seung


Towards Wynsal Starborn


Aligned Organization


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