Kakishon Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil


Kakishon is a small demiplane created by the lost Wizard-King Nex. It survived the archmage's disappearance in 576 AR but was quickly forgotten. Although creatures managed to travel to the realm from time to time, none could ever discover a way to leave. It is thought to have been finally destroyed in 4709 AR as a result of magical tampering.


The secret realm of Kakishon was conceived by the archmage Nex. He travelled to the Maelstrom where he captured and enslaved a small army of proteans, forcing them to form a small pocket of their home plane and separate it from the rest of reality.

Forgotten by Nex in the never-ending war with Geb, the demiplane was next used as a prison by the wizard Andrathi to trap Jhavhul and his army.
Dimensional plane
Proteans, shaitan, div
A magical realm created by the archmage Nex


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