Golarion History of the Mwangi Expanse Timeline
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History of the Mwangi Expanse

  • 6280 -AR

    Savith beheads Ydersius

    Savith beheads Ydersius.

  • 5014 -AR

    The Mualijae clans that will become the Alijae discover Nagisa
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Mualijae clans that will become the Alijae discover Nagisa.

  • 4372 -AR

    Mbe’ke dwarves found Cloudspire

    Mbe’ke dwarves found Cloudspire.

  • 3704 -AR

    Old-Mage Jatembe chooses his Ten Magic Warriors

    Old-Mage Jatembe chooses his Ten Magic Warriors to restore the light of learning to Garund.

  • 3502 -AR

    Nantambu is founded

    Jatembe founds the city of Nantambu and the Magaambya academy at its heart. Sightings of Jatembe continue for centuries as his legend grows, but he effectively disappears around this time. His Ten Magic Warriors continue to guide and serve the people of the Mwangi Expanse.

  • 3502 -AR

    Old-Mage Jatembe brings magic back to the Inner Sea
    Cultural event

    Old-Mage Jatembe and his Ten Magic Warriors bring the light of learning back to a world overcome with fear and despair in the deep Mwangi Expanse. His discoveries will eventually inspire the flying cities of the Shory empire.

    Additional timelines
  • 3300 -AR

    Zenj sisters Kamar and Jahar form an alliance with the arboreal Dimari-Diji
    Diplomatic action

    Zenj sisters Kamar and Jahar lead their people to form an alliance with the arboreal Dimari-Diji and settle in his forest.

  • 2832 -AR

    The Magaambya is founded

    The Ten Magic Warriors’ most apt pupils band together to found the Magaambya.

  • 2556 -AR

    Followers of the Magic Warrior Black Heron found the Shory empire

    Followers of the Magic Warrior Black Heron found the Shory empire.

  • 2323 -AR

    Kho is founded

    Shory aeromancers, working from thousand-year-old traditions begun by Old-Mage Jatembe, establish Kho as the first of their legendary flying cities.

    Additional timelines
  • 632 -AR

    The Tarrasque rampages west
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Tarrasque, greatest of the Spawn of Rovagug, destroys Ninshabur before heading west in a furious rampage. It devastates Avistan and Garund until it is defeated and sealed away in a hidden cavern.

    Additional timelines
  • 632 -AR

    The Tarrasque knocks the city of Kho from the sky
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Tarrasque knocks the Shory city of Kho from the sky; it crashes in the mountains separating the Mwangi Expanse from Osirion.

  • 507 -AR

    The last Shory flying city, Ulduvai, crashes
    Disaster / Destruction

    The last Shory flying city, Ulduvai, attempts to revive its glory with power from the Dark Tapestry, only to crash.

  • 308 -AR

    Founding of Mzali

    Founding of Mzali.

  • 58 -AR

    The Matanji orcs found the city of Matakali

    The Matanji orcs found the city of Matakali.

  • 106 AR

    A mortal hunter stumbles across the Altar of Angazhan, dying and reincarnating as the first Gorilla King
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A mortal hunter stumbles across the Altar of Angazhan, dying and reincarnating as the first Gorilla King.

  • 223 AR

    The Matanji first encounter the Gorilla King’s minions
    Construction beginning/end

    The Matanji encounter the Gorilla King’s demonic minions and begin fortifying Matakali with its first circle of walls.

  • 1054 AR

    Gnoll Matriarch Hungry Bones unites several gnoll tribes
    Political event

    Gnoll matriarch Hungry Bones unites several gnoll tribes, leading them on a series of raids against Mzali, Elokolobha, and Kibwe.

  • 1098 AR

    Hungry Bones’s successor Shattered Bones retires from raiding
    Cultural event

    Hungry Bones’s successor Shattered Bones retires from raiding but brings some of her warriors north to Kibwe to broker their services as mercenaries.

  • 2089 AR

    Taldor is defeated at Nagisa
    Military: Battle

    The Sixth Army of Exploration is ambushed and destroyed by the Gorilla King at Nagisa, losing the Worldbreaker; Taldor begins its decline.

    Additional timelines
  • 2203 AR

    Osibu strengthens its magical defenses after Aspis Consortium agents stumble across it

    Osibu strengthens its magical defenses after Aspis Consortium agents stumble across it while seeking out its life-extending alchemical compounds.

  • 2603 AR

    The Caldaru arrive at the city of Boali
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Caldaru arrive at the city of Boali.

  • 2618 AR

    The Caldaru raze Boali and continue to hold Senghor

    After nearly two decades of peaceful alliance and intermarriage, the Caldaru raze Boali to the ground. They continue to hold Senghor, developing it into a major trading port.

  • 2653 AR

    The Aspis Consortium establishes a foothold in Bloodcove
    Civil action

    The Aspis Consortium establishes a foothold in Bloodcove.

  • 3705 AR

    The war between Rastel and Xatramba culminates in the destruction of both cities
    Disaster / Destruction

    The war between Rastel and Xatremba culminates in Rastel summoning a horde of demons, which scours Xatremba before destroying Rastel as well.

  • 3841 AR

    The War of Split Hearts begins
    Military: War

    High King Nkobe, last of the old ruling house of the Mbe’ke dwarves, loses his only son to illness. He descends into violent paranoia, and civil war breaks out.

  • 3844 AR

    The War of Split Hearts ends; the survivors institute a constitutional monarchy
    Military: War

    The War of Split Hearts ends with most of the Mbe’ke aristocracy dead. The survivors institute a constitutional monarchy, with the head of state elected by the Assembly of Kings.

  • 3967 AR

    The Council of Mwanyisa overthrows and replaces Mzali’s royal house

    The Council of Mwanyisa overthrows and replaces Mzali’s royal house.

  • 4138 AR

    Cheliax establishes the colony of Sargava

    Chelish ships arrive in Desperation Bay on Garund’s western coast as part of a colonial effort ordered by Prince Haliad I of Cheliax; they establish the colony of Sargava.

    Desperation Bay
  • 4141 AR

    21 /4

    The Big Slip

    On 21 Desnus, all the remaining enslaved halflings in Eleder, Sargava’s capital, vanish in what becomes known as “The Big Slip.” The government announces a ban on bringing enslaved halflings to the colony to prevent further escapes.

  • 4607 AR

    4611 AR

    The First Corsair War
    Military: War

    Hurricane King Kerdak Bonefist begins preying on Mbe’ke shipping. The Mbe’ke retaliate, resulting in the first of the Corsair Wars.

  • 4610 AR

    The Chelish army leaves Sargava to aid House Davian
    Military action

    The Chelish army leaves Sargava to aid House Davian.

  • 4610 AR

    A Sargavan army invades Mzali; the mummy Walkena awakens and destroys it with divine fire
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A Sargavan army invades Mzali; the mummy Walkena awakens and destroys it with divine fire.

  • 4643 AR

    Cheliax fails to reclaim Sargava
    Military: Skirmish

    The Chelish fleet finally arrives to deal with Sargava, but instead meets a pirate fleet and is destroyed in Desperation Bay. Free Captain Molryn Hangtree falsely reports to Baron Grallus that additional Chelish ships are anchored in reserve off Azir; Grallus agrees to pay the Free Captains a continuing stipend to safeguard the bay.

    Desperation Bay
  • 4660 AR

    The Chelish fleet tries again to reclaim Sargava
    Military: Skirmish

    The Chelish navy once again attempts to reclaim Sargava; the Free Captains drive the Chelish ships into the Eye of Abendego. The Chelish fleet turns back after losing 30 ships to hurricane conditions.

    Eye of Abendego
  • 4662 AR

    Baron Grallus of Sargava dies and is succeeded by Baron Utilinus
    Political event

    Baron Grallus of Sargava dies and is succeeded by Baron Utilinus.

  • 4674 AR

    The Free Captains unify the Shackles under some semblance of government
    Political event

    The Free Captains unify the Shackles under some semblance of government.

  • 4695 AR

    4699 AR

    The Second Corsair War
    Military: War

    Second Corsair War between the Mbe’ke dwarves and the Shackles pirates begins.

  • 4710 AR

    Adventurers slay the Gorilla King of Usaro; the serpentfolk city of Saventh-Yhi is revealed to Golarion as a whole
    Discovery, Exploration

    Adventurers slay the Gorilla King of Usaro. The serpentfolk city of Saventh-Yhi is revealed to Golarion as a whole.

  • 4715 AR

    The colonized people of Sargava overthrow their government and name the new nation Vidrian

    The colonized people of Sargava overthrow the oppressive government, then fight off a pirate siege from the Free Captains of the Shackles. They name their newly independent nation Vidrian.

    Additional timelines
  • 4718 AR

    The Third Corsair War begins
    Military: War

    Cut off from their old tribute, the pirates of the Shackles resume their depredations on Mbe’ke shipping, beginning the third Corsair War.