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Prince-regent Ishmael Tanin

Prince-regent of Akshus

Prince-regent Ishmael Tanin

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ishmael is tall and scrawny. Without his expensive robes or small crown, it would be easy to mistake him for a beggar.

Facial Features

Ishmael's face is covered in golden scales, giving him a strange mix of grey-and-gold.

Identifying Characteristics

Ishmael has the scales common to all imperial nobles, spread all across his face, arms and back. Due to this, he sparkles in the desert sun. His eyes are also veined with gold, like beautiful black pearls.

Special abilities

Ishmael can, due to his bond with Arxiros, summon fire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ishmael was born to Ibrahim and Esther, while the two were fighting their war against the mustarites. His earliest memories are from this wartime, where he lived among the tashkilites in the Hightops. He hardly ever met his parents in this early time, first getting to spend time with them when the war was over and they had conquered Ælmesleóht.
Ishmael was, unlike his father and mother, not cut out for the desert lifestyle. He was a sickly young boy, too often getting dust pneumonia and finding the hard training required of the warrior nomads too difficult. His parents were frustrated with him, and tried everything in their power to teach him to fight. This was fruitless however, and led to many arguments between father and son. This state of affairs was particularly painful for Ishmael, as his brother was a natural born rider and warrior.
As he grew older, his parents realized that Ishmael had another untapped potential: his mind. He was a very smart young boy, and spent much of his time reading. Ibrahim asked his sceyan friend Andreas for advice, and he sent down sister Anna, his old tutor, to train him.
Some of Ishmael's happiest moments were with Anna, who taught him history, art, science, language and magic. He began his early schooling in alchemy and transmutation. His mother and father spent much time politicking, and little time with Ishmael in this time.
Then it happened. The mustarite sacking of Ælmesleóht. During the festivites to celebrate Ibrahim and Esther's marriage and the birth of their third child, the city was attacked. Ishmael was in the palace at the time, impressing imperial guests with his knowledge of the Age of Founding. He remembers little of what happened, except suddenly smelling the sharp smell of smoke and blood. Some mustarite warriors made their way into the palace and killed the taninite guards, but Ishmael was saved by a mysterious air genasi. She refused to say her name, other than that she was a friend of his father.
The genasi got Ishmael out of the city, killing more than a few mustarites on the way, and getting him safely to his father. Here Ishmael learned that his mother had been killed in the city, and that the only survivors of their family was himself, Ibrahim and Asher. The three of them rode quickly north, Ishmael finding new determination as he saw his father's desire for vengeance.
When they made it to Sceya, Ishmael was surprised to find that an alliance had been made between his father and the Gold-Emperor. Ishmael was bonded to the dragon Arxiros, a wise and noble young dragon. As they were bound together, Ishmael found that his sicklines dissappeared and that he suddenly mastered new magical arts he had never even known before. Arxiros and Ishmael became good friends fast, finding that their temperaments and patience matched well.
And so Ishmael rode with his father and brother to his first battle, the Glassing. He found that he could very easily kill these people when they fought back, burning down their camp with gladness in his heart. But when battle turned to slaughter, Ishmael found that he could not stomach it. Many of the ones who escaped that night did so because Ishmael could not find it in his heart to kill fleeing men.
His father was furious with him, stating that they all deserved to die for their crimes. Ishmael was sadened, but promised to kill them all next time.
But in those next battles, he found that mercy overcame him every time. And every time his father was furious with him, although his anger became less and less like a tempest of fire and more and more like a perpetually glowing ember.
After the Siege of the City of Towers, Ishmael was sent home by his father. He thought this was a punishment for his lack of his commitment to the cause, and he travelled back to his childhood home, expecting to be joined by his father in a matter of weeks.
It has been the better part of a year since then, and Ishmael has had to learn all the tricks of rulership quickly. He found however, that his actual authority did not match what he was promised. The land was in actuality ruled by the Copper Church, and any army he could have used to support his claims or policies were either busy in the siege down south or under training by his brother in the Crossroads. So he found that he had to get creative with using his Crown Knights and money to make a difference.
Lately things have been getting worse and worse, with more and more rebel attacks taking place in the Ye'or delta, more monsters raiding Middle Akshus and the Church of the Starchildren spreading their malicious tendrils.
He eventually discovered that his friend, Viktor Valeryanovich Ocharenko, had been murdered in the Hightops, while on a secret mission from Ishmael. Ishmael felt incredibly guilty upon hearing these news, and very nearly murdered the dwarf cleric who told him. He was stopped by Arxiros and sister Anna however, and heard the dwarf cleric out. The dwarf, whose name was Davor Smedsen, explained that his party, the Ugler i Mosen (transl. the Owls), required his help in legal matters. Not able to turn anyone away, Ishmael accepted Davor's request and told him to get out of his sight.
This was how Ishmael first came to know the Owls, who eventually became his champions, friends and allies. In this party he met Blaecbrand Edrys, an imperial noble bastard, and the two of them bonded quickly. They found that their tempers matched and they quickly became good friends, with Ishmael promising to aid Blaecbrand with her family troubles and Blaecbrand trying her damndest to help Ishmael deal with his problems. It would not take long before Blaecbrand came with the confession to Ishmael that the two of them were in fact siblings, having the same father. This shocked and surprised Ishmael, but it only served to strengthen their friendship. The two of them have grown closer since then, both trying to support eachother and making it their goal to help the other.
Davor, the bringer of bad tidings, also quickly came to be a friend of Ishmael. Ishmael found that he was wise, honest and reliable and came to him for advice regarding many matters. Davor would eventually, together with Blaecbrand, rebuild Ishmael's fractured self-image and help him improve himself.
The Owls helped Ishmael with gaining popularity in Ælmesleóht, by fighting starchildren, amrikh creatures and a poor self-image. They helped Ishmael grow, and put him in a position where he could truly help people. He thinks he's happy.
Ishmael and the Owls expected them to travel to the Ye'or delta to deal with the Factory of the Church of the Starchildren, when Bishop Teodora-Marcela Sierra made her move on the Owls. The first Ishmael heard of the bishops plan to have the Owls assassinated was when news that battlebards started singing of the bishop's betrayal in the streets. He gathered his Crown Knights at the palace and started making plans as the Owl Rebellion began. This occured on the 2nd of Storm, 492 Imperial Age. The bishop declared martial law in the city and sent her priests, soldiers and witchhunters out to find the Owls. Ishmael quickly turned the palace into a fortress, hoping to avoid conflict but not willing to budge. The bishop had tried to kill his friends, which was many a step too far.
As he was planning, Ishmael heard a message in his mind. Davor told him where the Owls were, at the Desert Griffon, and Ishmael told him to hang tight. He put on some of his poor clothes and told his knights that he was going to save his friends. Leberecht tried to stop him, but Ishmael looked at him sternly and told him that he had decided. He walked out through the hidden tunnels underneath the palace, and snuck through the city. Eventually he found the party at the Desert Griffon, who told him everything that had happened.
While adventuring in the Shadowfell, Ead Sheran had betrayed and tried to kill the Owls, on the bishop's orders. Ishmael looked at Ead Sheran and his rage grew strong, but he focused on the task at hand. He had a plan for how to turn everything around, but the Owls had to get to the palace for it to work. It was then that Dolk showed themselves. Dolk was, as far as Ishmael could determine, some sort of monster-hunter from the Empire. He introduced himself as the prince of Akshus, and Dolk shook his hand. He didn't know it yet, but he was smitten immediately. Dolk told the rest of the party that one could use spices to distract the witchhunters.
With the aid of spices, the Owls made their way towards the palace, successfully finding their way in without being attacked.
Ishmael explained his plan then, the Owls and himself, protected by the entirety of the Crown Legion, would begin a great procession of people that would demand the bishop come out and answer for her crimes. The Owls prepared himself, while Ishmael went into his quarters. Donning his crown, cape and riding clothes, he went astride Arxiros. Not as Ishmael the killer or Ishmael the conqueror or Ishmael the murderer, but as Prince-Regent Ishmael the Merciful. No blood would be shed today, and reason, mercy and peace would carry the day.
He rode Arxiros out into the sun and confronted deacon Rickard, the bishop's second-in-command. He told him that the Owls had commited no wrong, and that the entire city would see the extent of the bishop's treason.
Arxiros and Ishmael led the procession, riding through the docks, markets and streets of Ælmesleóht. Wherever they went the fighting died down, as Ishmael told the city the truth, that the bishop had betrayed the Owls and a reckoning was coming. The entire city was united behind Ishmael and the owls when they came to the cathedral in the southern part of the city. Ishmael had saved hundreds of lives and stopped dozens of miniature battles on the way, and now the entire city stood with him. He challenged the bishop to explain herself, and she came out of the cathedral, with defiance in her eyes.
Ishmael looked at the Owls, and decided that they should be the ones to question her.
The bishop, when faced with the scorn of the entire city and seeing how far she had fallen


Ishmael is ace.

Failures & Embarrassments

He never learned how to fight properly, nor how to ride a horse, and this makes him sad.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ishmael is a smart man, capable of excellent problemsolving and understanding complex situations. He can see things from many different perspectives and is often capable of finding the best solution, even when it is a gordian knot he is looking at.

Morality & Philosophy

Ishmael believes simply in doing the right thing, as he believes it is. He believes that peace is worth protecting, that lives shouldn't be taken without a good reason and that he must do everything in his power to make sure that his people can live good lives.

Personality Characteristics


Protect the people Ishmael wants to protect his people and give them good lives.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: -honesty -charity -helpfulness   Dislikes: -warmongers -people who are too idealistic to help those in need

Virtues & Personality perks

Smart   Trusting   Good-hearted   Generous


Contacts & Relations

Ibrahim Tanin, father   Asher Tanin, brother   Andreas "the Kind" Ari, "uncle" Ishmaels tidlegaste minner er med Andreas. Han husker å ri på baby-kjempegeiter med Andreas' latter i bakgrunnen, han husker å bli løfta i Andreas' sterke arme på fjellstier når han var trøtt og han husker Andreas' stole smil når Ishmael tok sine første steg. Seinare fekk han høyre om Andreas' liv, om hans drageriding, hans kamp med eldkjemper og hans inntaking av Jerndyb. Dette skapte ein trang til eventyr og å sjå verda i Ishmael. Når Andreas kom på besøk i palasset i Ælmesleóht tok han med eventyrbøker, som Ishmael slukte opp og som fekk han interessert i historie. Det var også Andreas som sendte hans barndoms-lærer, søster Anna, til Ishmael, som ga han ein venn for livet.   Når allting blei grusomt var det Andreas som lærte Ishmael å fly og å nytte drakonisk magi. Ishmael ser veldig opp til Andreas, og gleder seg til å sjå han igjen.   Partyet Ishmael har rekruttert partyet til å jobbe for han, og så langt er han veldig imponert med deira effektivitet og veldig glad for å ha dei som vennene hans. Han har store ambisjoner om å hjelpe dei med å beseire biskopen, kulten og nytte dei til å slå tilbake mot dei mange trusslane mot Akshus.   Blaecbrand Blaecbrand er Ishmaels storesøster, eit faktum som både sjokkerte og rysta han, men som eigentleg gir god meining. Ishmael ser opp til Blaecbrand, både på grunn av kor lett ho mestrer det sosiale og kor lett ho kan bruke magien sin, og han setter pris på at ho støtter og prøver å trøyste han og han respekterer ho. Dei to er så like men så ulike samtidig, og Ishmael ser dette. Han prøver og å passe på Blaecbrand, oppmuntre ho og forsvare ho mot kyrkja, og han har håp om å kanskje finne en løsning kor ho kan få eit relativt normalt liv, sjølv om ho kanskje må bli ein del av familien deira. Han veit og at ho prøver å ta vare på han, og han sett særs stor pris på det. Han har lyst å bruke meir tid til dei, og kanskje bli litt oppmuntra av deira positivitet. Han setter stor pris på Blaecbrand, og vil gjerne slåss for å forsvare ho. Han ser og at ho har sine eigne issues, og han vil hjelpe ho med å erobre sine eigne demoner så å sei. Dei er samtidig venner og kvarandres store- og småsøsken.   Ceren Ishmael sett pris på Cerens evner og talenter, men han prøver framleis å finne ut av nøyaktig kva boks han skal plassere han i. Blaecbrand ser openbart noko i han, så Ishmael er fascinert av Ceren. Så langt har dei to berre hatt klein stemning når dei har prøvd å snakke, men Ceren har stått opp for Ishmael nokre gonger når han neste ga opp for kyrkja, og Ishmael sett stor pris på dette motet. Han ser og at Ceren, under sine lage med rogueish kriminalitet, har eit hjarte av gull og at han på eit vis kanskje er det mest heltemodige medlemmet av partyet, sidan han ikkje i utgangspunktet er ein helt men likavel vel å være det. Ishmael ser derfor til ein viss grad opp til Ceren.   Davor Ishmael har blitt ganske kjent med Davor, og ser på han som ein vis, modig og sympatisk venn. Ishmael ba om unskyldning for den gongen han nesten brente Davor i vrede, men Davor sa at det ikkje var nødvendig og annerkjente Ishmaels vanskelege kjensler i situasjonen. Denne visdomen og kunnskapen gjer at Ishmael veit han kan gå til Davor om han treng råd eller hjelp, og han stoler på at Davor alltid vil gjere det rette. Ishmael setter stor pris på Davor, og at Davor trur på han gjer at han trur meir på seg sjølv.   Rod Det er kanskje Rod Ishmael har blitt minst kjent med, og han verdset Rod ærlighet og styrke, samtidig som han ser litt på han som ein laus kanon.

Family Ties

The Crown Legion of Akshus   His Court Sister Anna, his advisor and tutor. An old, wise woman, she helps Ishmael with whatever he needs as a new ruler. She is his right hand woman and his most trusted confidante. Aminah Tanin, his mistress of tax. She too is an old woman who cares deeply for the people, but she is focused on the fate of the entire people and has little time for considering the fates of individuals. She also cares deeply for efficiency, and loathes policies she deems inefficient. Leberecht Neumann, knight-captain of the Crown Legion. Leberecht has just taken over from Viktor, and he has some big shoes to fill. He overdoes everything, and tries his very best, but sometime she tries a little bit too hard.

Religious Views

He believes that the Dragon God is a god of goodness, and that he as a noble is chosen to do good. He does however believe that certain parts of the god, the Copper part in particular, is one that must eventually be left behind as the Empire moves onto more peaceful times.

Social Aptitude


Hobbies & Pets

Ishmael er ein kollosal nerd, og pleide å være sjukt into Gnomes og Gargolyes. Han har eit støvete gammalt startersett han kanskje vil spele ein gong.

Wealth & Financial state

A great deal of it, earned from trade to the Gold Empire and Toirecíud.

Ishmael Tanin is the young prince-regent of Akshus, the man who ought to rule all the lands but who now finds himself with nothing but his money and his wits to heal his broken country. He is a young man, inexperienced in rulership or the ways of the world, but with brains to compensate. Lately his successes have grown in number, as his friends, the Owls, have won great victories for him. He finds himself with the confidence of the people of Ælmesleóht, a mercenary army, allies among the church and traders and Champions willing to fight for him. He is beginning to believe in his ability to rule, but his true tests remain ahead of him. Can he solve the Toirecíudan dilemma? Can he outwit the bishop? And when his father returns north, will he stand true to his principles?

Character Location
Current Location
View Character Profile
by Ida Maria Aasgard Tveranger
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince-Regent of Akshus
Date of Birth
12th of Ioth
Circumstances of Birth
Ishmael was born in the Ye'or delta during Ibrahim's rebellion against the mustarites. He spent much of his early years in the care of Prins Andreas Ari and the tashkilite tribe in the Hightops.
Ye'or delta
Current Residence
Royal Palace of Ælmesleóht
Black, with veins of gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft. 3 inches
Quotes & Catchphrases
I am not your prince yet, but I will endeavour to one day be worthy of that title. -Ishmael Tanin, to the refugees south of Ælmesleóht.
Aligned Organization
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Known Languages
As a young student of language, Ishmael has learned most of the languages of the Gold Empire. He fled into learning when he was young to escape from his martial failures, and now finds it rather useful.
Character Portrait image: by Ida Maria Aasgard Tveranger


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