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Brass and Spices Report

General Summary

As the gang finished dinner with frau Thomz, she presented them with a choice of reward for their hard work. They opted to receive a Stone of Good Luck from their patron and split up to follow up several clues. Elizabet fetched Agnes from school, bought her a horse and told her about the possibility of her receiving a stipend and being educated as a Green Alchemist. Agnes was hesitant, but when Elizabet told her that she was planning on leaving Ravå come summer, she considered it more seriously. Gorm, Ruth and Kuzuha went to talk to sheriff Andersen about the shooting the day before. They were told that an older Akshusian with psionic powers named Qadama was responsible for the murders in the Mistmarket. Qadama had refused to talk to the sheriff's office, but they were hoping that he was willing to speak to his son so they can figure out what to do with him.
Kari and Friedrich spoke to Holgar about his quest, and they were told that the green alchemist Henrik Vesterå and the Akshusian trader Thanaa Mustar have both had their wares stolen, and the thieveries may be connected. Bachelor Vesterå had much of alchemical equipment stolen, while lady Thanaa has had many of her spices stolen. Holgar explains that he is willing to pay each member of the party 100 Gold for aiding bachelor Vesterå, and an additional 50 Gold for finding the bachelor's equipment, as his work is most important for Ravå.
The gang travelled to bachelor Vesterå first, who explained that something very strange had occurred. Three shipments of alchemical equipment had been stolen, but alchemical ingredients transported on the same caravans had been delivered on time. He had spoken with the leader of the Five Wheels caravansary, Adrian Løkkehjul, but he had nothing useful to share. Bachelor Vesterå believes that it is the East Sceyan Trading Company who has stolen his equipment, and that they want to strong-arm him into working for them. As if on cue, sergeant Line Sortsmed arrived to speak with him and try to convince him again, but Fred talked to her instead. Bachelor Vesterå explained that he was expecting another caravan in two days with some more equipment, and suggested that the gang could ride out to meet it and follow the equipment. He gave the gang copies of his insurance papers.
The gang then travelled to lady Thanaa, who was somewhat shaken up as her father-in-law had been arrested and accudes of the murder of two Mistborn. She talked with the gang after preparing cakes and coffee in honor of Kari, and explained that some spices had been stolen from two of her previous shipments, but other spices had been left alone. Strong spices, such as chilli, pepper and lemon, had been stolen, while other herbs had been left behind. Thanaa had used the Five Wheels caravansary to transport her spices, and she had confronted herr Løkkehjul about the spices going missing, but he had been supremely unhelpful. Thanaa suggsted that the Comercirojo could be responsible, as they may regard her as competition and she felt like several of them had been staring at her while she was working in the market.
Discovering that the Comercirojo had been acting strange, the gang went to the Rojo-market to speak with Candido Diamante, and he explained that his sons and daughters want to trade with Thanaa and had been preparing to speak with her, but he had asked them to wait as he saw a shadow over Thanaa. They asked him about herr Løkkehjul, and discovered that he had fired several Halfling cooks in his household.
The gang decided to visit the Five Wheels caravansary to speak with Adrian Løkkehjul, but found his secretary. She explained that her boss had been quite sick the last couple of days and only came to work for about four hours around midday. She had heard that there was some trouble with lady Thanaa and bachelor Vesterå, and suggested the gang meet with mister Løkkehjul the next day. They could go to his home near Hovedgade, but he doesn't generally take business-related house calls in the evening.
The gang elected to travel to herr Løkkehjul's home, where they found the house cold and dark, except for lights from the master bedroom on the second floor. They discussed what to do next, while Ruth spoke to a sheriff deputy and made it clear that they were not planning on doing anything criminal, Elizabet snuck around in the garden. She found that someone had been walking around barefoot in the garden in late winter, and that no one else seemed to be in the house except for herr Løkkehjul in the master bedroom. She also smelled a strange combination of Fey and Abyssal magic from the basement.
The gang decied to send Stickler into the house, who found that there was a large locked door in the basement, which may contain the stolen goods. Stickler also discovered a strange stain on the wall, like the shadow cast from a large armored man, which started talking to him.
Corpse Eater told the gang that "the whore of the manor" had created an incarnation in the house, and that the party ought to kill her.
With the discovery of vampyric involvement, likely the same monster they met in the amber elf crypt, the gang have decided to make a tactical retreat to Grandal and get some sleep, so they could face the monster and herr Løkkehjul in daylight.
A Song of Wolves and Dragons
Ruth Pilkvist
8 / 8 HP
Margot Elizabet Kuznetsov
Friedrich Müller
Lawful Neutral Rock Gnome (Purple Alchymist)
Sorcerer 5
37 / 37 HP
Report Date
04 Sep 2024
Primary Location
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