Chelish ships arrive in Desperation Bay on Garund’s western coast as part of a colonial effort ordered by Prince Haliad I of Cheliax; they establish the colony of Sargava.
Chelish ships arrive in Desperation Bay on Garund’s western coast as part of a colonial effort ordered by Prince Haliad I of Cheliax; they establish the colony of Sargava.
The Chelish fleet finally arrives to deal with Sargava, but instead meets a pirate fleet and is destroyed in Desperation Bay. Free Captain Molryn Hangtree falsely reports to Baron Grallus that additional Chelish ships are anchored in reserve off Azir; Grallus agrees to pay the Free Captains a continuing stipend to safeguard the bay.
The Chelish navy once again attempts to reclaim Sargava; the Free Captains drive the Chelish ships into the Eye of Abendego. The Chelish fleet turns back after losing 30 ships to hurricane conditions.