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Unfinished Business

Davor has found an ancient dwarven hammer, posessed by the ghost of a slain, angry azerdwarf. The ghost has a great deal of hatred, but deep down Davor sees a spark of goodness, a broken man who needs redemption. He deserves someone to save him in death, even if no one could in life.

Plot points/Scenes

The Belt
Lars wakes up and speaks to Davor first chance he gets. He tells Davor that the belt belonged to king Kristian of his home city, Ulaaberg. He wishes for Davor to take it and return it to Ulaaberg so it can be returned to Kristian in death, if not in life. If Davor argues Lars becomes angry and threatens to attack him. If Davor does leave the belt behind he will be rewarded by his god, with the benefits of the belt.
Arriving at Ulaaberg
When the Owls are showed the Ulaaberg collection of artefacts they have uncovered, Lars manifests spontaneously, eliciting a cry of surprise from whoever they are walking with. Lars breaks down in tears when he sees his old friends, preserved and everything. He looks at Davor and tells them that they must have a proper burial. An alchemist feels brave at this point and shouts at that they need the body for tests, that people deserve to know their history. Lars turns red for a moment and shouts out that these people had lives and dignity and that they deserve final rest. Davor can try to convince Lars of whatever he feels best, but if he lies to Lars then Aurathear Darastrix will be very dissappointed. If Davor convinces Lars that the should be allowed to remain, and he leaves behind his ancient artefacts to serve as reminders of Lars' legacy, then Lars is set free. If Davor buries the people like Lars suggests, then Lars is set free. If Davor refuses to do either of those two and antagonizes Lars, Lars turns angry and evil and resurects all his fellow warriors, before they try to murder Davor and the Owls.
The Reward
If Davor respects Lars' wishes, he is rewarded by Aurathear Darastrix, who gives him the benefit of the belt and then some. She cleares out the hammer to use as a host for something else, when Davor proves himself finally worthy.



Lars wishes to kill all the amrikh. This is his deepest desire. He is driven by a single-minded determination to kill that which is already dead and claim vengeance for his lost friends. But when confronted with other truths, it becomes clearly apparent that Lars' real, deeper wish is to ensure that his people are remembered and that their treasures are returned to the right place. Then he can finally know peace, and Davor can use the weapon Vandøddræber as a vessel for divine power. When in his more sentimental moods, when properly challenged on his hate-filled quest, he will turn blue (quite literally) and express a desire to travel to his home city of Ulaaberg to put his friends to rest and erect a monument in their honour.
Putting Lars' soul at rest
Putting Lars' soul to rest will require that the Owls find several items from his past and use them in a ritual. These items include:
  • an urn ->the Brownbeards will provide one
  • Lars' body ->most of the body is gone, the head on the top of the statue of Ulaa in a bird's nest. How the party will find this is up to them. Potentially use locate object?
  • gold (the more he gives, the happier Lars will be. 50 GP is the bare minimum)
  • a gem -> the Owls already have one
  • Lars' armour -> Lars' armour is in the valley before Ulaaberg. They can search the valley and Lars will point it out to Davor if it is discovered. It it important to stress that the actual battle was fought in front of the city.
  • To clear out the burial chambers (which are either inhabited by ghouls or by an illithid returning to the surface to see if it can find a way back to the the undead are just illusions it has made))



Lars Andersen An ancient pained soul, Lars is consumed by wrath, anguish and anger. He cares little for anything other than the murder of undead and perpetual war. When nothing like that comes, he really doesn't care. He might eventually be persuaded to put aside his anger, as he is truly angry at himself. He is a brooding, temperamental spirit who is saddened and enraged that no one remembers the sacrifice of his brothers (think Angron) (EVERYTHING COMES TO AN END, AND IT MAKES HIM SAD). He is a sword wraith commander, essentially.
But Davor has seen past all this, and he has seen a Lars who is broken and sad, who wishes his people to be remembered and his friends to be laid to rest properly.
He is currently bound to Vandøddræber. He has hearing and normal vision out to 120 feet. He can communicate by manifesting his ethereal form within 15 feet of the Vandøddræber. He is Lawful Evil. He has 11 INT, 12 WIS and 14 CHA.
Albert Godthåb
Albert Godthåb, deacon of the bronze church, is an old dwarf who travelled from For Sur a long time ago and has been part of imperial expansion for a long time. He forged blades for the imperial armies that invaded Sceya and Whiesia, and he recently travelled to Akshus to aid in the excavation of Ulaaberg. He is a merry, informal and wise fellow, who believes in the merit of hard work and that age heals many wounds. He is the leader of the bronze metal church in Azerheim and has nearly a score of priests under him, who look up to him as a grandfather. He has served as a mediator of disputes between the brownbeards and the prospectors, partially because he wishes to keep the peace and partially because he is in part swayed by both their arguments. He will ask Davor to help him resolve the conflict. He is a dwarf priest.
The Brownbeards - Dr. Tilda Braun
Part archeologists part volunteers, the brownbeards are azerdwarves who wish to learn more about their past. They are a large organization with people all around the forrest, and they have made impressive progress with finding ruins of the ancient pre-fall azerdwarves. Ulaaberg is the largest they have found so far, and they wish to document and preserve it for posterity and for the azerdwarf soul. While they nominally have no leader, in the Ulaaberg dig site they have chosen the gnomish dr. Braun to be in charge. She is a Goldfield native with extensive knowledge on ancient dwarven history, as well as how to technically manage an archeological expedition. Dr. Braun is a stiff leader who expects excellence, but she cares for the people under her charge and even more for the city itself. They stand in opposition to the prospectors. Dr. Braun is a gnome wizard.
Adam Andersen is one of the Brownbeards. He has fought many skirmishes in the mountains against the traitors against the empire and bears his fair few burns from confrontations with the Azer-priests. He was originally recruited by Dr. Braun as a guide in the mountains, and the two of them spent many dark night and early mornings searching for the dwarven ruins. While not a man with a love for books, he does enjoy stories and wishes to have the stories of his ancient ancestors spoken of again in hushed tones by the fireplace. Him and his family never moved down to the forrest proper, rather setting up a camp and living a life as lumberers and hunters in the valleys where the mountains meets the woods. In the Ulaaberg camp he has served as a hunter and Dr. Braun's right-hand man, the two of them becoming steadfast friends.


The Prospectors - kaptejn Herman Sølvskeg
The prospectors are dwarves of Sceya who were hired by the Allting when they realized that Ulaaberg had been discovered again. Ulaaberg has long had a reputation for massive mines dedicated to noble metals and gems, and thus when the archeological excavation uncovered storminerne, it was only a matter of time before someone would try to make a profit of it. The prospector have uncovered that the mines are among the richest in southern Dain, and that the Firebeard of Guldfelt would chafe at the riches that would soon belong to Azerheim and Akshus as a whole. The prospectors are led by captain Herman Sølvskeg, himself a native of Ashefell, and have done much work in restoring the winches and systems of transportation in the mines to working order. They wish to begin escalating their operations and intend to go to the Allting to request more funds, but any attemtps have thus far been blocked by the archeologists who wish to protect the city for as long as possible. While there is no threat of violence in the camps, there is much muttering and annoyance between the leaders. The captain will try to persuade Davor to his cause.
Pat Pulverhår
Pat Pulverhår is the name of the mercenary put in charge of securing the dig site against intrusions. Long an associate of Janson, Pulverhår was hired out by the Allting. He has brought with him plenty of explosives and his favorite artilery, Store Sorte, though the cannon has been locked up in camp. He has with him a great blunderbuss and firethrower for keeping enemies at bay, and he has so far done a good job. He is mostly useful for his organization of the other dwarves into battleforces and for the traps he has laid around camp to keep extremists and undeads away. He is an exciting figure.


Bazdaot Blacktooth
In a previous life, Bazdaot was a fireni elf travelling the south of Dain. He came across an amulet, which whispered terrible secrets about the nature of life and death to him. He took its dreadful words to heart and travelled deep into the underdark. There he was changed by Orcus into a terrible ghoul. Today he rules something that resembles a ghoul kingdom deep underground.
He is a ghoul king, an Orcus-empowered ghoul, who uses his claws and the magic of his amulet to do Orcus' bidding. He commands a small host of ghouls, ghasts and crypt horrors, who all follow his command as he is the biggest and strongest among them. He has led them up to Ulaaberg in search of a place to do a ritual for Orcus, as abbysal influence in the region has grown strong due to the activites of the cult and the Edryses, which he has vague knowledge of. He will treat Blaecbrand with the utmost respect, commenting that he would have cleaned more up if he knew an Edrys would be joining them.
Jannike Dødfødt
Jannike is a duargar necromancer of Orcus (+2). She was cast out of her city after she discovered orcusian secrets in the depths of the underdark. She learnt to survive with the abyssal magics at her disposal and seeks to become a more powerful necromancer to have vengeance on the traditionalist city that wronged her. She came into contact with Bazdaot Blacktooth in the deep dark and has worked for him in exchange for orcusian secrets that the old ghoul king knows. She has a simple tesseract labyrinth with the orcusian glabrezu Athakatch bound within, that first guided her to magical secrets. She is geared out in duergar equipment, including a simple power-armour and force shield, and a staff she uses for her necromancy. She has created most of the wights and similar undeads in the catacombs.
Treuwald the Grim
Treuwald is a drow blackguard of Orcus (+2). He is a knight of silence and has long been a servant of Bazdaot Blacktooth as commander and champion. He does not speak and an aura of silence permeats the area around him. He commands the ghoul legions of Bazdaot. He wears a demonic armour and a cape of flying. The ghouls fear him and intuitively feel his commands.



Ulaaberg was once the greatest mining city in Azerheim, with its artisans fashioning truly wonderful magic items and beautiful jewelry. For a long time it was the crown jewel of the Azerheim dwarf kingdom. At least until the amrikh, led by Radames, attacked and destroyed it. It was the culmination of years of war, but when that fine city burned the dwarves of Azerheim were forever reduced. In modern imperial times, an interest has finally been taken into these ancient ruins for both economic and cultural reasons. Several dwarves, led by bronze dragon priests, have travelled into the mountains to excavate these ruins, looking for ancient mines that could be opened again and looking for a historical context for the azerfolk. The azerfolk have been disconnected from thei dwarven legacy for milennia, and many of them now pay close attention to news regarding Ulaaberg and her sister cities. And so a camp has been set up in Ulaaberg, where dwarven prospectors, bronze dragon priests and alchemists of the indigo order excavate the ruins. They have found many interesting things, among them what appears to be an ancient burial chamber. They are doing their best to preserve their bodies, and it appears to have been several ancient warriors buried following the conflict that destroyed Ulaaberg by survivors.
The Ulaaberg camp has periodically been defending itself from attacks from the azerfolk extremists, but so far there have been no serious intrusions. The dwarves have blackpowder weapons and the bronze dragon priests are adept fighters.
Ulaaberg was once a large city with tens of thousands of inhabitants, though it is now much reduced. Walking through its blackened, ruined corridors one can't help but marvel at the beauties that must once have been wrought there, while lamenting at their destruction. Much of the city stands abandoned, and the camp with its prospectors, archeologists and priests merely fill up a small portion of the city. There is some friction within the expedition, as the prospectors wish to explore the mines to the fullest and resume production as soon as possible, while the archeologists wish to maintain the beauty of the city and document its natural wonders. The priests find themselves locked between these two factions, and hope for someone to break the gridlock. That someone might just be Davor.
Outside of Ulaaberg there is a grand valley where an ancient battle clearly stood, and there are some excavations down here dedicated to excavating the battle site. These camps have been mostly abandoned so long as the azerdwarf extremist and hobgoblin threat remains.
Ulaaberg's limits have been roughly explored, and the prospectors have a map of the city that contains the most important areas. These include:
  • Storminerne, the great mines, these lay in the northwestern corner of the city and descend deep into the earth. Many of the mechanisms that allowed travel between different layers have been destroyed by age, and the prospectors are in the painstaking process of working their way deeper. There have been some attacks here by the undead that dwell in the catacombs, but thus far dwarven warcraft have held them at bay. So far finds have been optimistic. Ulaaberg seems to have vast repositories of rough gemstones, alongside veins of both silver and gold. If worked again, they would bring a fortune to Akshus.
  • Palasset, the palace, lies high up in the city, from where it commands a tactical position. It seemed as if it suffered the brunt of the destruction, and great chunks of it have fallen to lower levels. It was once connected to the city by four great bridges, but these were destroyed in the fighting. The expedition has made a somewhat rickety bridge to cross. Inside they discovered what appeared to be a last stand of dwarves, where their leaders had made a final stand. Many of these wore magical armour and wielded magical weapons, which shine brightly even now, incongruous with the seeming decay of the rest of the building. Here Lars will have a breakdown, as these were his friends and king. The bodies have been placed on stretchers, so the alchemists can study them. Dr. Braun will ask Dolk to investigate these bodies, to more accurately determine how they died.
  • Smitempelet, the Forging Temple, is the single greatest construction in Ulaaberg. Combination of foundry and cathedral, the Forging Temple is dedicated to Ulaa, the patron godess of Ulaaberg and its protector. Above it stands a great golden statue of a dwarven woman with a hammer, much like the one carved into the rock over Ulaaberg. The Forging Temple's grand gates were pierced by the amrikhi, but the hundreds of human corpses mere steps within its walls show that few made it far. No one knows for sure what manner og magic could have led to such complete annihilation, but the priests have travelled within and found that much of the inside of the temple is untouched by both time and war, almost like a timecapsule from a bygone age. At the heart of the temple is a great space dedicated to the worship of Ulaa, which took the form of offerings and prayer. In the centre of the room is a massive door that leads further into the temple. The priests have not tried to open it, as it reads "Gudinnens Prøvelse for hennes forkempær". There are a great many texts here that have survived the passing of time, though the priests have thus far barely scratched the surface of it.
  • Katakomberne, the catacombs. To the north and at the deepest point in the city are the catacombs. This was once a place to inter the dead, but something else has made its way into the depths of the city. Some form of undead have made an infestation here, and have taken the lives of several members of the expedition. Most entryways to the catacombs have been sealed by the prospectors, and the last one to remain open is locked by a great iron door from its original time, and guarded by a group of mercenaries and a priest. The priests' holy magic seem to ward off the creatures, and just to be on the safe side most people travel in groups with at least one priest. Dr. Braun believes that there are more entrances, but incursions have thus far been limited and prospectors are blowing up entrances as they find them.
amrikhene tok med dvergene for å være offer i deira pens
The expedition's camp in Ulaaberg is rather large and is positioned by the central gates. In addition to the camp there are several smaller areas with permanent installations. In the main camp there is:
  • a chapel to the bronze god, where the dwarves go for prayers before work. This is also outfitted with an infirmary for those wounded in accidents or battle. Deacon Godthåb spends most of his time here.
  • Dr. Braun's office, where she holds meetings for the brownbeards and has maps of the city. She spends any time not on the actual field sites here, analyzing different artefacts and reading up on whatever lore may be nessecary.
  • A makeshift warehouse for storing priceless artefacts the brownbeards would rather not leave in the city. This includes a good deal of pottery and treasures.
  • Storage for explosives and Store Sorte.
  • Captain Sølvskeg's office, where he holds daily meetings with his prospectors to keep an eye on progress of the excavations and update his extensive report to the Allting.
  • Barracks, where the members of the expedition sleep.
In addition to this there are:
  • A large camp in palasset dedicated to analyzing its content, as transporting most of the things in there to the camp was deemed to risky. This camp contains all the corpses found in the palace and has detailed maps and explorations of the palace.
  • A construction camp by the mines, where the prospectors prepare the lumber and tools they need to go further into the mines. There is near-constant activity here.
  • A guard post outside the catacombs, where they keep watch on the door that has been shut.

Catacombs - Segojans Tempel 
The catacombs are divided into three levels:
  • the uppermost level is dedicated with tombs and areas dedicated to proper cremation rites
  • the middle level is dedicated to more wealthy dead with larger tombs, including the royal tombs of the kings of Ulaaberg as well as the high priests
  • the lowest level is a temple dedicated to Segojan and has a "portal" to the underworld
These catacombs were once beautiful and pristine, with proper markings for each dwarf buried there. The ghouls have taken that beauty and destroyed it, destroying the priceless pottery, spreading ashes throughout the catacombs and destroying the nameplates. This is pleasing to Orcus, as it means the total death of the memory of the people buried there. Ordinary ghouls swarm the uppermost level, while crypt ghouls and Bazdaot's menagerie of horrors make their nest in the middle level and Bazdaot has claimed the lowest level.
  In the uppermost level, with its tight corridors combined with large and expansive rooms, the ghouls try to stalk, surround and cut off enemies before attacking them in a great surprise attack from all angels. This is a medium encounter.
In the middle level, with its open spaces, the crypt horrors make their home. Some may join the surprise attack in the upper level, but the rest are down here destroying the treasures of the dwarven kings. There are some other monsters here as well, alongside Bazdaot's pet necromancer and her entourage of wights. This is a hard encounter.
In the lowest level is Bazdaot's throneroom, made from the temple dedicated to Segojan. He has defiled it an uses it for his own purposes. If the party attack him before he has made his attack, he will fight them down here with some of his monsters. If not they will have to fight him during his ritual, which may prove to be a rather more brutal affair. He is down here with a sizeable entourage of ghouls, ghasts, crypt horrors as well as ash wraiths (either sword wraiths or wights). This constitutes a hard encounter.


Bazdaot's ritual
Bazdaot has collected the ashes of all the dwarves buried in the catacombs, whose names and accomplishments have long since been forgotten. They will make a fine sacrifice to the lord of silence. But to complete is ritual, he still requires something more. He needs a living sacrfice to extinguish, to pave the way for an Angel of Death, who he is sure will reward him greatly. Bazdaot's ghouls and ghasts are preparing an attack on the mines, where they intend to drag a priest (Albert Godthåb) into the darkness with them. During the ritual he will be incredibly powerful, and the Owls must try to stop it.


The Brownbeards
The Brownbeards is a group of archeologists, entrepreneurs and youngsters sponsored by the Gold Empire to bring the azerdwarves back into the fold of general dwarfness. They are a non-political group with connections to large parts of azerdwarf society. Their office in Ny-Aza is next to the an office of the Indigo Order and a Bronze Chappel. There is quite a lot of activity outside of these as it seems like the dwarves are preparing another caravan to travel to the archeological site in the mountains. The Brownbeards are knowledgeable scholars on matters of the old azerdwarves and are happy to answer any questions the party might have. They know the following things about old azerdwarf burial rites:
  • Cremation was common, and the ashes would be placed in an urn that would be sealed with gold. (The party is going to need a body, an urn and gold). The more gold the more respectful the grave.
  • Someone who died a warrior's death would be buried with their armour and a gem, to pay Segojan for passage into the warm underworld.
  • Burial chambers have been found in Ulaaberg and the upper levels have been excavated, but they were closed of as some sort of undead seem to have made their home in the depths. Such a place is where a dwarf would traditionally be buried.
  Davor thus needs:  
  • an urn
  • Lars' body
  • gold (the more he gives, the happier Lars will be. 50 GP is the bare minimum)
  • a gem (the more expensive, the better
  • Lars' armour
  • To clear out the burial chambers (which are either inhabited by ghouls or by an illithid returning to the surface to see if it can find a way back to the the undead are just illusions it has made))

The Priests
When the Part return outside, one of the bronze priests see Davor and drops a crate in awe of Mushu. They all rush over and drop to their knees in front of him, calling him saint Davor and saying that they had heard he was in town. They ask him if he has any word of wisdom. Dei er leia av presten Albert Godthåb, ein dvergisk bronseprest frå For Sur. Han er eldre enn Davor og forlot byen lenge før Davor blei født, men Albert er amazed over at det har komt ein helgen frå For Sur. Dei spør om partyet vil reise til fjella om dei er interesserte med alkymistene og prestene. Albert spørr ut Davor om hans syn på forskjellege kyrkjelege matters, deriblandt:
  • Om det viktigaste aspektet ved Imperiet er imperiet som ein heilhet, eller om ein bør prioritere dvergene over imperiets heile gode
  • Om bronseguden er underordna drageguden, eller om dei er ein og same ting
  • Korleis ein kan finne fred i Drageguden, og om indre fred eller ytre fred er viktigast
  • Han spørr generelt om kva teologisk lære som er viktig for Davor, og korleis han vil praktisere sin helgenhet
Dei yngre bronseprestane vil lytte intently og få sine meiningar forma av Davor, og Albert vil følge med tålmodig og spele sin rolle i å forme Davor.
  Albert stiller spørsmåla sine i løpet av ein rest på turen. Alongside the priests is an indigo alchemist, a gnome called doctor Tilda Braun. She is a native of Guldfeldt, was once employed by the Guldskeg-clan, and is an expert in dwarven architecture and the expansion of the ancient dwarven empire, and she did her dissertation on the expansion of the underway south beneath the Godpeak mountains. Her ambission is to find underways in the azerheim mountains that would connect north to Highhammer, though she has been unsuccesfull so far, mostly due to the undeads that block the lower levels of Ulaaberg. She is a low-level transmutation wizard.
The Attack
The mines will come under attack by Bazdaot Blacktooth, his ghouls and his drow commander. This combat will take place over by the mines, and people will be given command of other characters than their own. This is to show how powerful the characters are relative to "normal people". The characters will first become aware of this when the general alarm is sounded. The NPCs they will control are:
  • Deacon Albert Godthåb ->Vemund
  • Dr. Tilda Braun ->Ådne
  • Kaptejn Sølvskeg ->Osk
  • Pat Pulverhår ->Thomas
  • Adam Andersen ->Ida
We go back in time to see these characters descending by lift into the mines, as the captain has discovered something that Dr. Braun and the deacon will want to see. Adam joins for security and Pat as it was his explosives that allowed them to find this thing. If the characters are with one of the NPCs before things kick off, they see the NPCs leaving.
Sølvskeg, Pat and the prospectors have found an even deeper shaft of the mine, and they believe that the Underway must be somewhere below as one can feel a breeze coming through. Tilda is over the moon at the news and hugs Sølvskeg. It is about this time that Pat and Adam both begin suspecting that something is off and draw their weapons. Adam says he can smell blood on the wind, and Sølvskeg also draws his weapons, saying that it is too quiet down here. Pat gets out To-Ild and gestures for the others to be quiet. It is then that a decapitated head, one of the miners on guard, is thrown up from the darkness and they suddenly hear things beginning to climb up through the shaft beneath them and in the tunnels around them. They can barely glimpse something big and armoured and dark fly up through the chasm. The players are then given control of the characters and must make their way back to the lift, or risk dying.
They are being hunted by 2 teams each consisting of 1 ghast and 6 ghouls, as well as 1 crypt horror, Treuwal, Jannike and Bazdaot, though the last 2 only arrive when the chase is over. Treuwal can be seen several times throughout the encounter, but he first makes his appearance fully known if the characters make it to the lift and begin ascending, at which point he will cut the lift down and all the bad guys will make their presence known. If Albert is knocked down he will drag him down into the darkness and meet with Bazdaot and Jannike.
The Party
During the burial, the party must have a party. There will be drinking, fun times and general mayhem. All the officers of the mines survived, and thus the people will be happy and down to party. These are the characters present for the party:
  • Deacon Godthåb
  • Kaptejn Sølvskeg
  • Pat Pulverhår
  • Dr. Braun
  • Mona
  • The Charadrics
  • Coelwold
  • The crew
The pary will have the opportunity to hang out with these characters and generally have fun. This will be a traditional dwarven burial, with dancing, drinking and general fun times. At the end, the guests of honos (who must be chosen at the start of the party), must hold speeches of their great feats and that of the buried (Lars). In the end Davor must hold his speech for Lars, and he can also talk about the city (I'll reccomend this). Then Lars manifests and thanks Davor tearfully, before finally going to peace. Vandøddreber then rises up and glows, gainings its new stats and becoming a vessel for Mushu when the time comes. Something that Davor is holding becomes copper, and a brilliant light flashes from the cathedral, as the doors open.

Past Events

Lars Andersen var ein stor azerdvergisk kriger for fem tusen år sidan. Han var der når amrikhene holdt på å skubbe dvergene opp i fjella. Byen hans, Sydfort, blei øydelagt natten han døde. Han blei angrepet av Radames sine tropper, og greidde akkurat å overleve. Han flykte opp til byen akkurat tidsnok til å sjå Wildfire-ånden brenne den ut, saman med heile familien hans. Han falt til bakken, makteslaus, og Radames kom bort og skar av han hodet. Smerten og vreden hans gjorde at han bandt seg til hammeren hans, kor han gjemte seg til nokon tok han slik han kunne hjelpe dei med å ta hemn.
Men ingen kom.
Hammeren blei lagt i graven til Radames, og Lars venta der i tusenvis av år, i mørket og varmen. No har han endeleg funnet nokon han kan bruke til å få hevnen sin mot amrikhene
Hans medsoldater blei berre lagt ute i kanten av fjellet, og han vil eigentleg brenne dei, for det er hans skam og skuld over at han hverken kunne redde dei eller gi dei ein skikkeleg begravelse.


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