Little Lirgen Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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Little Lirgen

Elaborate mosaics of white stars on night-blue skies cover the squares of Little Lirgen, founded by the survivors of that drowned nation when the Eye of Abendego destroyed their prophecy-dependent nation in the wake of Aroden’s death. Originally, the settlement was envisioned as a temporary sanctuary from which the astrologer-philosophers of Lirgen would be able to foresee the hurricane’s dissipation and return home. Year by year, however, as the stars remained meaningless, that hope grew dimmer. Today, the descendants of the original refugees are torn between honoring their ancestors’ traditions and assimilating fully into modern Absalom. Although the copper-cased long-glasses that the trueborn Lirgeni used to scry the skies are unrivaled even by the finest masterpieces in the Clockwork Cathedral, the purpose to which they were originally put seems increasingly irrelevant to their grandchildren. The descendants of lost Lirgen believe that prophecy is dead, but the question of how to honor their heritage in its absence is raw and undecided. For now, most Lirgeni are content to observe the pageantry of their ancestors’ practices, but few can ignore the gnawing hollowness that has consumed the heart of those rituals.
Little Lirgen is also a center of lizardfolk population in Absalom. Lizardfolk are fully integrated into the community, and several neighborhood inns offer amenities such as live fish at meals, heated water baths to sleep in instead of human-style beds, and enchanted basking lights to augment inadequate sunlight in winter.
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