Little Inner Sea Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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Little Inner Sea

In the center of the Puddles, a cesspool-turned-saltwater lake fills a long-neglected park. The largest trees loom with drooping limbs and withered leaves over the murky water. The turning of the tides deposits fresh fish and debris into the lake daily. Pieces of wreckage and lost valuables from the nearby Flotsam Graveyard are regularly swept into this distilled ocean ecosystem.
Haigen Topkick manages the Salvagers’ Guild that gathers daily to search the new wreckage from the Little Inner Sea. Haigen demands that anyone reclaiming wreckage or valuables from the Puddles, especially the Little Inner Sea, pay an appropriate percentage of what they take back to the guild. Despite salvaging being nearly the last bit of honest work left in the Puddles, most crews feel extorted by Haigen’s profiteering from their desperate attempts to scrape up what little their drowning district has to offer.
Despite Haigen’s attempts to regulate the lake, those willing to tolerate the briny waters for minimal returns are also willing to do so out of sight of Haigen and his Salvagers’ Guild. Desperate citizens gather at night to drag out pieces of wreckage the day crews left behind, while fishermen with makeshift poles try to snag sea life out of the saltwater lake.
The work is hard and dangerous. The people who drudge through the flooded banks of the Little Inner Sea are exposed to a variety of hazards. Hardy pets abandoned by Absalom’s richest have been dumped into the lake, transforming the ecosystem into an unknown menagerie of species. Some whisper of a mysterious cryptid skulking beneath the murky water. Pests and molds breed along the shores and surface of the putrid water, and any minor mosquito bite could bring with it a variety of diseases. The perpetually sopping conditions of even the shallows of the Little Inner Sea can cause skin maladies and easily infects wounds acquired on the job.
The shops that surround the lake are the busiest in the district—and therefore the most reliable to find in working condition. Despite flooded floors at high tide, these shops are most likely to see the foot traffic of sloggers and salvagers trying to make their best life beside the Little Inner Sea.
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