Runeforge Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil


Runeforge is a demiplane created by the seven runelords of ancient Thassilon for the purpose of magical research. It is where the Alara'hai were forged.


Runeforge takes the form of a sphere of rock two miles in diameter, floating in a spatially infinite void containing nothing except for air. All inhabitable areas within Runeforge are carved out within the interior of the sphere. The structures within Runeforge are arranged around a central hub, which contains a runeforge well and statues of the seven runelords who ruled Thassilon in its last days. A tunnel 150 feet in length extends behind each statue, leading to one of Runeforge's seven wings—the Vault of Greed, the Festering Maze of Sloth, the Abjurant Halls of Envy, the Iron Cages of Lust, the Shimmering Veils of Pride, the Halls of Wrath, and the Ravenous Crypts of Gluttony. An eighth tunnel leads to the portal connecting Runeforge to the Material Plane, although this portal cannot be activated from within Runeforge itself. The tunnel leading to the Abjurant Halls, however, is only 75 feet in length, leaving the wing of Envy much closer to the central hub than the other six.



Runeforge was created in -6355 AR by the runelords to overcome the obstacle inherent in Thassilonian mages' inability to access two out of the seven schools of magic. By creating Runeforge and appointing it with mages chosen to serve as agents and representatives of their interests, the runelords hoped to ensure collaboration with which to perform greater magic than each realm could on its own. To ensure a truly neutral environment free from the political machinations of Thassilonian society, the runelords bound themselves not to interfere with the working of Runeforge and sealed it away from the Material Plane: after its physical structure was carved out and completed, Runeforge and much of its surrounding rock were removed from the Material Plane and sealed into its current demiplane. The magic of Runeforge further ensured that its inhabitants did not require food or drink as long as they remained within it. The greater closeness of the Halls of Envy to the centre of the structure was due to a demand by their associated runelord, Belimarius; as she was the least powerful of the seven runelords, the others found it safe to concede this demand.  

Later history

Runeforge, despite the runelords' inevitable attempts to control its workings despite their oaths, worked as intended: the mages working within it operated largely unaffected by the politics and wars of the external world, convening once a season to report their findings to the runelords and transport some of their creations to Thassilon. As Earthfall approached, the runelords instructed their agents within Runeforge to begin working on means with which to escape the catastrophe. The mages of Runeforge provided the runelords with magic and discoveries that greatly aided their survival in the coming catastrophe, but had by that point become so distanced from their former home that the destruction of Thassilon did not greatly affect them, and they simply continued their work.

Over the ages, however, Runeforge's society began to decay, as its denizens gradually fell into madness and depression or were killed by their own experiments, erstwhile allies, or apprentices. Over time, Runeforge deteriorated into a grand ruin inhabited by a few maddened wizards and their former servants. Relatively recently, the natives of the Halls of Envy attempted to seize control of Runeforge's hub and the runeforge well within it. The inhabitants of the other wings retaliated violently, destroying the Halls of Envy and killing all within. The collapsed rooms were afterward absorbed back into the structure of the demiplane.
Dimensional plane
Demiplane created by the seven runelords of ancient Thassilon


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