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The Githzherai are a sub-race of the Gith. Unlike their warlike cousins who carved out their own empire at the heart of the Astral Plane, the Githzherai made their home in the roaring tides of Limbo. There they formed great floating fortress-cities and commited themselves to the struggle against the limbo-born. The githzherai are a race of warrior-monks, who use the power of their mind to manipulate the world around them in defense of those who can't fight for themselves.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Adaka, Adeya, Ella, Ezheyala, Immilzin, Izera, Janara, Loraya, Uweya, Vithka

Masculine names

Dak, Duurth, Ferzt, Greth, Hurm, Kalla, Muurg, Nurm, Shrakk, Xorm


Culture and cultural heritage

To githzherai, law, order and oaths are everything. The githzherai have, as a race, commited themselves to war against the limbo-born and astral imperialists. They call this their First Oath. All other oaths are secondary to this, but must also be honored in their own time.

Shared customary codes and values

The Sanctity of Oaths
As a people who must constantly maintain perfect mental control and hold to inner peace, oaths and laws are important to the githzherai. They believe that if a promise is made, it must be kept, no matter the consequences. A githzherai never go back on their word and will rather die than fail an oath they have sworn. As such oaths and deals are often considered at length by a githzherai, as they understand the importance of such an oath, and they never take an oath or give their word lightly.
The First Oath
All githzherai are united in the fight against the star gods, the elder evils that lurk in Limbo. As such, the only valid reason they have for defying an oath is if that oath is keeping them from fighting against the elder evil. They will not forsake an oath to pursue the prime oath likely, but they will do it if they believe it is the only way.
The githzherai strive for order in both their inner and outer space, seeking to organize everything and put both people and objects in categories. While githzherai won't by nature strive to put things in their percieved order, they may be offended or slighted if people or creatures don't fit into any categories, and may fixate on an individual until they fully understand them and may put them in the correct category.

Average technological level

The githzherai can use the roaring chaos of Limbo to fashion whatever tools, materials and foods they have need of. If a githzherai can conceive of it, and if they are sufficiently powerful, they can simply create whatever they desire. This practice has been perfected through generations of githzherai and most githzherai today are taught mantras, codes and ideals that allow them to create standardized equipment from "thin air". They can also use the limbo-matter to create energy in a way similar to how other races might use magic. Most githzherai no longer try to create their own things but rather rely on the mantras passed down from their elders.
Githzherai who travel out of limbo in astral ships or the magnificent Adamantine Citadels take with them some limbo-matter to use as fuel for their journey and whatever equipment they may need along the way.

Common Etiquette rules

The Importance of Seniority
Githzherai live their lives in the dangerous environment of Limbo, where but an errant thought can lead to death. As such, those who survive youth and adulthood are by nessecity wise and powerful, and the githzherai are quick to respect and trust their elders, while occassionally dismissing the young who have yet to be truly tested.

Common Dress code

The githzherai dress modestly and androgynously. As most of them fashion their clothes from their own mind, the more experienced and older githzherai will often have finer clothing with more impressive embroidery. The purpose of this embroidery is not to brag about one's skills, but rather to be honest about them so githzherai quickly can identify the most talented psions in their midst.

Art & Architecture

Githzherai have a minimalist architecture.

Coming of Age Rites

The Duty
In youth, the githzherai do not count years to determine the transition into adulthood, they count talents, skills and earned abilities. As young githzherai are trained to become monks dedicated to the protection of the cosmos, they are continuously evaluated by the zerth teaching them. Every four years, those who are deemed ready are chosen for the Duty, where they will be accompanied by their teacher to hunt down and eliminate either limbo-born or astral tyrants. The githzherai that return from the Duty, having succesfully completed their mission, return as full-fledged monks. Some floating cities have hunting grounds within their own vastness with captured astral species to serve in the Duty, while others carefully observe enemies to ensure they find a mission the initiates can complete, but all floating cities take steps to ensure that their young won't be wasted in a mission they can't hope to succeed in.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Returning of the Energy
Githzherai believe that all matter is energy locked in space, and that as such all beings are made from energy. When they lose on of their number, either to age or battle, a hardlight statue is made of them and added to a floating mausoleum in astral space, where their memory may be kept alongside their ancestors, so that their sacrifice may be remembered and the Cosmos may be grateful. The body of the deceased is witnessed by the entire community as a zerth goes through a ritual turning their body into pure, blinding energy. This energy is channeled into the floating city's generator, so that the dead githzherai may make one final sacrifice to the community.

Common Taboos

The githzherai have learned to conserve their power and resources, as their trips to the material world require they carefully and considerately keep a tally of their expended resources. As such they loathe to waste energy and material, even in Limbo where they can create anything they desire with their minds. Food, clothes, weapons, tools, all must be respected, used properly and repaired if broken. This materialist philosophy also extends to the spiritual, and the githzherai have little time for art, dancing or "enjoying" life outside of what they need to remain functional. Their art is designed to soothe the senses and make harmony easier to obtain, they only dance to train their dexterity and litheness and they enjoy life by listening to ambient sounds of winds from the astral plane and discussing philosophical works with their peers.

Historical figures

After Zerthimon led his people into Limbo he created the first and greatest fortress-monastery with the power of his mind. He was a visionary who defined githzherai culture, technology and philosophy. His greatest work was the creation of the first Godsuit, which he donned before heading into the Deep Chaos to fight the Elder Gods. He took with him a handful of his students in similar Godsuits, and left behind Menyar-Ag, the youngest of his disciples. 
Menyar-Ag commands the last Godsuit left behind among the githzherai. They are one of the most powerful living psions and githzherai fortress-monasteries come to them for advice. It is said that no fortress-monastery will fall so long as Menyar -Ag lives, and so far this has proven true as any that is about to fall is miraculously saved as Menyar-Ag appears in the horizon and smites the limbo-born.


Gender Ideals

The githzherai have little in the way of gender roles or ideals, as the entire monastery works together to sustain itself, raise children and fight outside dangers.

Relationship Ideals

The githzherai are a pragmatic people with litt patience for anything resembling true romance. Two people are paired together for the purpose of procreation when the monastery requires more children and the entire monastery works together to raise its children.
Encompassed species
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