Wynsal Starborn Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Wynsal Starborn

Acting Primarch Wynsal Starborn

Wynsal Starborn is a proud man of Garundi heritage, with long hair pulled into fine braids decorated with gold and blue beads. The retired captain of the First Guard, Wynsal no longer wears his shining plate in his role as acting primarch; he long ago traded his armor for noble clothing, first in his goal to be taken seriously as a politician, and then in an attempt to show the city nobles his leadership is not a military coup. He views his appointment as an unwanted but necessary move to hold the city together until either Lord Gyr is found or a suitable successor can be chosen. His best efforts have done little to calm the tongues of a ruling class eager to replace him, but Starborn considers anything a useful step in navigating the tumultuous political seas.
While he no longer wears armor, his sword is never far from hand, and he's had to use it to kill several would-be assassins. At the request of Captain Chun Hye Seung, the woman he appointed as head of the First Guard and a close friend, he is accompanied by three bodyguards at all times: the first is a varlokkur detective to fend off mystical attacks, the second a priestess of Sarenrae for healing, and the third an elite member of the Starwatch. While Hye Seung additionally insisted on a soldier from the First Guard, Starborn chose to maintain the policy of the First Guard as an external force of Absalom only.
As acting primarch, Starborn has still found that every move or decision, regardless of scale, is met with resistance. His choice of making Captain Hye Seung’s position permanent amplifies fears that he will not leave his seat of power even if a new primarch is chosen. Additionally, Starborn outlawed Absalom’s slave trade—something he had always detested—offering freedom to any enslaved people that would fight for the city during the Fiendflesh Siege and then declaring general manumission at a significant political cost. The move has earned him as many allies as enemies on the Grand Council, with the Coin Council falling firmly into the latter category. Both Lady Myleena and Lord Navvem of the Coin Council are plotting, and the whispers of their accomplices speak of ousting Starborn for good.
Wynsal does not have time to concern himself with those plotting his downfall, as the continued operation of the city requires constant attention. He uses his unwanted position to enact what positive change he can, where he can. The Precipice Quarter is one such example; while his predecessor had long abandoned the district to ruin, Starborn used the timely arrival of Watcher-Lord Ulthun II to address the issue. Wynsal sensed potential in the young man and gave him leave to establish a headquarters in the haunted quarter. Wynsal even sees Ulthun as a dark horse candidate for primarch, but he has not yet lost hope in finding the missing Lord Gyr of Gixx.
Until then, Wynsal has turned his eye to the fall of Lastwall and what the return of the Whispering Tyrant means to Avistan. He has ordered Captain Hye-Seung to strengthen the numbers of the First Guard and is ensuring the Starwatch does the same. Dark days are on the horizon, and Wynsal Starborn intends that the lights of Absalom shine brighter than ever before.


Asilia of Gyr

political ally

Towards Wynsal Starborn


Wynsal Starborn

political ally

Towards Asilia of Gyr




Towards Wynsal Starborn


Wynsal Starborn


Towards Ayunga


Wynsal Starborn


Towards Chun Hye-Seung


Chun Hye-Seung


Towards Wynsal Starborn


Wynsal Starborn


Towards Ulthun II


Ulthun II


Towards Wynsal Starborn


Currently Held Titles
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