Siphons Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Beneath the flooded streets of the Puddles, a labyrinth of tunnels connects a deep network of forgotten passageways, sewers, smuggler’s trade routes, and ancient crypts. The dank tunnels allow users to traverse the district stealthily or avoid capture by losing pursuers among the irregularly connecting tunnels. Due to the unmapped nature of the ever-evolving tunnel system, utilizing the tunnels to reach a particular destination requires familiarity—or at least a partial map.
A thieves’ guild called the Sewer Rats commands most of the underground tunnels, using them for nefarious purposes. Their maps of the Siphons are incomplete, but guild members assist each other by etching coded symbols into the stone walls of passageways to indicate exits, danger, or paths to commonly traveled locations. Even so, it’s not uncommon for a member to take a wrong turn and become irrecoverably lost.
The dark, flooded corridors create an attractive home for amphibious monsters or terrified pets seeking refuge from the city above. Lost explorers slowly lose their minds as they wander the seemingly never-ending tunnel system, but increased knowledge of the Siphons has caused many to try their luck—and just as many to require rescue.
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