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Azerheim was once a large and industrious dwarven nation, known as For Efreet, but it fell to the Amrikh Empire and the dwarves were driven from their mountain cities. After centuries in exile, the dwarves were helped by the Azer, whom the dwarves came tor egard as gods. Azerheim is a land of tall mountains with deep veins of metal ores and jewels hidden in the deeps. There are many old ruins of dwarven cities and forts, which have stood untouched for thousands of years since. The Azerdwarf, descendants of the original dwarves that lived in the mountains, have become a Free People under The Gold Empire and have begun reclaiming these lost dwarven outposts, but the more religious among them and those who cling to the old faith still regard these lands as cursed. The Azerdwarves have been joined by dwarves from the Gold Empire, who help them reestablish the cities of Azerheim and reclaiming their dwarven heritage.


Azerheim is divided into two geographically and climatically distinct regions: the tall peaks of the Azerheim mountains and the deep wood of the Azerforrest.
The Azerheim mountains
The Azerheim mountains, commonly referred to as the Azermountains, is the mountain range that stand proud and tall over the eastern coast of Akshus, connecting to Sceyan mountains to the north and the Gith mountains to the south. The mountains consist of many tall peaks that are barely traversable by ancient herding paths and great, flat plateus that once housed civilizations but is now home to rugged nature that clings to life among the snowy wind-swept peaks and grand waterfalls. Carved into the hard rock of these mountains are ancient dwarven monuments and cities, remnants of the dwarf kings of yore. And even older than that, rock and stone carved by the first civilizations, whose hands were guided by the azer at the dawn of time.
Some of these cities and outposts have been reclaimed by the Azerdwarves, the greatest of these being Ulaaberg, which has already begun producing a steady supply of jewels from the deeps. These cities will likely only become more central to Azerheim as time drags on.
The Azerheim mountains is home to all manner of wildlife both mundane and monstrous, with once-domesticated goats running amidst the ruins of old farms, eating the green moss growing up the walls of long-abandoned houses, being shadowed overhead by hungry manticores. In deep caves, hidden away from the sunlight for thousands of years, are the remnants of old elementals powers where the boundary between the material plane and the elemental planes grows thin. Here, a powerful enough spirit can push through with just a little coercion, and many spirits have over the years, resulting in all manner of strange creatures moving about above, between and under the peaks.
High-Aza is the tallest mountain in Akshus and, according to the legends of the azerdwarves, the home of the azer. The azerdwarves built temples on High-Aza and carved out a great plateu where their tribes could spend the winter. It was a place for religious festivals, ritual combat and choosing priests and leaders from among the people. In an event held every fifty years, called the Grand Tournament, the azerdwarves would fight among themselves to choose their greatest warrior. This warrior would be given a weapon by the azers, marking them for greatness among the azerdwarves. From this plateau, it was said that one could just barely see the forge of the azers at the top of the mountain.
An old forge city of the ancient dwarves who lived in the peaks, Ulaaberg has now been repopulated by Azerdwarves and imperial dwarves. They have slowly turned it into a profitable mining settlement, giving a great deal of income to Azerheim. Ulaaberg is slowly enjoying a golden age, but it will take many decades for it to reach the heights it once held.
The Azer Forrest
The Azer Forrest lies at the foot of the Azerheim mountains and borders on the deserts of Akshus to the west. Parts of the forrest goes up into the steep valleys of the Azerheim mountains, like claws scratching into stony flesh. Great pines stand tall and proud, looming over the people and animals that dare live in the shadow of the sleeping beast. A heavy silence permeats the air, as if the entire forrest is sleeping. This silence is only ever disturbed by the soft trickling of rivers as they run lazily through the undergrowth, the soft steps of prey that run and hide amid trees and plants and the slow, meticulous stalking of predators. The Azer Forrest is truly wild, one of the few ancient forrests on Dain. Civilization has only recently arrived in the shadows of the old trees.
Azerdwarves now live in the forrest, having uprooted trees older than their civilization to make timber and space for their settlements and villages. These villages are generally, with a few families living communally together and sharing the toil and fruits of their labor. Most dwarves know to respect nature and to give back as much as they take, and theylive in an uneasy peace with the things that walk the forrest at night and carve strange sigils into trees. But others are not so respectful and gentle, choosing to put their faith in steel and fire rather than compromise and gentle respect. These soon discover the Azer Forrest's disturbing secret: it is only a whisper's length away from the spirit realm of the Feywild.
Unnatural, or perhaps too natural, creatures have made the Azer Forrest their home. Spirits, both malicious and benign, stalk the woods with curious, or perhaps sadistic, eyes gazing upon the new arrivals of flesh and blood. The curious ones are sweet and happy, but are quick to anger and frighten if one is not careful. The malicious ones need no excuse to hurt, and age and experience have made them deviously brutal. These spirits, referred to by the dwarves as nisser, are often not seen but rather noticed, as many of them are fond of leaving "gifts" or warnings to dwarves to let them know that they have settled too close to hallowed ground. Most dwarves are stubborn, but many of the azerdwarves have learned through experience that it is better to pack up and move than to defy the nisser. Outside of these hallowed grounds and the very deepest portions of the Azer Forrest however, the nisser are generally harmless.


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