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Teodora-Marcela Sierra

Sister Teodora-Marcela Sierra

Teodora-Marcela Sierra was once the most powerful woman in Ælmesleóht, a great warrior and cleric who fought to conquer Akshus. Now she has been reduced to a mere shadow of her former self, by her once-enemies the Owls. She has sworn to repent for her sins and work to undo them however, wishing to help Akshus in being rebuilt and protecting its people.
She has since joined father Gabriel as an acolyte of the Gold Dragon, hoping to fight the undead menace that threatens Akshus and bring her martial skills to bear as a warrior for the light.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Magic of the Gold Dragon
Since joining father Gabriel, Teodora has learned more magic of the Gold Dragon for use in attack.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up as the only daughter of the ealdorman of a halfling village in Sceya, Marcela expected to live most of her life as a farmer. This all went terribly wrong, when a fire giant baron led a raiding party of hobgoblins, who burned down the village and slaughtered nearly all the halflings. Marcela survived in the ruins, running around and stealing food while hobgoblins sacked her village. She was eventually saved by a Copper Priest, leading a unit of Sceyan levy. They routed the attackers and saved Marcela, who decided to join the Church.
After years of study and education, she found herself as a full-fledged priest of Aurathear Darastrix. She travelled around Sceya, aiding soldiers and lifting spirits. After the better part of twenty years of ministry, she became the Bishop of Jerndyb, the old capital of the Fire Giant barony in Sceya. She came just in time too, as fire giants under baron Hrolf attacked and laid siege to the city. She held the city seemingly with sheer force of will, holding on long enough for the Devotion Legion to rout the fire giants. While they began scouring the mountains for Hrolf and his minions, Teodora held the city from counter-attack and protected the supply routes for army. She was commended for her efforts by the archbishop of Sceya, and she rose quickly to prominence as a theologian and warrior both.
When the time came for invading Akshus, she was the leader of the Copper Church delegation travelling with the army, relinquishing her bishopric of Jerndyb for a position as warpriest. She fought well in the Siege of Ælmesleóht and was named bishop of the city by the Gold-Emperor himself. She ruled Ælmesleóht and most of Akshus for some time, with single-minded determination. She sought to ensure that the war goes as planned, and punish those who defy the empire. In her time as bishop, she commited some time towards the Toirecíudan problem and smuggled weapon to aid Fader Silvyr  in his revolution.
However, bishop Teodora soon found powerful foes in the form of the Owls and Prince-regent Ishmael Tanin, who managed to turn public sentiment against her and bring powerful testimony to bear of her shadowy dealings in Toirecíud. In a moment of public humiliation, Teodora relinquished her faith in the Copper god and was stripped of her power and rank.
For a time she was in limbo, not sure what to do with her life. However, after speaking with members of the Owls, Davor, Blaecbrand and Dolk, she decided to dedicate herself to making Akshus a better place. She joined father Gabriel in his mission to fight against the undead menace in Akshus and has fought valiantly alongside him, using her old skills in battle in the fight against evil.


Sister Teodora was educated in Highammer, the capital of Sceya, but she travelled between several cathedrals and monasteries of the Copper god during her education. She was taught divine magic, theology of the Copper Church and how to lead and administrate warhosts and city guards.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Teodora has succesfully fought against fire giants many times, and her tenure as bishop of Jerndyb was one of distinction and superb leadership.

Failures & Embarrassments

Teodora's greatest embarassment was being ousted as bishop of Ælmesleóht by the bishops.

Personality Characteristics


Teodora wants to do everything in her power to be redeemed in the eyes of men and the Dragon God, and will work hard to ensure that her sins are forgiven.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: -honesty -bravery -people who fight for their lives and their nation   Dislikes: -cowards -politicians -intruige-doers -people who send others to fight -Toirecíud, which is guilty of all of the above

Virtues & Personality perks

Brave   Faith

Vices & Personality flaws

Strict   Unbending


Contacts & Relations

Partyet Teodora har eit komplisert forhold til partyet. Ho ser på dei som unge, syndige og viljesvake. Men ho forstår at dei kan være ein reel trussel, så ho gjer alt ho kan for å ha kontroll på dei. Ho nytter blackmail og ressursene hennar for å halde dei under ho, og ho trur at ho har fått til å vise dei at ho er sjefen.   Blaecbrand Teodora ser på Blaecbrand som ein ung fool, men potensielt ein farleg fool. Men Teodora veit at Blaecbrand er egoistisk, og har tenkt å nytte hennar overlevelses-instinkt mot ho og partyet ved å true ho med å tvangsadoptere ho til Ari-familien. Så lenge Teodora har dette over Blaecband tenker ho at Blaecbrand ikkje kjem til å gjere noko destruktivt. I tilfelle Blaecbrand skulle finne på å gjere noko sjølvdestruktivt, er Teodora i tillegg klar til å øydeleggje familien hennar om nødvendig (reint politisk og øknomisk, sjølvsagt).   Likavel har Teodora litt respekt for Blaecbrand. Ho ser elden som brenn i Blaecbrands sjel, og veit at ho ein gong kan være eit godt verktøy for dragegudens vilje, om ho skulle lære seg å slåss for det som verkeleg er verdt å slåss for.   Ceren Teodora tenker ikkje mykje på Ceren, da ho berre ser på han som enda ein tjuv/rogueish agent. Han har ingen politiske connections, og han verker ikkje som ein spesielt farleg kriger. Likavell ser ho talentet hans, og ho har lyst å sikkre han som ein agent ved å true det han heldt kjært, nemleg Blaecbrand. Men ho ser definitivt på Blaecbrand som den farlege av dei to.   Davor Teodora er veldig fascinert av Davor. Han virker som ein ærleg mann, som ein god kriger og som ein vis prest. Ho trur at ho og Davor kan komme godt overeins, om ho kan overtale Davor til å sjå at hennar metoder og planer er velsigna av drageguden. Ho har lyst å rekruttere han som ein agent, slik han kan sette sine talenter til det ho tenker er dragegudens ekte planer. Ho har definitivt mest respekt for Davor, men ho meiner framleis han tek feil.   Ho trur at det er noko spesielt med Davor då, at han kanskje er ein helgen, og då har ho definitivt lyst å rekruttere han til hennar planer.

Teodora-Marcela is the bishop of Ælmesleóht, and de-facto ruler of Akshus while the war rages on. She is a determined woman willing to go all the way to secure the war effort and in the name of the Dragon God. She is ruthless, uncompromising and she commands respect.

Character Location
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Lawful Neutral
Current Status
On a mission alongside Gabriel
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
17th of Storm
3 ft
41 lb
Gold Dragon
Aligned Organization
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