Armageddon Echo Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil

Armageddon Echo

The pocket dimension known as the Armageddon Echo was discovered by the drow wizard Nolveniss Azrinae while researching the ancient alghollthu magics which brought about Earthfall. After combining research gathered from studying Riddleport's Cyphergate with ancient alghollthu writings discovered by agents of the Winter Council and Allevrah Azrinae, Nolveniss traveled to the ancient elven ruin of Celwynvian, and found a way of accessing a shadowy reflection of that ancient catastrophe. This demiplane was coterminous to Celwynvian and the Shadow Plane, and in it, the weeks leading up to the Starstone's impact with Golarion were endlessly repeated. Nolveniss used this access to further refine his knowledge of the magics needed to call down enormous meteorites from the sky.
Dimensional plane
Echo creatures
A pocket dimension endlessly reliving the destruction of Earthfall


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