Soggy Piper Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Soggy Piper

The Soggy Piper tavern sits near the uprise known as Torsen’s Maw, which overlooks the harbor and sometimes sees cult activities, vigilantism, and other crimes. It seems the violent residents of the Puddles can’t resist shoving their enemies over the cliff’s edge onto the wave-wracked rocks below.
The regulars of the Soggy Piper know better than to look fellow patrons in the face, resulting in a glum atmosphere in which most visitors keep to themselves. The Piper has developed a reputation as a place to get a solid if unimpressive meal and some sturdy drinks without opening oneself to the scrutiny of strangers. Runaways, crooks, revolutionaries, and others in semi-hiding sometimes venture to the Soggy Piper, valuing the place for its discretion and anonymity.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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