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The Gold Emperor

Gold Emperor (a.k.a. King of Kings, High King, Divine Vessel,)

The Gold Emperor is the ruler of The Gold Empire, and commander of its legions. He has no name other than emperor, and he is worshipped as an avatar of the Dragon God by the Imperial Church. He is a being of pure light clothed in the flesh of man.


The Gold Emperor's mighty magical mace was forged by Aurathear Darastrix, and it is part of his divine mandate.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Emperor takes different physical forms depending on his purpose and audience. Often he will take the form of an old man with gray hair, somber eyes and he carries himself like he has the world on his shoulders. He will normally wear a resplendent imperial uniform in this form. He is also known to take the form of an old woman or a young elven warrior, though his favorite form when not travelling on official business is as a young human monk, either male, female or androgynous.
His true form is living light in humanoid shape, a radiating power of sun, lightning and dawn. In this form he is clad in a cape of starlight and a crown of gold.

Body Features

In his normal form of an old man, the Emperor is muscular, and his body is covered in scars from his many wars. His hands are gnarled and weathered.

Facial Features

The Emperor has glowing yellow eyes, and a solid grey beard in his normal form.

Identifying Characteristics

The Emperor always has glowing yellow irises in his eyes.

Special abilities

  • Divine magic
  • The Emperor has powerful, divine magic at his disposal that he uses in war and peace alike.
  • Superhuman strength
  • The Emperor is far stronger than an ordinary man.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Aurathean Church teaches that the Emperor came to the Oldan long ago, where he converted the people to the True Faith and ruled as high king. With wonderous magic and terrific prowess did he unite the disparate kingdoms and clans of that realms, and from there his popularity in foreign kingdoms continued to grow. Back then he was simply called the King or the Ruler.
The Church then say that a great army of dragons attacked the Dain, which terrorized the nations of the known world. The Emperor drove these dragons back, which began the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. After he had single-handedly killed two of the great flying serpents and saw their armies scattered to the four corners of the world, monarchs of other nations bowed down before him and accepted his rule as King of kings. Mere days after this, great gold dragons, the offspring of the Dragon God, travelled to the capital of the newly formed Empire and bowed down before the Emperor. This served as confirmation to his divine mandate to rule the earth in the name of the Dragon God.
Today he carries out that divine mandate, putting more and more kingdoms and nations under his protecting aegis.


In the holy book Origins, the time of the Emperor's life before he came to Oldan is described. It was written by Ealdan Sharal, the third Pontiff of the Burning Throne of the, and it was ratified by the Enlightened Council and the Emperor himself at the seventh ecliscopal conclave at the Church of Divine Fire in Eilcíud.
The Emperor here learned his magic and how to rule through his travels in the world, where Aurathear Drastrix would guide his every step. He travelled to all the great places of learning in the world, including the College of Whiteshore, the Tower of the Magi and even the legendary White City. In these places he was taught great things, and with his faith in the Dragon God he always made some profound new discovery. In the College of Whiteshore he observed how the three stars together formed the Firemark, the holy brand of the Dragon God, and in the White City he proved how souls were slightly charred following death, which in turn proved how the Dragon God tests the dead with fire.


In Origins we learn of the previous accomplishments of the Emperor. He travelled the world as a warrior in many lands, and people often threw themselves to his feet, begging to be ruled by him. But he would never settle down. He would instead create a new kingdom, to be ruled justly by someone he trusted, and he imbued the kingdom with the rule of law and kindness. He refused to take any land under his dominion, for he knew that his destiny was in the Old Land.
Like so did he spread law and order throughout thischaotic world, and many nations trace their origins back to our beloved Emperor.

Intellectual Characteristics

Much of what we have discussed thus far regarding our Glorious Emperor has been from sources within the Church. Our knowledge regarding the history of our lord and master comes from the holy scriptures, but many questions regarding his character can better be answered by secular sources.   The diary of King Jeremiah the Writer is one such example. In his young life, Jeremiah served as the Emperor's secretary and remembrancer. The most interesting notes written by Jeremiah are from the Iron War, where the Emperor commanded the Empire through one of the most brutal wars it has ever experienced.   Through these notes we see the Emperor in two scenarios. In planning and preparing for the war, the Emperor is seen as calm and focuses, managing more affairs and keeping more things in his head than should be humanly possible. His plans are complicated and thorough.   In battle the Emperor is a furious god of war, striking down his foes with Fireclaw, lashing out with divine magic and roaring battle-cries and rallying the legion to his side.   In peace we know the Emperor as an aloof ruler who always sees the greater purpose for everything in his Empire, even when others can't.

Personality Characteristics


The Emperor believes in the rule of law, that men can only reach their full potential when they are given structure to grow. He also believes that the only worthy rule of law is that derived from his heavenly mandate, as he has been given power by the divine to define the laws of men.
There are many terrible things that happen in this world, as the Emperor saw when he travelled it long ago. He wishes to stop this pain, through his own actions and by the threat of violence. He has been given divine mandate by the Dragon God to use any means necessary to stop suffering.
There are however limits to the Emperor's mandate, and he refuses to kill, harm or bring suffering to a living creature without due cause.
He also believes that to ensure law and safety of mortals, he must dominate the world and make it good. No matter what it takes, and he is willing to go far to ensure that his goals are met.


The Gold Emperor has reigned as lord of the Gold Empire for 492 years, and before then he was the High King of Oldan. These centuries have been marked by radical change of Dain, where the Gold Emperor has led the conquest and integration of many provinces into the tapestry of the Empire. His reign has been marked by relatively short periods of intense warfare to conquer new provinces broken up by longer periods of peace, prosperity and integration. As the Empire got bigger and bigger the Emperor used less and less of its resources on warfare, and he dedicated more of its resources to trade, learning, art and faith.
There have been great upheavals in the Empire's history, the greatest of these being the Hobgoblin Rebellion. In these times the Emperor has led the empire ruthlessly, efficiently and with great determination.
The Gold Empire is
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Lawful Good
Current Status
Ruling the empire
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The King of the Oldlands, the King of Kings, the Gold Emperor
Glowing gold
Short and gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Let it be known to all peoples of the world: that their salvation has come in the form of my flesh. That mine blood shall be shed for them in a thousand battles, and that mine toil shall be to rule them with justice and fairness for all eternity" - the Emperor, as written down in Rejoice 24:3
"In the dawn of the world, dragons would travel the lands and seas, ever curious and noble, always aiding those in need. The brass dragons would speak to thousands of strangers, making friends and forging bonds. The bronze dragons would guard the seas and aid sailors. The copper dragons would play tricks and humble the proud. The silver dragons would make friends with the small folk, and heal the wounded. These dragons are gone now, but they have left behind a great and noble legacy! While the metal church will rule our empire, and the metal aspect of our lord Aurathenar Darastrix will guide the empire to greater glories in defense of good, you will walk the world as the dragons of old. You will help the sick and the needy. You will travel on ships, banish storm, see the future and perform a thousand miracles! You will do this with pure faith, and you will do it to set free the souls of the non-believer and spread our one truth. So I have spoken, so shall it be." -the Emperor, adressing the Dragon Church in Purpose 2:1-9
Aurathear Darastrix
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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