Lirgeni Ethnicity in Golarion | World Anvil
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The Lirgeni people are refugees of mixed Garundi and Mwangi descent from the sunken nation of Lirgen, which was destroyed by the Eye of Abendego a century ago. Most survivors fled, and many now live in the city of Jaha along with lizardfolk allies. Those who traveled further, or who had left before their nation was destroyed, carried the ancient traditions of the Saoc Brethren, master astrologers and scholars, to settlements along the Inner Sea. A few still remain in their drowned cities, fending off storms and struggling to survive.   The Lirgeni people have lacked a singular home since the destruction of the nation of Lirgen 100 years ago by the Eye of Abendego. In the past, their highly-advanced civilization relied heavily on reading the stars for prophecy, using the celestial bodies to gain insight and guidance into their lives. Now, Lirgeni people are spread across the Mwangi and beyond in small, diasporic communities, such as Little Lirgen in Absalom’s Foreign Quarter. The largest Lirgeni population currently resides within Jaha, where their culture continues to transform in an increasingly scientific direction while not entirely abandoning religion or the last vestiges of prophecy.
Despite the wide variety of locations in which Lirgeni people reside, they do their best to keep in contact with their remaining kin, so they commonly travel to and from each other’s communities. A few thousand continue to reside in the Sodden Lands, living in their drowned cities and studying astrology to attempt to discern the future, but they remain the most disconnected from modern Lirgeni culture as a whole. To this day, a few Lirgeni academics still search for a way to stop the Eye of Abendego. Some Lirgeni people believe that they’ll somehow return to their homeland, but these days, most have settled into a modern life that’s increasingly removed from their origins.
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