Mauxi Ethnicity in Golarion | World Anvil
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Mauxi people live mainly in the northern reaches of the Mwangi Expanse. Their lifestyle as a whole is heavily influenced by the neighboring Thuvian and Osirian societies, with most Mauxis primarily speaking the Osiriani language. Yet, a generational divide currently splits Mauxi culture. Older Mauxis tend to reject even the notion that they have anything to do with the Mwangi peoples, while the younger generations tend to view the south as their homeland, having grown to view the cultural influence of Thuvia and Osirion as a byproduct of having lived among them for so long. In contrast to their elders, young Mauxis often take on the customs and rituals of other Mwangi people, in the same manner as the recent cultural revival in Vidrian. Some Mauxis have begun to create their own coming of age ritual, where they travel south to the Mwangi region they most identify with, then return and tell stories of their experiences and hardships after at least a year. Most southern Mwangis’ experiences with Mauxis are based on encounters with these young pilgrims or otherwise with trained Mauxi diplomats.
Mauxi people usually range from light tan to dark brown in skin tone, usually with brown or golden eyes. Due to living in a dry desert climate, they typically wear head wraps to protect themselves from the sun. Their fashion ranges from a variety of colorful robes for older Mauxis to fashion from various Mwangi cultures for younger people, with many youths settling on a fusion of the two. Mauxi people tend to be highly religious and worship the gods within the Osirion pantheon, but they also worship gods from other cultures, primarily Abadar, Nethys, Pharasma, and Sarenrae.
Mauxi government is a monarchy strictly ruled by a family said to be distantly tied to Osirion royalty, and many political decisions tend to take into account the needs and wills of the gods, which provides another source of generational strife. While both generations greatly respect the gods, there’s a divide regarding how much religion should be incorporated into Mauxi politics. The younger generation believes that older generations use the gods for their own agendas and that mixing politics and faith is disrespectful to the deities. Older generations believe that it would be sacrilegious not to incorporate the gods into their policies.
Despite these strong differences, the two generations don’t generally hate or bear animosity for each other. The young generation does their best to respect their elders despite their disagreements, and Mauxis make time to gather for holidays and celebrations and take care of each other. Their many debates frequently become very intense, but few stop loving each other over these disagreements, as they’re often strictly personal issues rather than matters of life and death.


Mauxi masculine names include Baragsen, Izil, Maqrin, Usem, and Yuften; feminine names include Dassin, Lunja, Noumidia, Sidra, and Tamenzut; and gender‑neutral names include Asrat, Kebra, Meaza, and Tsige.
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