First Guard Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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First Guard

The First Guard defends Absalom from external military threats. They’re the oldest branch of Absalom’s military, named for the militia who helped Aroden defend the city during its very first siege. Their priority is always the city’s defense, including making sure the walls and people are able to withstand sieges. After that, the First Guard is often sent to fend off raiders, no matter what type of creature they may be. During times of siege, the First Guard is allowed to operate with impunity to ensure Absalom’s safety.
The captain of the First Guard is also titled Commander Militant of Absalom. The city’s current commander militant, Chun Hye-Seung, is sworn for life under the First Laws of Absalom with defending the city from external threats. The commander militant is under no obligation to abide by the wishes of the primarch or the Grand Council. The only two ways one can be removed is if they’re formally found to be incompetent by the Grand Council or if they’re executed by the captain of the Starwatch after being found guilty of crimes against the city by the First Lady of Laws.
Most of the First Guard are soldiers tasked with patrolling the walls, guarding the gates, and training to confront threats beyond the city walls. They are typically drilled in the styles of combat that helped drive off the most recent siege, favoring patient defense and carefully-timed counterattacks. Soldiers who serve the logistical needs of the First Guard fall under the command of the quartermaster and have the title rasar.
A smaller contingent of First Guard serve as apprentices in the Craft Vaults, where they learn the basics of a trade while getting paid for their military service. This is one of the few ways in Absalom to pick up a new trade without preexisting connections or money to secure a private apprenticeship, and the turnover for these young crafters is fairly high. However, any crafter who signs up for a second 5-year term of service is immediately seen as a major asset to the First Guard. While these carpenters, smiths, and tanners rarely become officers, they’re often treated with more respect than actual officers by the rank and file. Those who specialize in imbuing weapons with magic, building siege weapons, or repairing and maintaining the keep’s walls usually gain the officer rank of Forge Gear or Siege Gear, and are among the most valued and protected of all the First Guard.
In a city keenly aware of the necessity of self-defense, the First Guard is very popular and well-respected, especially after their recent successes fending off the Fiendflesh Siege and the Whispering Tyrant’s armies. As a result, they have been flush with renewed support from the Grand Council at the insistence of the populace. The basic design of the First Guards’ gear has not changed in over two centuries, but with increased funding and a resurgence of attacks on the city, the traditionalist forgemasters have acknowledged that innovation might be needed.
With its retired leader Wynsal Starborn now the acting primarch, however, the First Guard has found itself uncomfortably dragged into the middle of political turmoil. Officers who thought themselves outside politics are accused of power plays when merely executing their duties. Already, the acting primarch has selected a new commander militant and harbormaster, and there is talk of at least one additional high office holder retiring soon. Many of Absalom’s more politically-engaged citizens suspect the military of unduly influencing these decisions and are deeply uncomfortable with this prolonged state of emergency; these residents have begun to pressure the First Guard to have Wynsal Starborn step down or distance himself from his military connections. Many in the First Guard, however, are extremely impressed with Lord Wynsal’s conduct and hope he will be elected new primarch permanently. Commoners who believe Wynsal should be the actual primarch have started using “of Wynsal” after their names to denote their loyalty, rather than “of Gyr,” which has sparked some fear of a true military coup brewing.
Undead have been a frequent problem for the First Guard since Tar-Baphon’s recent attack in 4719 AR. Even after the Whispering Tyrant’s destruction, members of the Whispering Way and roving undead continue to haunt the site of his defeat in the Cairnlands—the Tyrant’s Grasp—and occasionally strike into other areas. At least once every few months a pack of ghouls attacks a merchant caravan or devours an Eagle Garrison scout, prompting the First Guard send forth a squad to deal with the problem. To prevent brigands from gaining a permanent foothold, the First Guard has begun hiring adventurers to clear the area at regular intervals.
New First Siege Gear Symo of Wynsal has made a point of researching methods of raining holy water over large areas, using catapults or launching bundles of simple aspergillum balls. He recently assigned Siege Gears to all large-area siege weapons around the clock in case of surprise attacks by undead, which resulted in some passing centaurs being accidentally drenched in holy water after being fired upon by sleep-deprived Siege Gears, nearly causing an all-out battle. Now that Symo wants to hire centaurs to help move the siege weapons, he can’t get any of his subordinates to go into the field.
Military, Armed Forces
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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